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作者(英文):Yu-Cheng Chang
論文名稱(英文):Thermodynamic model of Li-Sb system based on CALPHAD method.
指導教授(英文):Wojciech Gierlotka
口試委員(英文):Ing-Song Yu
Wei-Sheng Liao
關鍵詞:Li-Sb系統Ab initio計算CALPHAD熱力學性質
關鍵詞(英文):Li-Sb systemAb initio calculationsCALPHADthermodynamic properties
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  本實驗基於CALPHAD理論並以ab initio方法輔助運算,以ab initio 方法計算Li-Sb系統中金屬間化合物的形成焓並以結合可靠的熱力學性質數據,接著於Thermo-calc 軟體中計算Li-Sb系統的熱力學模型,並與文獻實驗數據比較達到擬合完成。此研究在CALPHAD理論的基礎下,Li-Sb系統的熱力學模型獲得新的描述。
  In recent years, as the demand for electrical energy has increased, the ability to charge and store electricity more lightly and efficiently has long been a bottleneck for modern large-scale power tools. Although the development of lithium batteries provides a solution to the problem, the basic lithium batteries have many shortcomings that limit their application. For example, a battery with carbon as the anode has a lower charge density, and a battery with silicon as the anode cannot maintain stability due to the volume and structural defects caused by volume expansion after repeated charge and discharge. One effective solution is to use binary intermetallic compounds. Lithium batteries using Sb as the anode have received a lot of attention in recent years. Among them, the combination of Sb-Sn has also been found to provide a sufficiently high charge density and capacity while maintaining stability in charge and discharge. Therefore, establishing an accurate and complete Li-Sb thermodynamic model plays an important role in the development of materials. In addition to shortening the time required for experiments, researching materials with a reliable calculation method can not only push the completed information to higher-dimensional calculations but also making the process of designing and developing materials more efficient.
  This work is based on the CALPHAD approach and assisted by the ab initio calculation. The ab initio is used to calculate the enthalpy of formation of intermetallic compounds in the Li-Sb system, and the reliable thermodynamic properties are used to assess the thermodynamic model.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Preface. 1
1.2 Lithium-ion battery 2
1.3 Propose of study 3
2. Literature review 5
2.1.1 Selection of Models for the Gibbs Energy Functions 6
2.1.2 Selection and Evaluation of Input Data 7
2.1.3 Optimization of model parameter 7
2.1.4 Calculations and Comparisons 7
2.1.5 Application 7
2.2 ab initio 9
2.3 Li-Sb 14
2.4 Phase diagram of Lithium-Antimony system 15
2.5 Activities of Lithium-Antimony system 21
2.6 Enthalpies of mixing of Lithium-Antimony system 22
3. Methodology 23
3.1 Ab initio calculation 23
3.2 CALPHAD thermodynamic modeling 25
3.2.1 Intermetallic phase 25
3.2.2 Liquid phase 26
4. Results and discussion 29
4.1 ab initio calculation 29
4.2 The CALPHAD calculation 34
5. Conclusion 41
5.1 Conclusion 41
6. Reference 43
Appendix A The input file 49
A.1 CIF file 49
A.1.1 Li 49
A.1.2 Sb 50
A.1.3 Li3Sb_C 51
A.1.4 Li3Sb_H 52
A.1.5 Li2Sb 53
A.2 Li-Sb binary system 54
A.2.1 TDB file 54
A.2.2 POP file 56

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