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作者(英文):Fu-Ming Xu
論文名稱:人工環境中藍豬齒魚Choerodon azurio (Jordan & Snyder, 1901)的初期生活史研究
論文名稱(英文):Studies on the early life history of the auzrio tuskfish, Choerodon azurio (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) in captivity
指導教授(英文):Ming-Yih Leu
Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Shun-De Yang
Ming-Yih Leu
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):Choerodon azurioEarly developmentTemperatureSalinityOsteological ontogenyLarviculture
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藍豬齒魚(Choerodon azurio )為廣泛分布於西太平洋的魚類,本研究主要觀察藍豬齒魚的初期發育,然而,因缺乏相關的養殖方案,養殖其脆弱的仔稚魚階段仍然是主要障礙。迄今為止,僅有6種隆頭魚科魚類在學術期刊上有正式紀錄。藍豬齒魚分別於3、4、12及38 dph (days post hatching, dph)出現首次攝食、泳鰾、脊索上屈期及稚魚期,活存率34.23%。本研究進行了溫度(19、23及27°C)和鹽度(29、33及37 psu)雙因子對受精卵孵化率、剛孵化仔魚畸形率及生存活力指數的交互影響實驗,各組三重複。藍豬齒魚受精卵為球型之浮性卵,卵徑為1.09 ± 0.03 mm (mean ± SD),油球徑為0.24 ± 0.00 mm;於26.2 ±0.2°C水溫下,孵化時間耗時22小時45分鐘。剛孵化的仔魚,體全長為3.01 ± 0.32 mm LT,具有27 (13 + 14) 條肌節,單一油球位於卵黃囊前端。仔魚在3 dph時(3.27 ± 0.47 mm LT )卵黃囊已消耗完畢並開口攝食,口徑大小為297 ± 0.05 μm,具有24條肌節;38 dph時(12.6 ± 0.4 mm LT),各鰭條數達成魚之定數,完成便態進入稚魚期。初期攝食骨骼發育在17 dph頂骨開始骨化,21-46 dph 仔魚上下頷之骨骼和咽齒開始骨化,此時攝食能力增強,有助於碾碎和破壞獵物結構,增加捕食和吸收營養能力;在11.87 mm 時各鰭條開始骨化。在電子顯微鏡的觀察下,受精卵表面光滑,壁孔密度約125個/100 μm2,卵門為圓柱狀;神經丘在仔魚剛孵化時出現,隨著仔魚成長持續增加;3 dph時,眼部、口部及胸鰭發育;12 dph時,體表出現鱗片覆蓋,上頷開始出現牙齒;14 dph下頷牙齒和尾鰭發育。在溫鹽交互實驗中,鹽度33.0 psu × 溫度23.0°C之水質條件孵化率和SAI值顯著高於其他組別(P < 0.05);在鹽度29.0 psu × 溫度19.0°C之畸形率顯著高於其他組別(P < 0.05)。本研究不只能提供藍豬齒魚人工繁養殖的重要資訊,也能減輕現今野外採捕對族群的壓力。
Azurio tuskfish, Choerodon azurio is a widely distributed throughout in the western Pacific species. However, culture of their fragile larval stage culture is still a major bottleneck due to the lack of protocols supporting survival. To date, only six wrasse species have been formal records on the scholarly journals. C. azurio first feeding, swimblader inflation, flexion, amd juvenile stage at 3, 4, 12 and 38 days post hatching (dph) larvae with 34.23% survival rate. Interaction experiment of temperature (19, 23 and 27°C) and salinity (29, 33 and 37 psu) on fertilized eggs hatching rate, newly hatched larval deformity rate and survival activity index (SAI) were also demonstrated, and all treatment in triplicate. Eggs were pelagic and spherical, 1.09 ± 0.03 mm in diameter(mean ± SD), diameter of oil globules was 0.24 ± 0.00 mm. Embryonic development lasted 22 h 45min at 26.2 ± 0.2°C. The newly hatched larvae were 3.01 ± 0.32 mm LT with 27 (13 + 14) myomeres and had an oil globule in the ventroanterior of the yolk sac. The 3 dph were 3.27 ± 0.47 mm LT with 297 ± 0.05 μm in gape height with 24 (10 + 14) myomeres. Transformation of larvae to the juvenile stage was completed at 38 dph (12.6 ± 0.4 mm LT), all fins had the adult complement of rays and spines. For the skeletal ontogeny of feeding apparatus in C. azurio at 17 dph, larvae parietal begin to ossify. At 21-41 dph larvae, the maxilla and mandible began to ossified, helping to crush and destroy the structure of the prey and increase the feeding efficiency. At 11.87 mm LT, all fins ray began to ossify. Under scanning electron microscope, the fertilized egg membrane was smooth.The distribution density of pores was about 125/100 μm2, the micropyle was cylinder shape. The neuromasts appeared at newly hatched larvae; at 3 dph, formation of the pectoral fins, mouth and eyes were observed; at 12 dph, the scale covered the whole body and the upper jaw formation of teeth were observed; at 14 dph, the caudal fin and the lower jaw formation of teeth were observed. At the effects of temperature and salinity interaction experiment the results showed that at salinity 33.0 psu × 23.0 °C treatment group, the hatching rate and SAI was significantly higher than most of the treatment, (P < 0.05), the deformity rate at 29.0 psu × 19.0 °C was significantly higher than most of the treatment (P < 0.05). This study provide important information on the breeding of C. azurio, and reduce the wild catch pressure on the ethnic groups in the field.

摘要 iii
Abstract v
第一章 前言 1
1.1 序言 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 珊瑚礁魚類的食用市場 1
1.2.2 豬齒魚屬的貿易市場 2
1.2.3 隆頭魚科(Labridae) 2
1.2.4 隆頭魚科的生殖生物學 3
1.2.5隆頭魚科的初期生活史 4
1.2.6隆頭魚科的人工培育研究 4
1.2.7藍豬齒魚(Choerodon azurio) 5
1.2.8 魚類的生活史和培育 6
1.2.9 掃描式電子顯微鏡 7
1.2.10 不同溫度和鹽度對魚類初期發育的影響 7
1.2.11 骨骼發育 8
1.3 研究目的 10
第二章 材料與方法11
2.1實驗設計 11
2.2受精卵的收集 11
2.3餌料生物的培育 11
2.3.1 培養方法 12
2.4仔稚魚培育 12
2.4.1 餌料生物供給 12
2.4.2 水質檢測 12
2.5魚卵與仔稚魚的觀察 14
2.5.1 胚胎發育觀察 14
2.5.2 仔稚魚發育觀察 14
2.6仔稚魚骨骼發育觀察 14
2.6.1 透明骨骼製作 14
2.6.2 標本拍攝與觀察 15
2.7魚卵和仔魚形態的掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 15
2.7.1 固定 15
2.7.2 脫水 16
2.7.3 臨界乾燥 16
2.7.4 離子覆膜 16
2.7.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察 17
2.8 不同溫度和鹽度交互對藍豬齒魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI的影響 17
2.8.1 不同溫度和鹽度交互對孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 17
2.8.2 不同溫度和鹽度交互對仔魚SAI的影響 17
2.9 統計分析 18
第三章 結果 19
3.1 魚卵的孵化率統計19
3.2 藍豬齒魚胚胎和仔稚魚發育的觀察19
3.2.1 胚胎的發育 19
3.2.2 仔稚魚的發育 20
3.2.3 卵黃囊和油球的消耗觀察 22
3.2.4 仔稚魚發育 23
3.2.5 仔魚口徑發育 23
3.2.6 仔稚魚的行為觀察 24
3.2.7 藍豬齒魚苗的育成率 24
3.3 魚卵和仔稚魚的掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 24
3.3.1 魚卵微細構造 24
3.3.2 仔魚的微細構造 25
3.4 骨骼發育觀察 26
3.4.1 頭部和口部骨骼 26
3.4.2 脊椎骨 27
3.4.3 鰭部骨骼 27
3.5 不同溫度和鹽度交互對藍豬齒魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI之影響 28
第四章 討論 31
4.1 仔魚初期發育 31
4.1.1 藍豬齒魚的初期發育 31
4.1.2 卵黃囊、油球消耗觀察 32
4.1.3 仔稚魚的成長 33
4.2 魚卵微細構造觀察 33
4.3 仔稚魚微細構造觀察 34
4.3.1 神經丘 34
4.3.2 牙齒 34
4.3.3 鱗片 34
4.4 骨骼發育 35
4.4.1 攝食骨骼發育 35
4.4.2 脊椎骨 35
4.4.3 尾部骨骼發育 36
4.5 不同溫度和鹽度對藍豬齒魚孵化率、畸形率及SAI之影響 36
第五章 結論 39
參考文獻 41
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