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作者:Griffin Msefula
作者(英文):Griffin Msefula
論文名稱:Predicting Real GDP: A Macro-Framework of machine learning Algorithms
論文名稱(英文):Predicting Real GDP: A Macro-Framework of machine learning Algorithms
指導教授(英文):Torng-Her Lee
謝 文良
口試委員(英文):Timothy Wang
Wen-liang Hsieh
關鍵詞(英文):Predictionmachine learningReal GDPCross ValidationKernel Support Vector MachinesMIDAS_ARDL
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:11
  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Background: This paper proposes a method for reducing model errors in regressions when modelling macroeconomic variables by using machine learning algorithms and traditional time series regression models.
Methods: In this paper, machine learning models are subjected to repeated k-fold cross validation and hyperparameter tuning. The traditional time series model is subjected to weighted polynomial functional forms. The total sample of macroeconomic data has 440 monthly observations and 146 quarterly observations.
Results: The kernel support vector machine show superior results than any other machine learning model that the study adopted. Furthermore, the kernel support vector machine model outperforms the traditional time series model Mixed Data Sampling Auto Regressive Distribution Lag model which is run without repeated k-fold cross validation and hyperparameter tuning.
Recommendations: The results show that integrating repeated k-fold cross validation with hyperparameter tuning increases the overall performance of machine learning algorithms and each model records the average outcome from all folds and runs. The optimal model is chosen with the lowest root mean square error, lowest mean absolute error and the highest goodness of fit (R-Squared). These findings demonstrate how machine learning models outperform the traditional time series model.
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Problem statement 9
1.3 Objective of this study 10
1.4 Thesis Research Structure 11
3.1 Variables of Interest. 20
3.2 Data Split 21
3.3 Hyperparameter optimisation of machine learning algorithms 21
3.3.1 SVM Parameter Tuning 21
3.3.2 Parameter Tuning for boosting trees 22
3.3.3 eXtreme gradient boosting -Parameter Tuning 23
3.3.4 Random forest - Parameter Tuning 23
3.4 Framework for Benchmark Model. 24
3.4.1 Midasml 24
3.4.2 The MIDAS ARDL Model 25
3.5 Variable importance 25
4.1 Overall Predictive Performance 27
4.2 Our findings 28
4.3 Overall Economic Volatility Prediction 29
4.4 Model Assessment for Volatility Prediction 30
4.5 Variables Assessment 39
References 45
A.1 Data 49
A.2 Supplementary Results 51
A.3 MIDAS ARDL Results 52
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