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作者(英文):Chi-Hung Hsu
論文名稱:小葉蕨藻(Caulerpa microphysa)及粗龍鬚菜(Gracilaria firma)對於養殖水質之影響
論文名稱(英文):The influence of Caulerpa microphysa and Gracilaria firma on aquaculture water quality
指導教授(英文):Pei-Jie Meng
口試委員(英文):Pei-Jie Meng
Jih-Terng Wang
Kwee-Siong Zhang
關鍵詞(英文):BiofiltrationCaulerpa microphysaGracilaria firmaWater qualityNutrients
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使用大型海藻對水產養殖廢水中之營養鹽進行生物過濾,是一種生態友善的養殖方式,並且獲得了全球廣泛的關注。本研究以小葉蕨藻(Caulerpa microphysa)及粗龍鬚菜(Gracilaria firma)為實驗材料,分別以三種比例(100%小葉蕨藻/0%粗龍鬚菜;0%小葉蕨藻/100%粗龍鬚菜;50%小葉蕨藻/50%粗龍鬚菜)蓄養於海水養殖廢水中,依時間序列分析其水質參數(包括:溶氧、pH、未解離氨、亞硝酸鹽、硝酸鹽、磷酸鹽、氮磷比)、魚類存活率及海藻成長率差異之變化情形。本實驗歷經二週期程,養殖缸以LED燈提供119 ± 27 μmol m-2 s-1的光照,光週期為12L : 12D,水溫介於27.0 ~ 31.1°C,鹽度控制在30 ± 0.5 psu之間。三種不同比例海藻組合生物過濾效率之分析結果顯示,粗龍鬚菜組在實驗期間能夠顯著提升溶氧和pH且去除最多的亞硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽;小葉蕨藻組對未解離氨及亞硝酸鹽相較其他組別具較快速之吸收能力;混合組水體中未解離氨及硝酸鹽濃度具最低值,其氮磷比平均值亦最低且數值波動亦最小,而其魚類存活率相較其他組別則為三個組別中最高者。此外,混合組的粗龍鬚菜具有最高的成長率,產量比起單一藻種蓄養時增加了33.0%。綜合分析結果顯示,不同的藻種及不同藻種混合比例會對水質產生顯著不同的影響,因此實際操作時,可依據本實驗結果及操作需求加以選擇運用。
Using macroalgae to treat aquaculture wastewater is an eco-friendly biofiltration technique that has attracted extensive attention worldwide. In this experiment, Caulerpa microphysa and Gracilaria firma were used in three combinations (100% C. microphysa/0% G. firma; 0% C. microphysa/100% G. firma; 50% C. microphysa/50% G. firma) to treat marine aquaculture wastewater for two weeks. Water quality (including dissolved oxygen, pH, un-ionized ammonia nitrogen (UIAN), nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, nitrogen to phosphorus ratio), as well as fish survival rate and seaweed growth rate, were analyzed in time series. LED lights were provided in the experiment tanks at 119 ± 27 μmol m-2 s-1 light intensity, at a light/dark period of 12L : 12D. The water temperature ranged from 27.0 ~ 31.1°C, and salinity was controlled at 30 ± 0.5 psu. The results showed that the G. firma group can significantly increase the dissolved oxygen and pH and remove the most nitrite and phosphate. The C. microphysa group has a faster absorption capacity for UIAN and nitrite than other groups. The mixed group has the lowest concentration of UIAN and nitrate, the lowest nitrogen to phosphorus ratio with the smallest fluctuation, and the highest fish survival rate among the three groups. The highest growth rate of G. firma was recorded in the mixed group, increased by 33.0% as compared to the monoalgal group. The results imply that different algal species and combinations will have significantly different effects on water quality, and they can be used as a practical guide to treat target nutrients in various aquaculture ponds.
序~論文戰士 I
謝辭 III
中文摘要 V
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XIII
表目錄 XV
附錄目錄 XVII
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1海藻 5
2.2蕨藻屬(Caulerpa) 7
2.2.1小葉蕨藻(Caulerpa microphysa) 8
2.3江蘺屬(Gracilaria) 8
2.3.1粗龍鬚菜(Gracilaria firma) 9
2.4整合型多營養層級水產養殖(Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, IMTA) 10
第三章 材料與方法 13
3.1實驗設計 13
3.2藻類取得 14
3.3魚類取得 15
3.4水質檢測 15
3.4.1溫度(Temperature) 15
3.4.2鹽度(Salinity) 15
3.4.3溶氧(Dissolved oxygen) 16
3.4.4氫離子濃度指數(pH) 16
3.4.5未解離氨(UIAN) 17
3.4.6亞硝酸鹽(Nitrite) 18
3.4.7硝酸鹽(Nitrate) 18
3.4.8磷酸鹽(Phosphate) 19
3.5統計方法 19
第四章 結果與討論 21
4.1溫度(Temperature) 21
4.2鹽度(Salinity) 21
4.3溶氧(Dissolved oxygen) 21
4.4氫離子濃度指數(pH) 23
4.5未解離氨(UIAN) 23
4.6亞硝酸鹽(Nitrite) 25
4.7硝酸鹽(Nitrate) 26
4.8磷酸鹽(Phosphate) 28
4.9氮磷比(Nitrogen to phosphorus ratio) 29
4.10魚類存活率(Fish survival rate) 30
4.11海藻成長率(Seaweed growth rate) 30
第五章 結論與建議 33
5.1結論 33
5.2建議 34
參考文獻 35
圖列 49
表列 57
附錄 63

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