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作者:Blessings Isaac Kanyangale
作者(英文):Blessings Isaac Kanyangale
論文名稱:探討當地居民對外來入侵植物管理適應行爲之偏好 – 以馬拉威尼卡國家公園為例
論文名稱(英文):Examining Local's Adaptation Behaviour into Management of Invasive Alien Plant Species Sorrounding Nyika National Park, Malawi.
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Hai-Yin Wu
Hsia Yue Joe
關鍵詞(英文):Invasive alien plant speciesAdaptive capacityCommunity capitalSocially resilience communityWelfare effect
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外來入侵物種 (Invasive Species) 是世界各地環境管理的一個重大問題,因為它們威脅著生態系統、棲息地和物種生物多樣性,並在很大程度上造成永久性後果。 外來入侵物種影響著生態系統服務、糧食安全、人民健康和經濟成長,所以改進管理是減少影響的其中方案。許多關於預防和管理的研究已經完成了,然而在馬拉威進行的研究,過去文獻都主要集中在效果上然而忽略了從當地觀點出發的管理方案。在馬拉威的尼卡國家公園 (Nyika National Park) ,此研究調查了當地居民對外來入侵植物 (Invasive Alien Plant Species)(如:松樹、蕨菜蕨、藍桉樹和黑荊樹)管理的適應行為。該研究使用重要性表現分析法 (Importance Performance Analysis) 和選擇實驗法 (Choice Experiment) 以及社區韌性 (Community Resilience) 的定向屬性。根據調查結果,當地居民比較傾向1.關於外來入侵植物對生計影響的社區教育和意識 2.將外來入侵植物議題納入學校教程 3.制定外來入侵植物的當地管理策略 4.涉足農業以外的其他帶入經濟的活動 5.與當地政府合作實施外來入侵植物的計畫和6.將外來入侵植物納入推廣服務等。 50.5歲以上、能寫讀的、比較關心來入侵植物物種影響的當地居民、自然資源村莊管理委員會 (Village Natural Resources Management Committee) 的會員或農民協會 (Farmers Club) 的成員和 Ntchenachena 的居民願意改變現狀。這些特徵都是本研究的統計分析背後可觀察到的偏好行為。這些結果可用於製定量身定制的政策、管理和適應措施,從而建立一個更具韌性的社區,在未來減少外來入侵種植物的影響。
Invasive species (IS) are a huge concern to environmental management across the world because they threaten ecosystems, habitats, and species biodiversity, with largely permanent consequences. The IS affects ecosystem services, food security, human health, and economic growth, improving management practices is one possible alternative for impact reduction. Numerous research on prevention and management have been completed, however, those conducted in Malawi have primarily focused on effects, leaving management approaches from a local viewpoint out. In community surrounding Nyika National Park (NNP), Malawi, this study investigated the locals' adaption behaviour to the management of Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS) (Pine - Pinus patula, Bracken fern - Pteridium acquillinium, Bluegum- Eucalyptus saligna, and Black wattle - Acacia mearnsii). The study developed the local's behavior from the community capital framework using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Choice Experiment (CE) techniques, as well as the community resilience (CR) oriented attributes. Locals prefer 1) community education and awareness on the impact of IAPS on livelihood, 2) incorporating IAPS issues in school, 3) formulation of local strategies for IAPS management, 4) venturing into other economic activities other than farming, 5) cooperating with local government to implement IAPS projects, and 6) incorporating IAPS in extension services, according to the findings. The locals 50.5 years and above, literate, more concerned with IAPS impact, members of Village Natural Resources Management Committee (VNRMC) or Farmers Club (FC), and Ntchenachena residents were willing to change the current situation, and these were the observable behaviors from the statistical analysis in this study behind the preference of the attributes above. These findings could be utilized to develop tailored made policy, management, and adaption measures for IAPS effect reduction in the future, resulting in a more resilient community.
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract vii
摘要 ix
List of Tables xv
List of Figures xvii
List of Abbreviations xix
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Justification of the study 4
1.4 Ethical consideration 5
2.1 Social-Economic and Ecological impacts of IAPS in Malawi 7
2.1.1 Threats of IAPS on Agricultures in Malawi 7
2.1.2 Threats of IAPS on Water resources in Malawi 7
2.1.3 Threats of IAPS on tourism in Malawi 8
2.2 The policy situation on IS in Malawi 8
2.3 The theory of adaptive capacity 9
2.3.1 Social resilience: The role of adaptation in IAPS management 11
2.4 Community capital and its implications on IAPS management and adaptation 13
2.4.1 Natural Capital 14
2.4.2 Human Capital 14
2.4.3 Social capital 14
2.4.4 Political Capital 15
2.4.5 Physical / Built Capital 15
2.4.6 Cultural Capital 15
2.4.7 Economic Capital 16
2.5 Management and adaptations of IAPS 16
3.1 Study Area 19
3.2 Conceptual framework 20
3.2.1 Research design 21
3.2.2 Preference Models 26
3.3.4 Hypothetical Scenarios for future IAPS for adaptation and management 29
3.3.5 Sample size and sampling technique 29
3.3 Importance Performance Analysis 31
3.4 Choice Experiment in the field of invasion science and IAPS management and adaptation 34
Chapter 4: RESULTS 37
4.1 Social demographic characteristics of the respondents 37
4.2 Importance Performance Analysis results 43
4.2.1 Matrix of I-P level of IAPS adaptation and management by residents 43
4.2.2 Matrix of I-P level of IAPS adaptation and management behaviour by non-farmers and farmers 44
4.2.3 IAPS adaptation and management behaviours of non-farmers and farmers 46
4.2.4 Matrix of I-P level of IAPS adaptation and management behaviour by Mhuju and Ntchenachena residents 47
4.2.5 IAPS adaptation and management behaviour of Mhuju and Ntchenachena residents 49
4.2.6 Locals’ acting behaviour models towards change in IAPS adaptation and management for IAPS 49
4.3 Choice Experiment Results 52
4.3.1 Estimating the local’s preference for IAPS adaptation and management 52
4.3.2 Welfare Analysis 55
4.3.4 Effects of Preference Heterogeneity 58
4.3.5 Welfare estimation for the scenarios of IAPS adaptation and management 63
5.1 Environmental awareness and IAPS management behaviours 65
5.2 Locals’ evaluation of IAPS and strategic IAPS management and adaptation decisions from IPA approach 65
5.3 Locals’ evaluation framework for IAPS management and adaptation from CE approach 68
6.1 Conclusion 73
6.2 Proposed policy and management implications and evaluation framework for adaptive strategies for IAPS management and recommendations 73
APPENDIX I - Letter of authorization to conduct research in Rumphi 83
APPENDIX II - Key stakeholders’ interview Questionnaire 84
APPENDIX II - Pretest Questionnaire 87
APPENDIX III - Formal Questionnaire Version 5 91
APPENDIX IV - Removal of unreasonable alternatives 97
APPENDIX V - Versions of the questionnaire with allocation of choice sets 98
APPENDIX VI - Pictures of enumerators doing the formal survey 99
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