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作者(英文):Ya-Hui Huang
論文名稱(英文):Entrepreneur’s Mindset, Business Stakeholders and Start-up Process: Taking Tracmo Inc. as an Example
指導教授(英文):Chien-Nan Chen
口試委員(英文):Yu-Ming Kuo
Shu-Ling Chen
關鍵詞(英文):start-upfundraisingstakeholdersinvestorskey members
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There is no replicable model to follow for starting a successful business. Entrepreneurs must have strong ambition and perseverance and not fear failure to survive in a fast-changing market environment. The survival rate of start-ups in Taiwan is indeed not high. Less than 1% of start-ups remain in business after five years of operations. Only a small number of people succeed. However, a few entrepreneurs have had more than one experience of starting a successful business. The personality, personal background, and psychological factors of the entrepreneurs have a significant impact on the success of the company. This study focuses on Tracmo Inc., which has undergone several corporate restructurings, investor changes, and product market changes. In addition to the founders' perspectives, this study also tries to understand the critical success factors by understanding the stakeholders (investors, team members of start-ups) involved in the start-up, their interactions and management, and their entrepreneurial experiences.

This study adopts the in-depth interview method of data collection in qualitative research, by which the interviewer and interviewees gathered information through face-to-face conversations. The interviews provided insight into the interviewees' attitudes, thoughts, motivations, practices, and opinions. The interviewer gained important information from these interviews.

The results show that the entrepreneurs' mindset, personality, and key members of the start-up do influence investors’ confidence and willingness to invest. Entrepreneurs choose to start their businesses because the "bureaucracy" of large companies makes it impossible for them to develop their innovations. Start-ups in Taiwan face an unfriendly capital market, difficulty in fundraising, outdated regulations, conservative investors, and over-focus on short-term profitability, all of which lead to the failure of most start-ups. Successful entrepreneurs not only gain satisfaction and accomplishment from the process of starting a business, they care more about the significance of the contribution created by the business they founded. Team members are willing to engage because the job brings them a higher work meaning, a more free working environment, and more responsibility. What investors consider most are the entrepreneurs and the key members.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 新創事業資金來源及其利害關係人 3
第二節 新創事業法令環境 11
第三節 創業團隊 18
第四節 創業家個人探討 23
第三章 研究方法 31
第四章 研究結果 39
第五章 結論與建議 55
文獻探討 63 
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