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作者(英文):Shang-Heng Lin
論文名稱:應用無機營養鹽施肥法培育三種海水魚苗(無齒鰺Gnathanodon speciosus、布氏鯧鰺Trachinotus blochii及淡斑荷包魚Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)之模廠生產研究
論文名稱(英文):Pilot-scale production on application of inorganic fertilization method for larviculture of the golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus), the snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii) and the bluespotted angelfish (Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)
指導教授(英文):Ming-Yih Leu
Jimmy Kuo
口試委員(英文):Ming-Yih Leu
Jimmy Kuo
Shuenn-Der Yang
關鍵詞(英文):Inorganic fertilization methodNutrientMarine pelagic fish larvaeLarviculturePhytoplanktonZooplankton
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大多數的海水浮游仔魚在首次攝食階段口徑較小,且缺乏合適的餌料生物,為魚苗培育初期活存率低的主要原因。因此,為了控制養殖條件,大多魚苗培育實驗是在較精準的實驗室規模進行。為了擴大魚苗培育規模,本研究進行二次模廠規模魚苗培育實驗,第一次實驗(Exp. 1)培育無齒鰺(golden trevally, Gnathanodon speciosus)和布氏鯧鰺(snubnose pompano, Trachinotus blochii),第二次實驗(Exp. 2)培育無齒鰺和淡斑荷包魚(bluespotted angelfish, Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)。此外,我們測量首次攝食階段的仔魚口徑大小,並進行不可逆致死點(point of no return, PNR)實驗。魚苗培育實驗使用無機營養鹽施肥法,並在7公噸圓形玻璃纖維水槽(FRP)進行,分為對照組(control group,n = 3)和施肥組(fertilized group,n = 3)。施肥組分別維持氮、磷、鐵(II)及二氧化矽濃度在700、100、100及1500 μg L-1,並在活體葉綠素a濃度達到10 μg L-1時接種橈足類成體(> 150 μm,0.1 ind. mL-1),再於8天後放受精卵。而對照組不施肥,僅於施肥組的活體葉綠素a濃度達到10 μg L-1時添加藻水(主要為矽藻),且放受精卵時間與施肥組相同。對照組和施肥組分別於2~18和6~18 DPH (孵化後天數)額外投餵橈足類無節幼生、橈足類成體及輪蟲(0.1 ind. mL-1,0.1 ind. mL-1及1 ~ 5 ind. mL-1)。此外,於實驗期間測量水質、營養鹽濃度、光照度,及活體葉綠素a濃度(Total,25 ~ 75 μm,0.45 ~ 25 μm),並在8 DPH前,每日記錄浮游植物(25 ~ 75 μm,0.45 ~ 25 μm)和浮游動物(> 75 μm,25 ~ 75 μm)的物種比例和密度。結果顯示,無齒鰺、布氏鯧鰺及淡斑荷包魚的口徑大小分別為207 ± 53 μm (3 DPH)、278 ± 34 μm (3 DPH)及225 ± 68 μm (2 DPH)。在第一次實驗,無齒鰺和布氏鯧鰺的不可逆致死點皆為72 HPH (孵化後小時)。施肥組的pH、營養鹽濃度(除了NH3-N)及活體葉綠素a濃度(除了25 ~ 75 μm)皆顯著高於對照組(P < 0.05)。此外,施肥組的浮游植物(二個大小區間)以矽藻為主,像是骨條藻屬(Skeletonema spp.)、直鏈藻屬(Melosira spp.)及海線藻屬(Thalassionema spp.)等,其比例皆顯著高於對照組,且二個大小區間的原生動物、橈足類無節幼生,及哲水蚤成體密度皆顯著高於對照組。於45 DPH,施肥組的無齒鰺和布氏鯧鰺魚苗活存率(2.98 ± 1.04%)顯著高於對照組(0.75 ± 0.17%),而魚苗形質則沒有顯著差異(P > 0.05)。在第二次實驗,淡斑荷包魚的不可逆致死點為48 HPH。施肥組的溶氧量、pH、營養鹽濃度及活體葉綠素a濃度皆顯著高於對照組。此外,施肥組的浮游植物(二個大小區間)以矽藻為主,像是骨條藻屬、根管藻屬(Rhizosolenia spp.)、菱形藻屬(Nitzschia spp.)及筒柱藻屬(Cylindrotheca spp.)等,其比例皆顯著高於對照組,且二個大小區間的原生動物、橈足類無節幼生,及哲水蚤成體密度皆顯著高於對照組。於45 DPH,施肥組的無齒鰺和淡斑荷包魚魚苗活存率(無齒鰺:8.12 ± 1.74%,淡斑荷包魚:4.00 ± 1.64%)皆顯著高於對照組(無齒鰺:1.38 ± 0.40%,淡斑荷包魚:0.03 ± 0.05%),而魚苗形質則沒有顯著差異。本研究結果指出,無機營養鹽施肥法可產生多種高密度,且適合於無齒鰺、布氏鯧鰺及淡斑荷包魚的浮游植物和浮游動物,並提高此三種魚類模廠規模培育的活存率。
Most marine pelagic fish larvae have low survival rates at early larviculture due to the small gape height and lack of suitable live prey during the first feeding stage. Therefore, most of the larvae rearing experiment was conducted in accurate laboratory-scale, to ensure well control of each larviculture factor. In order to expand larviculture scale, we conducted two times pilot-scale larviculture experiments, Exp. 1 (experiment 1) raised the golden trevally Gnathanodon speciosus and the snubnose pompano Trachinotus blochii, Exp. 2 (experiment 2) raised G. speciosus and the bluespotted angelfish Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus larvae. Furthermore, we measured the first feeding stage larvae gape height, and did the point-of-no-return (PNR) experiment. The inorganic fertilization method was applied for the larviculture experiments in the 7 t round shape FRP tank, and the each time experiment was divided into the control group (n = 3) and the fertilized group (n = 3). The fertilized group maintain nitrogen, phosphorus, Iron (II) and silica concentration level respectively at 700, 100, 100 and 1500 μg L-1, then added copepod adults (> 150 μm, 0.1 ind. mL-1) when total in vivo Chl a concentration reached 10 μg L-1; then added fertilized eggs on 8 days after the fertilized group adding copepod adults. While the control group didn’t fertilize, only added green water (mainly diatom) when the fertilized group total in vivo Chl a concentration reached 10 μg L-1, and the day of adding fertilized eggs was same as the fertilized group. The control and fertilized group were provided with copepod nauplii, copepod adults and rotifers (0.1 ind. mL-1, 0.1 ind. mL-1 and 1 ~ 5 ind. mL-1), respectively, in 2 ~ 18 and 6 ~ 18 DPH (Days post-hatching). In addition, we measured water qualities, nutrients concentration, illuminance, and in vivo Chl a concentrations (total, 25 ~ 75 μm, 0.45 ~ 25 μm) during the two times experiments period. Meanwhile, we identified and counted species ratio and density of phytoplankton (25 ~ 75 μm, 0.45 ~ 25 μm), and zooplankton (> 75 μm, 25 ~ 75 μm) until 8 DPH. The results showed that the gape height of G. speciosus, T. blochii and C. caeruleopunctatus was 207 ± 53 μm (3 DPH), 278 ± 34 μm (3 DPH) and 225 ± 68 μm (2 DPH), respectively. In Exp. 1, we found that G. speciosus and T. blochii PNR were both 72 HPH (hours post-hatch); the fertilized group pH value, nutrients concentration (except NH3-N) and in vivo Chl a concentrations (except 25 ~ 75 μm) were significantly higher than the control group (P < 0.05). Moreover, the fertilized group phytoplankton (both size range) was dominated by diatoms, such as the ratio of Skeletonema spp., Melosira spp., Thalassionema spp., etc., were significantly higher than the control group. Also, the fertilized group zooplankton (both size range), such as density of protozoa, copepod nauplii and calanoida adults, were significantly higher than the control group. The average G. speciosus and T. blochii juvenile fish survival rates at 45 DPH in the fertilized group (2.98 ± 1.04%) was significantly higher than the control group (0.75 ± 0.17%), however, the fish characters didn’t show significant difference (P > 0.05). In Exp. 2, C. caeruleopunctatus PNR was 48 HPH (hours post-hatch); the fertilized group dissolved oxygen, pH value, nutrients concentration and in vivo Chl a concentrations were significantly higher than the control group. Moreover, the fertilized group phytoplankton (both size range) was dominated by diatoms, such as the ratio of Skeletonema spp., Rhizosolenia spp., Nitzschia spp., Cylindrotheca spp., etc., were significantly higher than the control group. Meanwhile, the fertilized group zooplankton (both size range), such as density of protozoa, copepod nauplii and calanoida adults, were significantly higher than the control group. The average juvenile fish survival rates at 45 DPH in the fertilized group (G. speciosus: 8.12 ± 1.74%, C. caeruleopunctatus: 4.00 ± 1.64%) was significantly higher than the control group (G. speciosus: 1.38 ± 0.40%, C. caeruleopunctatus: 0.03 ± 0.05%), however, the fish characters didn’t show significant difference. The result demonstrated that the inorganic fertilization method can produce various high-density phytoplankton and zooplankton which were desirable for G. speciosus, T. blochii and C. caeruleopunctatus, and improve these three fish species survival rates in the pilot-scale larviculture.
謝辭 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
表目錄 ⅩⅢ
圖目錄 ⅩⅤ
第一章 前言 1
1.1 緒言 1
1.2 魚苗培育瓶頸 1
1.3 魚苗培育技術發展 2
1.3.1 綠水養殖 2
1.3.2 餌料生物 3
1.4 無機營養鹽施肥法 4
1.4.1 氮和磷 5
1.4.2 鐵 6
1.4.3 矽 7
1.5 不可逆致死點 7
1.6 模廠規模 8
1.7 實驗魚種 9
1.7.1 無齒鰺(Gnathanodon speciosus) 9
1.7.2 布氏鯧鰺(Trachinotus blochii) 10
1.7.3 淡斑荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus) 10
1.8 研究目的 11
第二章 材料與方法 13
2.1 實驗設計 13
2.1.1 實驗環境 13
2.1.2 無機營養鹽施肥 14
2.1.3 藻水與餌料生物接種 14
2.2 藻水與餌料生物培育 14
2.2.1 藻水培育 14
2.2.2 橈足類培育 15
2.2.3 輪蟲培育 15
2.2.4 豐年蝦培育與滋養 15
2.3 實驗魚卵 15
2.3.1 魚卵收集 15 無齒鰺 15 布氏鯧鰺 16 淡斑荷包魚 16
2.3.2 放卵時間 16
2.3.3 孵化率計算 17
2.4 仔稚魚培育 17
2.4.1 投餵管理 17
2.4.2 水質管理 17
2.5 仔稚魚攝食形質調查 18
2.5.1 口徑測量 18
2.5.2 仔魚不可逆致死點(PNR) 18 無齒鰺 18 布氏鯧鰺 18 淡斑荷包魚 19
2.5.3 活存率 19
2.5.4 稚魚形質測定 19
2.6 浮游植物調查 19
2.6.1 浮游植物鏡檢 19
2.6.2 in vivo Chl a濃度測量 19
2.7 浮游動物鏡檢 20
2.8 營養鹽測量 20
2.8.1 硝酸鹽氮 20
2.8.2 亞硝酸鹽氮 20
2.8.3 氨態氮 21
2.8.4 磷酸鹽-磷 21
2.8.5 亞鐵離子 21
2.8.6 二氧化矽 21
2.9 水質測量 22
2.9.1 水溫 22
2.9.2 鹽度 22
2.9.3 溶氧量 22
2.9.4 pH 22
2.10 光照度測量 23
2.11 統計分析 23
第三章 結果 25
3.1 受精卵數量與孵化率 25
3.1.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 25
3.1.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 25
3.2 仔魚口徑 25
3.3 仔魚不可逆致死點(PNR) 26
3.4 水質資料 27
3.4.1 水溫 27 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 27 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 28
3.4.2 鹽度 28 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 28 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 28
3.4.3 溶氧量 28 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 28 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 29
3.4.4 pH 29 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 29 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 29
3.5 營養鹽資料 29
3.5.1 硝酸鹽氮 29 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 29 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 29
3.5.2 亞硝酸鹽氮 30 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 30 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 30
3.5.3 氨態氮 30 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 30 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 30
3.5.4 磷酸鹽-磷 30 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 30 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 31
3.5.5 亞鐵離子 31 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 31 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 31
3.5.6 二氧化矽 31 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 31 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 32
3.6 光照度 32
3.6.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 32
3.6.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 32
3.7 浮游植物 32
3.7.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 32 大小範圍 25 ~ 75 µm 32 大小範圍 0.45 ~ 25 µm 33
3.7.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 34 大小範圍 25 ~ 75 µm 34 大小範圍 0.45 ~ 25 µm 35
3.8 浮游動物 36
3.8.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 36 大小範圍 > 75 µm 36 大小範圍 25 ~ 75 µm 37
3.8.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 38 大小範圍 > 75 µm 38 大小範圍 25 ~ 75 µm 39
3.9 仔稚魚活存率 40
3.9.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 40
3.9.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 40
3.10 魚苗形質 41
3.10.1 第一次實驗 (Exp. 1) 41
3.10.2 第二次實驗 (Exp. 2) 41
第四章 討論 43
4.1 仔魚初期口徑 43
4.2 PNR 43
4.3 無機營養鹽施肥法 44
4.4 養殖環境參數 45
4.4.1 溶氧量 45
4.4.2 pH 46
4.4.3 營養鹽 47
4.5 浮游植物 51
4.6 浮游動物 53
4.7 魚苗培育 57
4.7.1 仔稚魚活存率 57
4.7.2 魚苗形質 58
第五章 結論 61
參考文獻 63
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1. 墾丁沿岸海域營養鹽和浮游植物群聚之時空變異
2. 南灣湧升現象對不同大小之浮游植物及營養鹽之影響
3. 利用無機營養鹽模擬春季水華現象對珊瑚礁魚類仔魚初期活存之影響
4. 無機氮、磷施肥法對養殖疊波蓋刺魚、擬刺尾鯛及鷹金䱵仔魚初期活存影響之研究
5. 銀鱗鯧的胚胎、仔稚魚發育及對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究
6. 銀鱗鯧稚魚對亞硝酸鹽急毒性耐受性之研究
7. 藍帶荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis)的仔稚魚發育、微細構造及首次攝餌之研究
8. 養殖密度、換水率及添加光合菌(Rhodobium sp.)和藻水對於羅氏沼蝦(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的成長、活存及水質因子之影響
9. 裂唇魚(Labroides dimidiatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
10. 擬刺尾鯛(Paracanthurus hepatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
11. 延遲首次攝食對尖翅燕魚[Platax teira (Forsskål, 1775)]的仔魚成長及活存之影響
12. 虎斑烏賊 (Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831) 的初期生活史及其亞幼生對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究
13. 人工環境中疊波蓋刺魚(Pomacanthus semicirculatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
14. 淡水馴養的銀鱗鯧稚魚暴露於亞硝酸中之急毒性及亞致死濃度對其形質、離子調節、逆境與能量代謝反應之影響
15. 帶紋斑節海龍 (Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus )的人工繁殖及初期生活史之研究
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