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指導教授(英文):Jia-Li Hou
口試委員(英文):Ying-Ho Liu
Yao-Tang Lin
關鍵詞(英文):BOOCsProgrammingScaffolding Theory
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本研究使用博課師平台進行教學,並使用互動式的教材,老師和學生可從平台了解自己的閱讀狀況,且學生可以透過教材直接進行提問,並根據解決問題的四個步驟:(1) 理解問題 (2) 擬定解題策略 (3) 按步解題 (4) 回顧解答,依序使用「概念鷹架」、「程序鷹架」、「後設認知鷹架」三種鷹架來設計教材,首先,概念鷹架幫助學生了解問題的核心概念,而程序鷹架提供明確的解題步驟,協助學生解題,後設認知鷹架則讓學生根據提示再次實作,進而反思所做過的練習。
(1) 前測成績PR值在75以下的學生,經過鷹架教材的學習後,後測平均PR值為52.90,優於前測的平均PR值40.29,後測成績相較於前測有顯著提升。
(2) 前測成績PR值在75以下的學生,閱讀時間和後測成績的相關係數均高於0.7,顯示學生在鷹架教材閱讀的時間越長,相對在後測也會有較好的成績。
(3) 前測分數很高的6位高先備知識學生,有5位鷹架閱讀時間低於平均,且這5位學生的後測成績呈現退步情形,顯示高先備知識學生雖然語法較一般學生熟悉,但對於鷹架教材如果缺乏閱讀和練習,也會較難運用語法解決問題。
(4) 學生普遍對於本研究的鷹架式教學有很高的學習滿意度。
Because traditional programming teaching emphasizes syntax and seldom trains students to use programming to solve problems, students often do not know how to solve problems. The scaffolding theory proposed by Wood and other scholars in 1976 pointed out that "Scaffolding can provide necessary learning support for beginners when they learn to solve problems", therefore, the purpose of this research is to integrate scaffolding theory into teaching activities, to help students to use programs to solve problems, and to improve their learning effectiveness.
This research uses the BOOCs platform for teaching, which uses interactive textbook. Teachers and students can get reading status from the platform, and students can directly ask questions through the textbook. This research use three scaffolds of "conceptual scaffolding", "procedural scaffolding" and "metacognitive scaffolding" to design textbook. The conceptual scaffolding helps students understand the problem, the procedural scaffolding help students to solve the problem step by step, and the metacognitive scaffolding helps students to reflect on the exercises they have done.
Participants were 76 students from the Department of Information Management of a university. The methodology is based on the first quiz of the course as the pre-test, and the scaffolding experiment is conducted after the mid-term exam. The final exam is used as a post-test to explore whether students have better performance through scaffolding and the time spent in reading textbooks. The paired sample t-test was used to compare the PR values of the pre-test and the post-test. The results revealed that :
(1) Students with PR value below 75 in the pre-test, after learning the textbook, the average PR value of the post-test is 52.90, which is better than the average PR value of 40.29 in the pre-test, and the post-test score is significantly higher than the pre-test.
(2) Students with PR value below 75 in the pre-test, the correlation coefficients between reading time and post-test scores were both higher than 0.7, so that the longer the students read in the textbooks, the better they would be in the post-test. score.
(3) Students who spend less time with reading textbook, usually regress in study.
(4) Students have high satisfaction with the scaffolding teaching in this course.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 程式設計學習 3
第二節 數位學習 4
第三節 鷹架理論 5
第四節 無鷹架的教材和有鷹架的教材的比較 11
第五節 磨課師平台(MOOCs) 15
第六節 博課師平台(BOOCs) 16
第七節 鷹架理論、博課師平台和自主學習器的關係 18
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究設計 23
第二節 研究對象 24
第三節 教學實驗流程 24
第四節 研究工具 25
第四章 實驗結果 40
第一節 學習表現分析 40
第五章 結論 53
參考文獻 55
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