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作者:Eva Mjartanova
作者(英文):Eva Mjartanova
論文名稱:Antecedents of Group Travel Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
論文名稱(英文):Antecedents of Group Travel Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Khalil Shadab
口試委員(英文):Michael Chih-Hung Wang
Chin-jung Luan
關鍵詞(英文):tourist xenophobiaintention to travelneed for stress releaseheightened sensitivity to threatthreat to otherspandemicsocial anxietyperception of infectability
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This study examined whether need for stress release affects intention to travel, and whether intention to travel affects intention to travel in a group during the COVID-19 period. It also examined whether these relationships are affected by heightened sensitivity to threat, perception of infectability, social anxiety, and tourist xenophobia. Data were collected from 378 Slovakian consumers and analysed using AMOS structural equation modelling and SPSS PROCESS. The findings revealed that need for stress release affects travel intention, and that this relationship is moderated by heightened sensitivity to threat, threat to others and perception of infectability. Furthermore, intention to travel was found to positively affect intention to travel in a group. The hypothesised moderating effects of social anxiety and tourist xenophobia on the relationship between intention to travel and intention to travel in a group were not supported by the findings. The study’s findings provide important additions to travel research literature. They also provide important implications to managers in the travel industry.
Keywords: Intention to travel; need for stress release; heightened sensitivity to threat; threat to others; perception of infectability; social anxiety; tourist xenophobia, pandemic
Abstract i
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Research Gap 2
1.3 Research Purpose 2
2.1 Need for stress release 4
2.2 Intention to travel 5
2.3 Intention to travel in a group 5
2.4 Heightened sensitivity to threat 8
2.5 Threat to others 9
2.6 Perception of infectability 9
2.7 Social anxiety 10
2.8 Tourist xenophobia 10
2.9 Control Variables 11
3.1 Hypotheses development 12
3.1.1 The effect of need for stress release on intention to travel 12
3.1.2 The effect of intention to travel on intention to travel in a group 13
3.1.3 Heightened sensitivity to threat as moderator 13
3.1.4 Threat to others as moderator 14
3.1.5 Perception of infectability as moderator 15
3.1.6 Social anxiety as moderator 16
3.1.7 Tourist xenophobia as moderator 17
3.2 Research Framework 17
4.1 Research Measures 19
4.2 Data Collection 19
5.1 Data Analysis Procedure 22
5.2 Sample Description 22
5.2.1 Sample structure 22
5.2.2 Descriptive statistics 23
5.3 Common Method Variance 25
5.4 Validity and Reliability Analysis 25
5.4.1 Convergent validity 25
5.4.2 Reliability 26
5.4.3 Discriminant validity 27
5.5 Model Fit 28
5.5.1 Absolute fit measures 29
5.5.2 Incremental fit measures 29
5.5.3 Parsimonious fit measures 29
5.6 Examination of Research Hypotheses 30
5.6.1 Fit of the structural model 30
5.6.2 Direct effects 30
5.6.3 Moderation results 31
6.1 Discussion 38
6.2 Theoretical implications 40
6.3 Managerial implications 41
6.4 Limitations and areas for further research 42
Appendix: Survey Questionnaire 57

List of Tables
Table 4-1. Research constructs, measurement items and their sources 17
Table 5-1. Sample structure 20
Table 5-2. Construct Descriptives 21
Table 5-3. Common method variance: Harman’s One Factor Test 23
Table 5-4. Convergent validity and reliability 24
Table 5-5. Discriminant validity: Fornell and Larcker Criterion 25
Table 5-6. Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratios 26
Table 5-7. Fit statistics for the measurement model 27
Table 5-8. Fit statistics for the structural model 28
Table 5-9. Results of tests for direct effects 28
Table 5-10. The moderating effect of heightened sensitivity to threat 29
Table 5-11. The moderating effect of threat to others 30
Table 5-12. The moderating effect of perception of infectability 31
Table 5-13. The moderating effect of social anxiety 32
Table 5-14. The moderating effect of tourist xenophobia 33
Table 5-15. Summary of results 33

List of Figures
Figure 3-1. Research Framework 16
Figure 5-1. Moderation Plot: The Moderating Role of Heightened Sensitivity Threat 30
Figure 5-2. Moderation Plot: The Moderating Role of Threat to Others 31
Figure 5-3. Moderation Plot: The Moderating Role of Perceived Infectability 32
Figure 5-4. Path Estimates for the Hypothesised Relationships 35
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