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作者:Helga Agócs
作者(英文):Helga Agócs
論文名稱:Human-Wildlife Conflict and Mitigation in Agriculture, A case study at Lipahak Ecological Farm in Hualien County, Taiwan
論文名稱(英文):Human-Wildlife Conflict and Mitigation in Agriculture, A case study at Lipahak Ecological Farm in Hualien County, Taiwan
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Chung Lee
口試委員(英文):Yih-Ren Lin
Hai.Yin Wu
關鍵詞(英文):human-wildlife conflictcrop raidingmitigationeco-friendly agriculture
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Interactions between humans and wildlife have created conflicts since time immemorial. Both humans and animals are negatively affected in such conflicts: animals are often subject to lethal control and revenge killings, while the human side suffers significant damage to crops, livestock, and property, and human life. Ecologically friendly mitigation strategies aim to resolve conflict by nonlethal methods that focus on not causing harm to animals while still guaranteeing the interests of people. By setting three main research questions as focus of data gathering and analysis, this study aims to document the environmentally friendly mitigation methods and strategies that have been implemented at Lipahak Ecological Farm (LEF), since its establishment until present day, and to understand the specific advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The study also aims to investigate the factors that influence local farmers’ opinions on HWC and their willingness to consider ecologically friendly mitigation methods, and to identify the priorities of farmers when dealing with HWC. This research used literature review and qualitative research methods such as semi-structured interviews and participant observation to collect data. The process of data collection, data analysis, and thesis writing was done over the time period September 2020 – July 2021. Research findings show that HWC on LEF mainly happens in the form of crop raiding by several key species (ring-necked pheasant, common moorhen, Ryukyu mouse, lesser ricefield rat, greater bandicoot rat, wild boar). Crop raiding occurs frequently and can reach devastating extent if left unchecked. About a dozen different experimental methods and strategies have been implemented on LEF, most of which have proven to be effective to various degrees, but still showing significant drawbacks that make them less likely to be accepted by a greater public. Research findings indicate that if crop damage could be mitigated by less harmful methods and additional compensation would be available, farmers would be less likely to harm wildlife and more likely to consider and implement eco-friendly strategies. Efficiency, convenience, and the extent of related necessary investments (financial costs, labor intensity, time) are major factors farmers will consider when deciding which strategy to use. Farmers’ opinion on HWC and crop raiding species is influenced by factors such as severity of damage, frequency of crop raiding, population size of animals.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation and Purpose 3
Chapter 2: Literature review 5
2.1. Defining Human-Wildlife Conflict 5
2.2 Causes and Consequences 6
2.3 Conflict Types and Species 9
2.3.1 Terrestrial species 10
2.3.2 Marine species 11
2.4 Conflict Management 12
2.4.1 Human responses to conflict 12
2.4.2 Mitigation strategies 13
2.4.3 Question of adoption 17
2.5 Situation in Taiwan 23
2.5.1 Human-wildlife conflicts in Taiwanese agriculture 23
2.5.2 Satoyama Initiative concepts 25
2.6 Research Gap 27
Chapter 3: Methodology 29
3.1 Study Site 29
3.1.1 Location and community 29
3.1.2 Establishment goals 30
3.1.3 LEF farmlands 32
3.1.4 Local participants 33
3.2 Research Questions 34
3.3 Timescale 35
3.4 Research Data 36
3.4.1 Data Collection 36
3.4.2 Data Processing and Analysis 39
3.5 Limitations of Research 40
Chapter 4: Research Findings 43
4.1 Chronological overview 43
4.2 Biodiversity 44
4.3 Human-wildlife conflict on Lipahak Ecological Farm 47
4.4 Mitigation methods 48
4.4.1 Description and use history 49
4.4.2 Comparison and evaluation 57
4.5 Farmers’ perspective 62
Chapter 5: Discussion 66
5.1. Conflict and mitigation on LEF 66
5.2 Opinions and adaptation by farmers 70
Chapter 6: Conclusion 73
6.1 Conclusion 73
6.2 Suggestions for future research 75
References 77
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