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作者(英文):Yi-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱(英文):Analyzing the sustainable performance of the road public transportation system in Taiwan with the pyramid DEA model
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
Chao-Chung Kang
口試委員(英文):Chih-Peng Chu
Chung-Cheng Lu
關鍵詞(英文):Performance evaluationSlacks-based measureNetwork data envelopment analysisUndesirable outputsSustainable transportationRoad public transportation
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本研究建構兩階段多指標SBM-NDEA模型,納入營運面、環境面、經濟面、安全面及公平面等永續評估指標,透過量化方式分析業者之生產效率(Productive Efficiency)及服務效能(Service Effectiveness)兩個階段營運績效,了解效率活動彼此間之連結性與變化,以及將營運過程中可能產生的外部效益或外部成本納入考量,且判斷是否有過多投入或過少產出之情形,最後提出兩階段多指標金字塔績效評估架構,整合各評分績效值進行分析比較,提出適當之營運效率改善決策,進而作為業者調整其投入與產出間配置之重要參考依據,使公共運輸系統朝永續方向繼續發展。其中在環境面納入空氣汙染量之非意欲產出變數;在安全面納入肇事程度之非意欲產出變數。
本研究將以公路公共運輸業者為實證研究對象與範圍,並從臺灣各監理所及多家業者取得資料,為七家公路公共運輸業者於2016年至2019年之營運資料,共有28個受評決策單位(Decision Making Unit, DMU),接著根據所蒐集到之資料,進行四年期公司別永續運輸績效評估分析。
In the face of the continuous upsurge of the green concept, road public transportation, which still relies heavily on fossil fuels, has always been a concern for sustainable transportation issues. There have been a number of transportation performance evaluation studies to analyze their greenhouse gas emissions. It is hoped that while transportation volume and efficiency are improved, it can also enhance the effectiveness of reducing environmental costs. In addition, conforming to the development goals of a modernized country, transportation concepts such as "Human-Oriented Transportation" and " Intelligent Transportation System" have gradually heated up. Nowadays, transportation has covered many aspects, and it is impossible to judge its performance from a single aspect such as environment, economy, and society. However, so far the research on transportation performance evaluation is still measured by operating efficiency. As for the studies that consider the perspective of sustainability, most of them discuss a single aspect. The multiple indicators framework that integrates environmental, economic, safe, and equitable indicators is used as a basis for analysis, and research on road public transportation issues is still very rare.
This study constructs a two-stage multiple indicators SBM-NDEA model, which incorporates sustainability assessment indicators such as the operation, environment, economy, safety, and equity. Analyze the business performance in the two phases of productive efficiency and service effectiveness, understand the connectivity and changes between efficiency activities, and incorporate the external benefits or external costs that may occur during the operation process. In addition, judge whether there is too much input or too little output. Finally, a two-stage multiple indicators pyramid performance evaluation framework is proposed, which integrates the performance values of each score for analysis and comparison, and proposes appropriate operational efficiency improvement decisions, as an important reference basis for the industry to adjust the allocation of its inputs and outputs.
This study will take seven road public transportation companies as the empirical research object, and use operating data from 2016 to 2019. There are 28 Decision Making Units (DMU) in total to conduct a four-year company-specific performance evaluation.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究方法與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1. 永續運輸之相關文獻探討 7
2.1.1 永續運輸之意涵 7
2.1.2 臺灣公路公共運輸之永續發展 11
2.1.3 永續運輸之評量指標 12
2.2. 運輸績效與績效評估之相關文獻探討 15
2.2.1 運輸績效之意涵 15
2.2.2 運輸績效之評估方法 17
2.3 DEA理論應用於永續運輸之相關文獻探討 30
2.4 文獻評析 42
第三章 研究方法 45
3.1 分析方法 45
3.1.1 資料包絡分析法之模式 45
3.1.2 DEA之使用程序 57
3.1.3 DEA之特性與應用限制 60
3.2 研究架構 61
3.2.1 營運面 65
3.2.2 環境面 66
3.2.3 安全面 67
3.2.4 公平面 68
3.2.5 經濟場站 68
3.2.6 永續指標 69
第四章 實證分析 71
4.1 資料蒐集與整理 71
4.1.1 受評對象資訊 71
4.1.2 投入產出變數選擇 72
4.1.3 變數解釋 76
4.2 公路公共運輸業者之實證分析 78
4.2.1 敘述性統計量 78
4.2.2 變數相關性分析 80
4.2.3 績效評估分析 81
4.2.4 差額變數分析 105
4.2.5 業者之永續營運績效分析 108
4.2.6 兩階段權重敏感度分析 119
第五章 結論與建議 167
5.1 研究結論 167
5.2 管理意涵 170
5.3 後續研究建議 172
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