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作者(英文):Li-Tung Wang
論文名稱(英文):The Application of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Psychological Assessment: Development of Depressive Disorder Standardized Patient Cases with Resistance Behavior
指導教授(英文):Yu-Ling Lan
口試委員(英文):Yu-Hsuan Chang
Wan-Lan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Objective Structured Clinical Examinationpsychological assessmentDepressive disorderstandardized patientresistance behavior
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目前心理師專業能力評估多以知識面測量為主,較少針對行為面與態度面測量。因此,有研究學者提出將客觀結構式臨床測驗 (Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE)應用於心理學,以同時測量專業知識、臨床技能與專業態度。本文透過技術報告形式,以OSCE測驗模式之標準化病人(Standardized Patient, SP)測驗站為例,設計兩套具有抗拒行為之憂鬱症標準化病人個案,並完成SP個案內容設計與初步檢核。
At present, the assessment of psychologists' professional competences is mainly based on their knowledge, and less on behavior and attitude measurement. As a result, some researchers have suggested to use the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in psychology, also assessing professional knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes. Therefore, in the form of technical report, we designed to developing two cases of standardized patients(SP) of depressive disorder with resistant behavior and completed the case content design and preliminary moderation of SP cases by using the standardized patient testing station format of the OSCE testing model as an example.
This paper not only discussed the professional abilities required of psychologists, but also through expert assessment, standardized patient training, and testing. To audit the quality of the design of two SP cases and the feasibility of being used professional competence assessment of the psychological assessment when conducting an intake interview. The results of this study showed that: (1) Standardized patient case content design had good content validity; (2) participants and psychologists believe that the performance quality of standardized patients is close to the real state of clinical cases; and (3) the case design of standardized patients of depressive disorder with resistant behavior exhibited clinical closeness. The technical report of developing standardized patient process by case design, standardized patient training, and testing could be used as a reference for academic and practical circles to plan a collaborative and mutually beneficial model to promote the application of OSCE in psychology.
摘要  I
Abstract  II
目錄  III
表次  V
圖次  VI
第一章 緒論  1
第一節 前言  1
第二節 研究動機與目的  4
第二章 文獻探討  5
第一節 能力本位之心理衡鑑專業能力評量  5
第二節 客觀結構式臨床測驗  8
第三節 憂鬱症  11
第四節 抗拒行為  14
第三章 研究方法  17
第一節 研究流程圖  17
第二節 標準化病人題材收集  17
第三節 具抗拒行為之憂鬱症標準化病人個案撰寫  18
第四節 標準化病人招募與訓練  20
第五節 測量工具  23
第六節 標準化病人正式考核  27
第七節 標準化病人教學應用影片  28
第四章 研究結果  29
第一節 標準化病人專家審查之內容效度  29
第二節 標準化病人正式考核結果  33
第五章 討論  37
第一節 專家對於標準化病人之審查回饋  37
第二節 標準化病人正式考核之結果分析  38
第三節 考生及心理師標準化病人之經驗回饋  39
第六章 結論與建議  41
第一節 結論  41
第二節 研究限制  43
第三節 建議  44
參考文獻  47
中文參考文獻:  47
英文參考文獻:  51
附錄一 考生指引  55
附錄二 標準化病人SP專家審查邀請函  57
附錄三 外部專家標準化病人腳本審查內容  59
附錄四 標準化病人腳本B內容  63
附錄五 考生能力評分表  89
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