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作者(英文):Jyun-Bo Wang
論文名稱:人工環境中淡斑荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus) (Yasuda & Tominaga, 1976)及福氏刺尻魚(Centropyge vrolikii) (Bleeker, 1853)的自然產卵及初期生活史之比較研究
論文名稱(英文):Comparative studies on the natural spawning and early life history of the bluespotted angelfish, Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus (Yasuda & Tominaga, 1976) and pearlscale angelfish, Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853) in captivity
指導教授(英文):Ming-Yih Leu
Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Shun-De Yang
Ming-Yih Leu
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):PomacanthidaeChaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatusCentropyge vrolikiinatural spawninglarval and juvenile developmentosteological ontogenycaptive breeding
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淡斑荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)和福氏刺尻魚(Centropyge vrolikii)為海水觀賞魚中常見的物種之一,分布在熱帶及亞熱帶的珊瑚礁海域中,然而因為目前對於其初期生活史的研究所知有限,導致這些魚類在海水觀賞魚市場仍以野生捕撈為主。本研究利用人工繁殖的方式分別探討淡斑荷包魚及福氏刺尻魚的自然產卵及初期發育,利用光學顯微鏡、解剖顯微鏡及掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察胚胎及仔稚魚之形態發育,並探討其初期骨骼發育。另外,分別實驗不同溫度及鹽度對魚卵的孵化率及畸形率之影響,並探討仔魚的生存活力指數(survival activity index, SAI)。淡斑荷包魚與福氏刺尻魚的卵皆為浮性卵。淡斑荷包魚平均卵徑為0.85 ± 0.02 mm,油球徑為0.180 - 0.205 mm,在水溫27.0 ± 0.1 ℃,鹽度33.5 ± 0.1 psu,受精到孵化共耗時16小時45分鐘。剛孵化仔魚,體全長(total length, LT)為2.51 ± 0.05 mm,體表具有許多黑色素胞。孵化後第二天(2 days post hatch, 2 dph)的仔魚為2.95 ± 0.06 mm LT,具備攝食能力。8 dph時,仔魚為4.48 ± 0.19 mm LT,開始進入脊索上屈期。30 dph時,稚魚為15.18 ± 0.81 mm LT,鰭條達成魚定數。37 dph時,稚魚為15.93 ± 0.63 mm LT,眼後有明顯可見的黃色色帶從額頭延伸到胸口處,背鰭、臀鰭及尾鰭出現黃色,所有魚苗開始沉降進入底棲期,220 dph時,稚魚為41.10 ± 3.66 mm LT,體側黃色色帶逐漸消失。在骨骼發育上,9 dph時,吻部骨骼、前鰓蓋骨及主匙骨開始骨化;12 dph時,脊椎骨、背鰭鰭條、臀鰭鰭條骨化;15 dph時,腹鰭鰭條骨化;21 dph時,尾鰭和胸鰭骨化。在掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察下,受精卵表面光滑且無紋路,卵門孔徑為7.2 µm,壁孔平均分散在卵膜表面,孔徑為0.21 µm,密度約48 個/100 µm^(2 );在6 dph時,牙齒發育;7 dph時,鰓蓋棘刺出現;9 dph時,腹鰭和背鰭、臀鰭鰭條發育。在溫度與鹽度實驗中發現,最適合孵化溫度為24 ℃,最適合孵化鹽度為33 psu。在SAI的實驗中發現,溫度27 ℃有最高的SAI值,並顯著高於其他處理組(P < 0.05 ),鹽度33 psu有最高的SAI值,且顯著高於27、39 psu處理組 (P < 0.05 )。
福氏刺尻魚平均卵徑為0.69 ± 0.02 mm,油球徑為0.149 - 0.172 mm,在水溫27.0 ± 0.1 ℃,鹽度33.5 ± 0.1 psu,受精到孵化共耗時13小時30分鐘。剛孵化的仔魚為1.95 ± 0.03 mm LT,鰭膜上下有規則分布的黑色素胞,油球為黃綠色。2 dph時,仔魚為2.41 ± 0.04 mm LT,具備攝食能力。10 dph時,仔魚為4.04 ± 0.12 mm LT,開始進入脊索上屈期。30 dph時,稚魚為13.43 ± 2.59 mm LT,鰭條達成魚定數,且身體背部為綠色。130 dph時,稚魚為22.30 ± 2.51 mm LT,背鰭、臀鰭及尾鰭開始變黑。200 dph時,稚魚為29.75 ± 4.51 mm LT,體色前半部呈白珍珠色。在骨骼發育上,14 dph時,脊椎骨骨化;21 dph時,頭部骨骼和各部位鰭條骨化。在掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察下,受精卵表面光滑且無紋路,卵門孔徑為6.6 µm,壁孔平均分散在卵膜表面,孔徑為0.16 µm,密度約42 個/100 µm^(2 );在7 dph時,牙齒發育,10 dph時,鰓蓋棘刺發育,腹鰭發育。在溫度與鹽度實驗中發現,最適合孵化溫度為27.0 ℃,最適合孵化鹽度為33.0 psu。在SAI的實驗中發現,溫度27 ℃有最高的SAI值,並顯著高於21、33 ℃ (P < 0.05 ),鹽度33 psu有最高的SAI值,並顯著高於27、36及39 psu處理組(P < 0.05 )。綜合比較發現,刺尻魚屬物種相對於荷包魚屬物種有更小的卵徑、體長及口徑,而在骨骼發育上,淡斑荷包魚的硬骨發生似乎較福氏刺尻魚更早。
The bluespotted angelfish (Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus) and the pearlscale angelfish (Centropyge vrolikii) are one of the popular species of marine ornamental fishes. These species distributed in tropical and subtropical coral reefs. However, because the knowledge on their early life history are particularly limited, they are still mainly wild-caught in the marine ornamental fish market. In this study, we investigated and analyzed the natural spawning and early development of C. caeruleopunctatus and C. vrolikii by captive breeding. Embryonic, larval and juvenile development of these species were described and illustrated by using light microscope, dissecting microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the early osteological development of these species were studied. In addition, the effects of different temperatures and salinities on hatching rate and deformity rate of eggs were tested separately, and we also discussed the survival activity index (SAI) of larvae. Fertilized eggs of C. caeruleopunctatus and C. vrolikii were spherical and pelagic. Mean diameter of C. caeruleopunctatus eggs was 0.85 ± 0.02 mm, oil globule was 0.180 - 0.205 mm, embryonic development took 16 hours and 45 minutes from fertilization to hatch at 27.0 ± 0.1 ℃ and 33.5 ± 0.1 psu. The newly hatched larvae were 2.51 ± 0.05 mm in total length (LT), with many melanophores on the body surface. Larvae of two days post hatch (dph) were 2.95 ± 0.06 mm LT, had the ability to catch and feed on. At 8 dph, larvae were 4.48 ± 0.19 mm LT, began the flexion stage. At 30 dph, juveniles were 15.18 ± 0.81 mm LT, had the adult complement of rays and spines. At 37 dph, juveniles were 15.93 ± 0.63 mm LT, a vertical yellow band was visible behind the eye extending from the forehead to the chest, dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin appeared yellow colour. The juvenile habitat shifted from the middle layers to the tank bottom. At 220 dph, were 41.10 ± 3.66 mm LT, the yellow band began to disappear. For the skeletal ontogeny of C. caeruleopunctatus, jaw, preopercle and cleithrum showed ossification at 9 dph; vertebral centra, dorsal fin and anal fin showed ossification at 12 dph; pelvic fin showed offisication at 15 dph; caudal fin and pectoral fin ossification completed at 21 dph. Under SEM, the egg surface was smooth, micropyle was about 7.2 µm in diameter. Pores were evenly dispersed on the surface of the egg with a density about 48/100 µm^(2 ), and the size was 0.21 µm in diameter. At 6 dph, the teeth were observed. At 7 dph, operculum spines were observed. At 9 dph, pelvic fins, dorsal fin and anal fin were observed. In the temperature and salinity experiment, 24 ℃ and 33 psu had the highest hatching rate. The best SAI temperature treatment was 27 ℃, which was higher than other treatments (P < 0.05), the best SAI salinity treatment was 33 psu, which was higher than 27 and 39 psu treatments (P < 0.05).
Mean diameter of C. vrolikii eggs was 0.69 ± 0.02 mm, oil globule was 0.149 - 0.172 mm, embryonic development took 13 hours and 30 minutes from fertilization to hatching at 27.0 ± 0.1 ℃ and 33.5 ± 0.1 psu. The newly hatched larvae were 1.95 ± 0.03 mm LT, with regularly distributed melanophores on the top and bottom of the fin membrane, oil globules appeared yellow-green colour. Larvae of 2 dph were 2.41 ± 0.04 mm LT, had the ability to catch and feed on. At 10 dph, larvae were 4.04 ± 0.12 mm LT, begin the flexion stage. At 30 dph, juveniles were 13.43 ± 2.59 mm LT, had the adult complement of rays and spines, green colour were visible on the back. At 130 dph, juveniles were 22.30 ± 2.51 mm LT, dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin began to turn black. At 200 dph, juveniles were 29.75 ± 4.51 mm LT, the half front part of the body colour appeared white pearl. For the skeletal ontogeny of C. vrolikii, vertebral centra showed ossification at 14 dph; skull and all fins offisication completed at 21 dph. Under SEM, the egg surface was smooth, micropyle was about 6.6 µm in diameter. Pores were evenly dispersed on the surface of the egg with a density about 42/100 µm^(2 ), and the size was 0.16 µm in diameter. At 7 dph, the teeth were observed. At 10 dph, operculum spines and pelvic fins were observed. In the temperature and salinity experiment, 27 ℃ and 33 psu had the highest hatching rate. The best SAI temperature treatment was 27 ℃, which was higher 21 and 33 ℃ treatments (P < 0.05 ), the best SAI salinity treatment was 33 psu, which was higher than 27, 36 and 39 psu treatments (P < 0.05 ).The comparison showed that the species of genus Centropyge have smaller egg diameter, body length and mouth gap than the species of genus Chaetodontoplus. In terms of early osteological development, C. caeruleopunctatus seems to ossified earlier than C. vrolikii.
謝辭 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
第一章 前言 1
1.1 緒言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 海水觀賞魚市場現況 1
1.2.2 魚類生活史研究 2
1.2.3 仔稚魚培育 3
1.2.4 微細構造觀察 5
1.2.5 骨骼發育研究 6
1.2.6 溫度與鹽度對於魚類出其發育之影響 7
1.2.7 蓋刺魚科 8
1.2.8 蓋刺魚科生殖生物學研究 9
1.2.9 荷包魚屬的淡斑荷包魚(C. caeruleopunctatus) 9
1.2.10 刺尻魚屬的福氏刺尻魚(C. vrolikii) 10
1.3 研究目的 11
第二章 材料與方法 13
2.1 實驗設計 13
2.2 親魚培育 13
2.2.1 親魚取得、照顧 13
2.2.2 親魚飼養環境 14
2.2.3 魚卵收集及紀錄 15
2.3 水質監測 15
2.3.1 溫度 15
2.3.2 溶氧量 15
2.3.3 鹽度 16
2.3.4 pH值 16
2.3.5 氨氮 16
2.3.6 亞硝酸鹽 16
2.4 魚卵及仔稚魚的培育與觀察 17
2.4.1 胚胎發育觀察 17
2.4.2 餌料生物培養 17
2.4.3 仔稚魚培育及形質測量 18
2.5 利用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察卵和仔稚魚表面微細構造 18
2.5.1 固定 18
2.5.2 脫水 19
2.5.3 臨界乾燥 19
2.5.4 離子覆膜 20
2.5.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡 20
2.6 仔稚魚的透明骨骼染色 20
2.7 溫度與鹽度對於仔魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI的影響 21
2.7.1 不同溫度對仔魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI的影響 22
2.7.2 不同鹽度對仔魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI之影響 22
2.8 統計分析 23
第三章 結果 25
3.1 淡斑荷包魚之自然產卵、胚胎及仔稚魚發育 25
3.1.1 自然產卵 25
3.1.2 胚胎發育 25
3.1.3 仔稚魚發育 26
3.1.4 仔稚魚行為觀察 30
3.1.5 卵黃囊與油球吸收 30
3.3.6 仔稚魚成長觀察 31
3.1.7 仔魚口徑發育 32
3.1.8 淡斑荷包魚卵和仔稚魚微細構造觀察 32 魚卵微細構造 32 仔稚魚微細構造 32
3.1.9 淡斑荷包魚骨骼發育 33
3.2 不同溫度與鹽度對淡斑荷包魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI的影響 34
3.2.1 不同溫度對淡斑荷包魚孵化率和畸形率的影響 34
3.2.2 不同溫度對淡斑荷包魚SAI的影響 34
3.2.3 不同鹽度對淡斑荷包魚孵化率和畸形率的影響35
3.2.4 不同鹽度對淡斑荷包魚SAI的影響 35
3.3 福氏刺尻魚之自然產卵、胚胎及仔稚魚發育 36
3.3.1 自然產卵 36
3.3.2 胚胎發育 36
3.3.3 仔稚魚發育 37
3.3.4 仔稚魚行為觀察 41
3.3.5 卵黃囊與油球吸收 42
3.3.6 仔稚魚成長觀察 42
3.3.7 仔魚口徑發育 43
3.3.8 福氏刺尻魚卵和仔稚魚微細構造觀察 43 魚卵微細構造 43 仔稚魚微細構造 44
3.3.9 福氏刺尻魚骨骼發育 44
3.4 不同溫度與鹽度對福氏刺尻魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI的影響 45
3.4.1 不同溫度對福氏刺尻魚孵化率和畸形率的影響 45
3.4.2 不同溫度對福氏刺尻魚SAI的影響 45
3.4.3 不同鹽度對福氏刺尻魚孵化率和畸形率的影響 46
3.4.4 不同鹽度對福氏刺尻魚SAI的影響 46
3.5 育苗活存率 46
第四章 討論 49
4.1 親魚培育與產卵 49
4.1.1 產卵槽水體容積 49
4.1.2 親魚性別比與性轉換 50
4.1.3 親魚飼育水溫與光週期 50
4.2 胚胎及仔稚魚發育 51
4.2.1 卵徑大小 51
4.2.2 卵黃囊與油球消耗 52
4.2.3 仔魚首次攝食 53
4.2.4 仔稚魚成長 54
4.2.5 仔稚魚行為觀察 56
4.2.6 仔稚魚沉降 57
4.3 微細構造 58
4.3.1 卵 58
4.3.2 仔稚魚 59 神經丘 59 棘刺 60 牙齒 61
4.4 骨骼發育 61
4.5 溫度與鹽度對魚卵及仔魚影響 62
第五章 結論 65
參考文獻 67
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1. 比較不同的無機營養鹽施肥對海水神仙魚類仔魚的生長及存活之影響
2. 裂唇魚(Labroides dimidiatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
3. 人工環境中黃足笛鯛(Lutjanus fulvus) (Forster, 1801)的自然產卵及初期生活史之研究
4. 人工環境中黑身荷包魚Chaetodontoplus melanosoma (Bleeker, 1853)的自然產卵與初期生活史之研究
5. 人工環境中梅氏荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus meredithi)的自然產卵及初期生活史之研究
6. 銀鱗鯧的胚胎、仔稚魚發育及對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究
7. 銀鱗鯧稚魚對亞硝酸鹽急毒性耐受性之研究
8. 藍帶荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis)的仔稚魚發育、微細構造及首次攝餌之研究
9. 養殖密度、換水率及添加光合菌(Rhodobium sp.)和藻水對於羅氏沼蝦(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的成長、活存及水質因子之影響
10. 擬刺尾鯛(Paracanthurus hepatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
11. 延遲首次攝食對尖翅燕魚[Platax teira (Forsskål, 1775)]的仔魚成長及活存之影響
12. 虎斑烏賊 (Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831) 的初期生活史及其亞幼生對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究
13. 人工環境中疊波蓋刺魚(Pomacanthus semicirculatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
14. 淡水馴養的銀鱗鯧稚魚暴露於亞硝酸中之急毒性及亞致死濃度對其形質、離子調節、逆境與能量代謝反應之影響
15. 帶紋斑節海龍 (Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus )的人工繁殖及初期生活史之研究
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