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論文名稱(英文):Does corporate political advocacy help immigrant-entrepreneurs sustain business? A study of business owned by Hongkongese in Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Christine Chou
口試委員(英文):Christine Chou
Kuo-Pin Yang
Shao-Kang Lo
關鍵詞(英文):immigrant entrepreneuridentity strategycorporate political advocacysocial media political behaviorHongkongeseTaiwan
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Many people from Hong Kong have immigrated or moved to Taiwan, especially in the last two years due to the political situation in Hong Kong. Many of them run their own business in Taiwan. Because of the similarity in cultural, economic, historical and political background of these two places, a special emotional connection is built between Taiwanese and Hongkongese. With this background, using their home country identity might help them sustain their business. This background should also be an advantage for these immigrant owners when they engage in corporate political advocacy in Taiwan. Two studies were launched including interviews with seven owners and survey on 191 respondents. The result showed that revealing home country identity did help in the business performance according to the owners. However, both owners and consumers confirmed that corporate political advocacy engagement did not benefit to the business even Taiwan shared high similarity with Hong Kong, and Taiwanese supported the political movement in Hong Kong. Though it was not beneficial, the study results also revealed that there was a positive relationship between social media political behavior and consumer response to corporate political advocacy engagement of the business. Theoretical and practical implications are provided.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research purpose and questions 7
2. Literature review 11
2.1 Consumers’ behavioral response 11
2.2 Immigrant entrepreneurship and identity strategy 13
2.3 Corporate Political Advocacy 15
2.4 Social media political behavior 19
3. Methodology 23
3.1 Pilot research 23
3.1.1 Research design 23
3.1.2 Participant selection 24
3.1.3 Data collection 24
3.1.4 Data analysis 25
3.2 Experiment 26
3.2.1 Research design 26
3.2.2 Data collection 27
3.2.3 Questionnaire design and measures 27
3.2.4 Data analysis 30
4. Empirical results and discussion 31
4.1 Pilot research 31
4.1.1 Result 31
4.1.2 Discussion 42
4.2 Experiment 47
4.2.1 Result 47
4.2.2 Discussion 55
5. Conclusion, limitation and future research 59
5.1 Conclusion 59
5.2 Limitation and future research 63
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