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作者(英文):Fong-Yu Kong
論文名稱(英文):Spatial genetic structure and landscape connectivity of farmland green treefrog (Zhangixalus arvalis)
指導教授(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
Yi-Huey Chen
口試委員(英文):Yi-Ju Yang
Yi-Huey Chen
Yu-Cheng Hsu
關鍵詞:諸羅樹蛙空間尺度微衛星 DNA族群遺傳地景
關鍵詞(英文):Zhangixalus arvalisspatial scalesmicrosatellitepopulation geneticslandscape
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Landscape genetics explores the effects upon genetic structures caused by landscape elements (e.g., the area proportion of forests, rivers, buildings, and roads). Habitat fragmentation might cause smaller populations and limited gene flow among populations, followed by differentiation of population genetic structures, random genetic drift, and loss of genetic diversity. I examined the population genetic structure of Zhangixalus arvalis using four microsatellite loci and compared them with landscape patterns. Spatial autocorrelation and Bayesian cluster analysis were also conducted to measure gene flow and genetic barriers among populations. The results indicated that the genetic structure matches the isolation by distance (IBD) model at a broad scale. The influence of landscape features is noticeable at fine-scaled population structures, in which fragmented landscapes lead to the lower genetic diversity of each population and a higher level of genetic differentiation among populations. Bamboo forests, roads, and buildings are the landscape elements that significantly affect gene flow and genetic structures. I propose several conservation suggestions according to the results of population genetics. Besides, using genomic-based genetic markers (e.g., SNPs) is advised to increased precision in population genetic parameter estimates in further research.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
1.前言 1
2.材料與方法 5
2.1實驗物種、樣區設置與樣本採集 5
2.2 DNA萃取、微衛星基因座片段增幅與基因型判讀 6
2.3大空間尺度之遺傳多樣性與遺傳結構分析 7
2.4小空間尺度之遺傳多樣性與遺傳結構分析 8
3.結果 11
3.1野外樣本採集 11
3.2跨物種測試及PCR成功率 11
3.3諸羅樹蛙整體遺傳多樣性與遺傳結構 11
3.4小尺度下遺傳多樣性與遺傳結構及與地景之關聯性 13
4.討論 17
4.1 Zhangixalus屬微衛星基因座引子跨種應用於諸羅樹蛙之成效評估 17
4.2諸羅樹蛙遺傳多樣性與遺傳結構 18
4.2.1不同空間尺度之距離隔離理論詮釋 19
4.2.2以個體層級資訊衡量遺傳多樣性 20
4.2.3麻豆族群遺傳結構與遺傳多樣性 22
4.3諸羅樹蛙族群遺傳與地景之關聯性 23
4.3.1棲地破碎化與遺傳多樣性 23
4.3.2影響族群遺傳結構之地景元素 25
4.4諸羅樹蛙保育遺傳學 26
5.結論與建議 29
6.參考資料 31
7.圖表 41
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