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作者(英文):Chih-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(英文):The Power Structure and the Resource Dependence in Public Private Partnership: an Example of Hualien unit of Taiwan Railways Administration
指導教授(英文):Jin Lo
口試委員(英文):Hurng-Jyuhn Wang
Jia-Jhen Liu
Jin Lo
關鍵詞(英文):Resource DependenceSocial ExchangePartnershipPower Dependence
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Although contract employment has become trendy due to the effective reduction of labor cost for public sectors, it does create gaps within both manpower and technologyand public sectors therefore have to outsource private sectors to have their goals achieved. This study adopts the perspective of technical outsourcing partnership and probes into the current situation of technical affairs outsourcing and partnership within the public private partnership, and the coping strategies regarding the challenges faced by the change of partnership.In this study, case study and in-depth interviews have been combined and used to explore the characteristics of two factors, resource dependence and social exchange, controlled by multi-stakeholders of both the public and the outsourced private sectors to clarify how the abovementioned factors affect the power structure and the dependence within the public private partnership. In light of that, in addition to incorporating all the indicators identified in the previous literature, purposive sampling was used to choose the key persons within sectors involved, semi-structured interviews and participant observation were used to collect data, and open-coding analytic approach was used to analyze the contents.This study has found that: (1) The recourse that public sectors have in hand is tender funds whereas the resources that private sectors can offer are manpower, technology, regional locality, degree of cooperation, and timeliness.However, when the funds and/or profits are not as much as expected, private sectors will not be willing to bid or will wait for the tender to fail three times so that the funds will be reviewed and increased. This finding indicates that the advantage private sectors have in terms of power is greater than public sectors. (2) The fact that public sectors lack manpower and need local companies with high professional skills, high degree of cooperation, and short timeliness to help with the competition of the work and the realization of the goals due to government policies indicates that the advantage private sectors have in terms of recourses is greater than public sectors. In light of that, as far as the abovementioned advantage is concerned, private sectors become the core whereas public sectors become the periphery. (3) For private sectors, making profits always comes first and therefore it is highly unlikely to take low-profit construction projects simply because of the characteristics of social exchange. However, since public sectors find the resources of private sectors very important and depend on them, they can only bend their knee to meet the demands of private sectors, i.e. increase the funds. This finding indicates that in terms of the public private partnership, private sectors have more advantages then public sectors. (4) Private sectors find the government’s contract employment policy, examination-based recruitment system, and job transfer regulations not flawless so that the public sectors still have to rely on their resources in order to achieve the performance goals. This finding indicates that there is power inequality within the public private partnership due to fact that public sectors cannot get rid of their dependence upon private sectors. In other words, private sectors have greater advantages over public sectors.
第 一 章 緒論 1
壹、研究背景 1
貳、研究動機與目的 2
參、研究範圍與對象 4
肆、研究流程 6
第 二 章 文獻探討 8
壹、公私協力理論 8
貳、資源依賴理論 10
一、理論起源 10
二、資源依賴特性影響權力的要素 13
參、社會交換理論 15
一、交換行為主義 15
二、結構交換理論 16
三、交換網絡理論 16
四、社會交換特性影響依賴性的要素 17
肆、國內相關研究檢閱 19
第 三 章 研究設計 23
壹、研究架構 23
一、研究架構與說明 23
二、研究變項定義 23
貳、研究方法 26
一、個案研究法 26
二、資料蒐集方法 28
三、資料分析方法 32
第 四 章 資料分析 34
壹、個案分析 34
貳、影響公私合夥關係中各行動者之資源依賴特性分析 49
一、資源重要性 50
二、資源稀少性 56
三、資源不可替代性 61
參、資源依賴特性與權力結構之關聯性分析 66
肆、影響公私合夥關係中各行動者之社會交換特性分析 73
一、信任 74
二、關係 80
三、承諾 85
伍、社會交換特性與依賴性之關聯性分析 89
陸、權力與依賴性之關聯性分析 94
第 五 章 結論與建議 105
壹、研究發現和探討 105
一、個案協力關係與執行現況 105
二、委外協力關係中失衡的權力結構 105
三、認清協力關係中被綁架的可能是委託方 106
四、公私協力關係的困境與挑戰 107
貳、建議 107
一、政策建議 107
二、後續研究建議 110
參考文獻 111
附錄一 訪談內容分析表 117
附錄二 逐字稿編碼統計分析 207
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