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作者(英文):Cian-Ning You
論文名稱(英文):The case design and training manual of standardized patients with depression as a simulated disease
指導教授(英文):Yu-Ling Lan
口試委員(英文):Yu-Hsuan Chang
Wan-Lan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):OSCEpsychological assessmentpersistent depressive disorderother specified depressive disorderstandardized patientcaregiver
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本技術報告(以下簡稱為本報告)致力於推廣「客觀結構式臨床測驗」(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)於心理學的應用。參考藍玉玲等人(2011)的觀點,本報告將OSCE模式應用於碩一、碩二臨床心理所學生之心理衡鑑能力評量,並投入兩份以憂鬱症為模擬病症的標準化病人的腳本設計與訓練手冊的編製。本報告也參考藍玉玲等人(2011)、藍玉玲(2013)和藍玉玲等人(2015)的研究程序,將兩份標準化病人(standardized patients, SP)腳本設計與訓練手冊建置,分為六個項目:(1)「心理衡鑑初次晤談」SP測驗站藍圖設計、(2)SP腳本撰寫及專家審查、(3)SP招募、(4)演技訓練、(5)SP真人評估測試、以及(6)訓練成果呈現。

邀請4位臨床心理所學生、3位外部專家及2位內部專家為本報告SP訓練品質和SP腳本的設計內容進行評分。腳本A之SP於「訊息正確性」、「訊息一致性」、「訊息透露程度」、「表演品質」等四項訓練品質指標表現,介於普通到優良;「整體評估」屬優良。腳本B之SP的四項訓練品質表現皆屬優良。而在腳本B的內容設計評量結果,除了「轉介資訊」、「認知」和「其他社會支持系統:朋友/同學/同事」的內容,專家看法不一,其他設計內容大多符合臨床的貼近性和合理性。本報告已完成兩份以憂鬱症為模擬病症SP腳本的建置,並獲得考生和專家對SP訓練品質的正向肯定,兩份SP腳本皆可用於心理衡鑑初次晤談OSCE考試,此外,腳本B之 SP可用於心理衛教教學。
This technical report aims to promote the application of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in psychology. Based on Lan et al. (2011), this report applied the OSCE measurement model for evaluating 1st and 2nd-year clinical psychology graduate students’ competencies in psychological assessment. Moreover, this report designed two standardized patient (SP) scripts to simulate patients with depressive disorder and also edited their corresponding SP training manual. The development of these two SP scripts, along with their training manual, following the procedure designed by Lan et al. (2011), Lan (2013), and Lan et al. (2015), contained six parts: (1) the blueprint of the SP station regarding intake assessment, (2) the expert evaluation of the quality of two SP scripts, (3) SP recruitment, (4) acting training, (5) the quality of one SP station evaluated by a group of mock test takers, and (6) the presentation of SP training outcomes.
Four graduate students from the clinical psychology program, three external experts and two internal experts were invited to evaluate the quality of the SP training and the content validity of two SP scripts. Four indicators evaluating the quality of the script for SP A (i.e., “information accuracy,” “information consistency,” “the degree of information giving,” and “acting quality") were average to excellent. The overall evaluation of this script was excellent.

Regarding the script for SP B, four indicators revealed that this script has excellent quality. In addition, experts considered the design of the script for SP B as reasonable and close to the clinical scenario. However, they had different opinions on “referral information,” “cognition,” and “other social support: friends/ classmates/collogue.” This technical report provided two SP scripts to simulate patients with a depressive disorder that can be applied to examine competencies in psychological assessment when taking an intake OSCE. Moreover, the script of SP B can be used for promoting health education.
中文摘要 IX
Abstract XI
表目次 XV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 「能力導向」(competency-based)之心理師專業能力評量範疇 1
第二節 技術報告之目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節「能力導向」之下的心理衡鑑 3
第二節 OSCE在專業能力評估之應用 6
第三節 心理衡鑑初次晤談OSCE之憂鬱症個案SP腳本設計 10
第三章 方法論 15
第一節 技術報告之架構 15
第二節「心理衡鑑初次晤談」SP測驗站藍圖設計與SP腳本撰寫 16
第三節SP腳本內容的專家審查 18
第四節 SP的招募與訓練 18
第五節 SP真人評估測驗站設計 19
第六節 測量工具 20
第四章 技術報告之結果 23
第一節 腳本A之SP訓練品質評量結果 23
第二節 腳本B之SP訓練品質評量結果 27
第五章 技術報告之討論 33
第一節 SP 訓練成果 33
第二節 SP訓練、去角色化的技術 34
第三節 求助系統的建立 39
第六章 技術報告之結論、限制與建議 41
第一節 結論 41
第二節 限制 42
第三節 建議 43
參考文獻 45
中文文獻 45
英文文獻 47
附錄一:標準化病人招募表-以腳本B之SP為範例 57
附錄二:標準化病人腳本B 59
附錄三:標準化病人腳本B專家審查結果(第一位專家) 83
附錄四:標準化病人腳本B專家審查結果(第二位專家) 85
附錄五:考生指引-以腳本B之SP為範例 89
附錄六:考生能力評分表-以腳本B之SP為範例 91
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