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作者:Hewa Pathirannahelage Athri Thathsarani Weerakoon
作者(英文):Hewa Pathirannahelage Athri Thathsarani Weerakoon
論文名稱(英文):Assessing the effect of seagrass meadow to coral reef ecosystem - A mesocosm study
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Chorng-Horng Lin
Pi-Jen Liu
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):SeagrassCoral reefSedimentationNutrientSymbiodiniumProrocentrumAlexandrium
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在熱帶沿海地區,海草床和珊瑚礁為生態敏感的海洋生物棲息地,它們所構成的生態系具有各自的功能和重要性,且大多相互連接並有緊密的交互作用。然而,對於珊瑚礁-海草生態系如何影響生活在其中的動植物瞭解仍少。本研究使用六個珊瑚礁中觀生態缸進行兩個實驗,實驗為期各六週。實驗I為瞭解海草床對珊瑚礁生態系中的微細浮游藻及微細附著藻的影響;而實驗II進行了真實海草(n = 3)與人工海草(n = 3)的比較,以確認實驗I中的差異是否為生物或物化因素的影響。在兩個實驗中,我們檢測了物化水質因子、沉積物、水中及沉積的營養鹽濃度(PO43-、SiO2、NH4+、NO2-、NO3-)、葉綠素a濃度、浮游植物和附著藻、以及浮游及底棲細菌。實驗I的結果顯示,海草床組水體中的SiO2濃度、附著藻葉綠素a濃度、和沈積物總量顯著高於對照組。海草床組之浮游藻群聚中,共生藻(Symbiodinium sp.)的相對豐度高於對照組,且潛在有毒甲藻物種(Prorocentrum sp.、Alexandrium sp.、Cochlodinium sp.)在微細附著藻相中也顯著高於控制組。實驗II結果顯示,真實海草與人工海草組別的水體中和沈積物中的營養鹽、以及沉積物總重量沒有顯著差異,但真實海草中浮游藻的葉綠素a濃度顯著較高。實驗結果顯示,珊瑚礁生態系統中海草床的存在將在物理上增加沉積物的積累,使附著藻生產力及營養鹽增加。然而,海草床可能會負面影響珊瑚與共生藻間的穩定性,且海草床可能會促進對人類及魚類有害的有毒藻類之生長。
In the tropical coastal region, seagrass meadows and coral reefs are ecologically sensitive marine habitats that can mostly be found connecting to each other. Both ecosystems have their functions and importance which are closely interrelated. However, the linkage distribution of seagrass forms benefits or threats for other fauna and flora that live in the coral reefs. The study was carried out in two experiments by using coral reef mesocosms over six weeks period at 28oC. In Experiment I, effects of seagrass meadows on the coral reef ecosystem were examined, in triplicates of control (without seagrass) vs. seagrass mesocosms. Experiment II was conducted in triplicate mesocosm of real seagrass vs. artificial seagrass to confirm whether the changes in Experiment I were affected by physiological or biological processes. In both experiments, we measured the water quality, sedimentation, nutrient concentrations in water and deposited sediments (PO43-, SiO2, NH4+, NO2-, NO3-), chlorophyll a concentration, relative abundance of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae (in Experiment I) and plankton and benthic bacteria (in Experiment II). The results of Experiment I showed silicate concentration of water, chlorophyll a concentration of benthic microalgae, and total sediment accumulation were significantly higher in seagrass mesocosms than the control. High relative abundance of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) was in the phytoplankton community, and a higher relative abundance of potentially toxic dinoflagellates species (Prorocentrum sp., Alexandrium sp., Cochlodinium sp.) were in the benthic microalgal community in seagrass mesocosms than in the control. The Experiment II results showed an insignificant difference of nutrient of water deposited sediment and sedimentation among real seagrass and artificial seagrass mesocosms, but significantly higher chlorophyll a concentration of phytoplankton in real seagrass mesocosms. The results suggest that the presence of seagrass meadow in a coral reef ecosystem will physically enhance sediment accumulation, which increases benthic productivity and nutrient availability. However, it might negatively affect coral by destabilizing the coral-dinoflagellate symbiotic relationship. Seagrass meadows may potentially increase the toxic algal species that are harmful to the human and fish.
Acknowledgments I
Abstract III
中文摘要 V
Table of Content VII
List of Tables IX
List of Figures XI
Chapter – 1 1
1.0 Introduction 1
Chapter – 2 7
2.0 Materials and Methods 7
2.1 Coral reef mesocosm setup 7
2.2 Experiment design 8
2.3 Biotic parameters 9
2.4 Physico-chemical parameters 12
2.5 Statistical Analysis 16
Chapter - 3 17
3.0 Results 17
3.1 Experiment I 17
3.2 Experiment II 22
Chapter - 4 27
4.0 Discussion 27
Chapter - 5 39
5.0 Conclusion 39
References 41
Annexes 51
Appendix 85

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