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作者(英文):Zi-Yu Tsai
論文名稱:惡夢之夢功能探討: 威脅模擬與恐懼記憶消退
論文名稱(英文):The Dream Functions of Nightmares: Threat Simulation and Fear Memory Extinction
指導教授(英文):Ming-Ni Lee
口試委員(英文):Meei-Ju Lin
Shyh-Heng Wong
關鍵詞(英文):fear memory extinctionnegative emotionnightmarethreat simulation
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Nielsen與Carr(2017)在回顧型文獻中認為威脅模擬(threat simulation)與恐懼消退(fear extinction)為惡夢之夢功能。威脅模擬認為作夢者會在夢中透過對威脅事件進行模擬演練(Revonsuo, 2000),使個體可以更有效地辨識與因應日常生活中的威脅事件(Wang et al., 2021)。Levin與Nielsen(2009)認為在惡夢中,會透過恐懼記憶消退歷程來達到情緒調節之功能。本研究主要欲探討惡夢中的威脅模擬與恐懼記憶消退,對於個體在自評日常生活因應類似事件的能力、夢中負向情緒、害怕與恐懼之差異以及預測力為何。主要研究工具包括「夢中恐懼消退量表(Dream Fear Extinction Scale)(李沐齊、蔡姿妤,2021)」、「夢中威脅自評量表(Dream Threat Self-Rating Scale)(蔡姿妤、李沐齊,2021a)」、「夢中威脅與現實生活威脅問卷(Threat in Dream and Waking Life Questionnaire)(蔡姿妤、李沐齊,2021b)」以及「夢中情緒量表(Dream Emotion Scale)(改編自梁溫潔等人(2015)翻譯之中文版正負向情緒量表)」。本研究共納入88位參與者資料進行後續分析,其中女性為59位、男性為28位、性別選項未填答者1位,平均年齡為28.79歲(SD = 10.25),年齡範圍介於20.00歲至64.17歲。


Nielsen and Carr (2017) consider threat simulation and fear extinction as the dream function of nightmares. In the viewpoint of threat simulation, dreamers simulate threatening events and practice in their dreams (Revonsuo, 2000), so that they could identify and respond to the threatening events in daily life more effectively (Wang et al., 2021). Levin and Nielsen (2009) suggested that in nightmares, the function of emotion regulation is achieved through the process of fear memory extinction. The objectives of this study were to investigate the threat simulation and fear memory extinction in nightmares, and the differences of them in terms of predicting the dreamer’s ability for coping with similar threatening events in daily life, as well as negative emotions, fear, and scare in dreams. This study mainly included the following questionnaires: “Dream Fear Extinction Scale” (Lee & Tsai, 2021), “Dream Threat Self-Rating Scale” (Tsai & Lee, 2021a), “Threat in Dream and Waking Life Questionnaire” (Tsai & Lee, 2021b), and “Dream Emotion Scale” (adapted from the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Traditional Chinese version; Liang et al., 2015). There were 88 data (59 females, 28 males, 1 unknown) in total included in the analysis. The mean age was 28.79 years (SD = 10.25), and the age ranged from 20.00 to 64.17 years.

The findings were as follows: (a) Those who successfully solved threatening events in nightmares rated themselves more capable of coping with similar events in daily life, so this result supported the threat simulation theory. (b) The degree of fear memory extinction was positively correlated with the capacity of coping with similar events in daily life. The result showed that, in addition to threat simulation, fear memory extinction was also associated with self-rated coping ability. Therefore, this research suggested that when examining coping ability, the emotion regulation function of dreams should also be considered. (c) The degree of fear memory extinction was negatively correlated with feeling “scared” in dreams. (d) In contrast with threat simulation, fear memory extinction was significantly predictive of feeling “scared” in dreams. Thus, the results of this study partially, but importantly, supported the process of fear memory extinction in nightmares. As the data collection of this study was during COVID-19 pandemic period, the findings of this study were relatively able to present the state of threats in life and dreams. However, whether the results are applicable to the understanding of non-pandemic conditions in the future should also be carefully considered. This study suggests that future research could adopt the longitudinal study method, collecting diary reports as well as emotion data, both before sleeping and after awakening. This research strategy would help to more comprehensively investigate the effects of threat simulation and fear memory extinction in predicting dream experiences, as well as the function of nightmares.

Keywords: fear memory extinction, negative emotion, nightmare, threat simulation
第一章 緒論   1
第二章 文獻探討   3
第一節 惡夢   3
第二節 威脅模擬   5
第三節 恐懼記憶消退   9
第四節 研究目的與假設   11
第三章 研究方法   15
第一節 研究架構   15
第二節 研究對象   16
第三節 研究工具   16
第四節 研究程序   19
第五節 資料處理與分析   20
第四章 研究結果   23
第一節 參與者之概況分析   23
第二節 惡夢與威脅模擬之分析   29
第三節 惡夢與恐懼記憶消退之分析   35
第四節 惡夢、威脅模擬與恐懼記憶消退之分析   36
第五章 討論與建議   51
第一節 研究討論   51
第二節 研究限制   54
第三節 建議   55
參考文獻   59
附錄   67
附錄一 輔仁大學人體研究倫理審查會通過證明   67
附錄二 研究參與知情同意書   68
附錄三 研究結尾回饋   71
附錄四 夢中威脅自評量表   72
附錄五 夢中恐懼消退量表   76
附錄六 夢中威脅與現實生活威脅問卷   78
附錄七 基本資料問卷   79
李沐齊、蔡姿妤(2021)。夢中恐懼消退量表(Dream Fear Extinction Scale)中文版。未出版手稿。
蔡姿妤、李沐齊(2021a)。夢中威脅自評量表(Dream Threat Self-Rating Scale)中文版。改編自「夢中威脅量表」(Dream Threat Scale; Revonsuo & Valli, 2000)。未出版手稿。
蔡姿妤、李沐齊(2021b)。夢中威脅與現實生活威脅問卷(Threat in Dream and Waking Life Questionnaire)中文版。未出版手稿。
蔡姿妤、李沐齊(2021c)。夢中恐懼情緒經驗問卷(Dream Fear Experience Questionnaire)中文版。未出版手稿。

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