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作者(英文):Hung-Ling Chen
論文名稱(英文):The Study on Users Brand Engagement Antecedents and Consequences in the Virtual Brand Community – A Case of Banking on Instagram Official Accounts
指導教授(英文):Hsi-Jui Wu
口試委員(英文):Cheng-I Chu
Pei-Chi Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Brand engagementFunctional motivationHedonicBrand equityBrand trustBrand identificationBrand citizenship behaviorSocial network centrality
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Since the emergence of online banking, banks have been paying attention to interaction with consumers via social media platforms, whose growing popularity is also beneficial to the promotion of brands and business. Therefore, choosing the banking industry as the subject of the study, this study focuses on brand engagement and investigates as well as integrates its antecedents and determinants. In addition, social network theory is also applied to understand whether the degree of social network centrality may affect the moderation between brand engagement and other variables.
A total of 382 valid questionnaires were collected between December 2020 and mid-February 2021. The relationship between the constructs of the study framework and later, the moderating effect, were validated via the overall model.
In summary, functional motivation and hedonic value may affect the banking industry’s promotion of business on social media, increase the degree of brand engagement, and thus improve brand equity, trust, identification, and brand citizenship behavior among customers toward banks. The loyalty, trust, and identification built by banks on social media from a long-term and stable relationship with customers will further result in brand citizenship behavior. As for social network centrality, it does affect the relationship between brand engagement, brand equity, and brand trust. Based on the analysis of the study, suggestions for banks or other brands to conduct marketing campaigns on Instagram in the future are provided.
第一章 緒論 1
  第一節 研究背景 1
  第二節 研究動機 4
  第三節 研究目的 5
  第四節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
  第一節 品牌契合 7
  第二節 功能性動機 12
  第三節 享樂性 16
  第四節 品牌真實性 20
  第五節 品牌權益 24
  第六節 品牌信任 27
  第七節 品牌認同感 30
  第八節 品牌公民行為 33
  第九節 社會網絡中心性 37
第三章 研究方法 41
  第一節 研究架構 41
  第二節 研究假設 42
  第三節 研究變數之操作型定義及衡量 48
  第四節 研究設計 62
  第五節 資料分析 64
  第六節 前測問卷分析 66
第四章 資料分析與發現 69
  第一節 敘述性統計分析 69
  第二節 共同方法變異 74
  第三節 信度分析 75
  第四節 效度分析 84
  第五節 整體模式衡量分析 99
  第六節 調節效果分析 105
  第七節 單因子變異數分析與事後檢定 112
第五章 結論與建議 117
  第一節 研究結論 117
  第二節 學術貢獻與管理意涵 121
  第三節 後續研究建議 124
  第四節 研究限制 125
參考文獻 127
  中文部分 127
  英文部分 130
附錄一:問卷 146
附錄二:單因子變異數與事後檢定總表 154
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