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作者(英文):Chia-Ming Kang
論文名稱(英文):Study on the development and growth of coral embryo and larvae
指導教授(英文):Chia-Hsin Lin
口試委員(英文):Chia-Hsin Lin
Chiao-Chuan Han
Ming-Yih Leu
Su-June Tsai
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全球珊瑚日漸減少,以往從事珊瑚復育的研究會選擇將成體珊瑚進行切割,利用珊瑚的高恢復力以無性增殖的方式進行復育,然而此種方式對野外珊瑚的基因多樣性是有影響的,因此近年來復育的方式逐漸轉為提供大量有性生殖產生的珊瑚幼苗到珊瑚貧瘠的海域,使幼苗自然著床並恢復該海域的珊瑚環境。然而大部分的研究均著重於養殖,幾乎無相關研究對活體珊瑚幼體的生長過程細節進行觀察討論。本研究針對四種珊瑚叢生棘杯珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)、象鼻斜花珊瑚(Mycedium elephantotus)、疣狀鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora verrucose)及鈍枝列孔珊瑚(Seriatopora caliendrum)的胚胎及幼生發育進行探討。由潛水員在珊瑚產卵時期於墾丁南灣採集G. fascicularis及M. elephantotus的精卵並於實驗室中培育成幼苗,同時採集成體的P. verrucosa及S. caliendrum以收苗系統收集其幼苗,並在之後將珊瑚幼苗轉移至培養皿中使其著床並培養。珊瑚骨架是從息肉分泌的有機質形成,骨架的表現會受其息肉生長過程中的變化及刺激影響,本研究將珊瑚幼體骨架分成骨包肉及肉包骨兩種型態,其中骨包肉型態的幼體鞘壁會先以外殼的形式環形包覆於息肉外側,而肉包骨型態的幼體其骨架均形成於幼體息肉下方。大部分幼體均形成各自獨立的長條狀觸手,並在無性增殖過程中於共息肉組織上表現出共生藻聚集的現象,同時伴隨著明顯的新個體息肉發育及骨架增長,但M. elephantotus為例外,其觸手彼此相連呈現傘狀且會於後續幼體的生長過程中不停的增長及伸展,並逐漸化為珊瑚群落的共息肉組織。在無性增生時其共息肉組織表現出共生藻出現疏離的現象,且無法觀察到明顯的息肉隆起或觸手生長等息肉發育,僅能觀察到新個體口腔的形成。P. verrucosa及S. caliendrum均為有枝狀結構的珊瑚,但形成的方式卻不同,P. verrucosa有能自行垂直生長的中心個體,而S. caliendrum主要是依靠群落中個體間的相互推擠來向上延伸。另外,珊瑚也是有多胚胎現象的物種之一,多胚胎是一種常見無性生殖方式,利用此性質,可在胚胎數量有限及一定程度的情況下增加胚胎數量或改變胚胎大小。結果顯示G. fascicularis胚葉細胞的分離對於胚胎發育週期並無影響,但降低了其存活率及著床率,其中以1/4胚胎最為明顯,推測是由於胚葉細胞分裂過程其動植物半球分配不均導致部分胚葉細胞在分離後發生營養不足或發育異常等現象所導致,另外幼苗體型縮小可能使其對著床基質的喜好發生改變,進而降低著床率。本研究對於珊瑚養殖及生長的相關研究有實質上的幫助。
For the first part of the study, we examined the embryonic and larval development of four scleractinian corals Galaxea fascicularis, Mycedium elephantotus, Pocillopora verrucosa and Seriatopora caliendrum. Two types of post-settlement larvae were distinguished: skeleton-clad polyp and polyp-clad skeleton. The theca of a skeleton-clad polyp wrapped around the outside of the polyp in the form of a shell, while in a polyp-clad skeleton type developed under the polyp. The majority of coral larvae presented long strip-shaped tentacles. During the process of asexual reproduction, Symbiodiniaceae clustered on the coenosarc which along with polyp development and skeletal growth. M. elephantotus was the exceptional: the tentacles were found umbrella-shaped, and the performance of polyps and Symbiodiniaceae during asexual reproduction was varied from the one observed in the other three corals. P. verrucosa and S. caliendrum presented a branched morphology, however their vertical growth process was different. P. verrucosa had a central individual that grow vertically, whereas S. caliendrum relied on the mutual pushing of individuals in the colony to extend upward. In the second part of the study, early embryonic cells of the coral G. fascicularis were artificially isolated, cultured, and monitored throughout their post-settlement development. Polyembryony is a common asexual reproduction strategy displayed by coral species. By exploiting this breeding phenomenon, it is possible to increase the number and modulate the size of coral embryos to a certain extent. The results from this study showed that artificial isolation did not affect the developmental process of embryonic cells but significantly reduced larval survival and settlement rates. Artificial embryonal isolation effects were particularly evident upon the second division and consequent formation of a 1/4 embryo. Likely due to an uneven distribution of the embryonic cells in the animal and plant hemispheres, separation resulted in some embryonic cells being undernourished or abnormally developed. Moreover, the size reduction might affect the larval adhesion substrate requirements, thereby reducing the settlement rate. This study provides substantial intel and will assist coral breeding and growth research.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 珊瑚礁危機 1
1.2 珊瑚胚胎發育 1
1.3 穩固型(Robust)與複雜型(Complex)珊瑚 4
1.4 珊瑚卵研究 6
1.5 多胚胎現象 8
1.6 胚葉細胞 10
1.7 珊瑚幼生 10
1.8 珊瑚養殖 12
1.9 珊瑚冷凍保存 14
1.10 研究目的 15
第二章 材料與方法 17
2.1實驗物種 17
2.1.1 叢生棘杯珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis) 17
2.1.2 象鼻斜花珊瑚(Mycedium elephantotus) 17
2.1.3 鈍枝列孔珊瑚(Seriatopora caliendrum) 18
2.1.4 疣狀鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora verrucosa) 18
2.2 採集地點 18
2.3 受精試驗 20
2.4 培育飼養 21
2.5 觀察方式 22
第三章 珊瑚胚胎及幼生發育生長之研究 25
3.1 前言 25
3.2 結果 27
3.2.1 G. fascicularis胚胎及幼苗發育 27
3.2.2 M. elephantotus胚胎及幼苗發育 30
3.2.3 S. caliendrum幼苗發育 32
3.2.4 P. verrucosa 幼苗發育 33
3.2.5 G. fascicularis、P. verrucosa 和 S. caliendrum 個體存活率和幼苗著床率 34
3.3 討論 35
第四章 珊瑚多胚胎分離及發育之研究 67
4.1 前言 67
4.2 結果 68
4.3 討論 70
參考文獻 79
附錄 93
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