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作者(英文):Hsun Chung
論文名稱(英文):Entity Belief of Intelligence Predicts STEM Learning Performance, and Self-efficacy: A Perspective of PowerTech STEM and Hands-on Making Contest
指導教授(英文):Chi-Ruei Tsai
口試委員(英文):Jon-Chao Hong
Chih-Hsiung Ku
關鍵詞(英文):STEMPowerTech Strandbeestentity belief of intelligencehands-on making self-efficacy
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自108課綱促進科學教育、創客教育的發展,過去許多研究也證明了自我效能與智能信念,對於個體日後投入學業或工作參與度及成就之間有顯著關係。因此,本研究以參加PowerTech青少年科技創作競賽的國中小學生為研究對象進行差異分析,並進一步分析學生的智能固定信念、STEM表現以及動手做自我效能之相關。研究對象為臺灣參加PowerTech 全國青少年科技創作競賽學生,有效樣本為250人。本研究結果顯示,智能固定信念、STEM能力與動手做自我效能在性別沒有顯著差異,但國中組的STEM科技能力顯著大於國小組學生。相關研究部分,學習者智能固定信念與STEM能力呈顯著負相關,STEM能力與動手做自我效能之間呈顯著正相關,且學習者智能固定信念與動手做自我效能之間呈現間接負相關。
The “108 Curriculum Guidelines” have placed strong emphasis on and contributed to the development of STEM education and maker education in Taiwan. Besides, many previous studies have proved that self-efficacy and belief of intelligence have a significant relationship with an individual’s later levels of participation in schoolwork or work and their achievements. This study performed the variance analysis on 250 elementary school and junior high school students who participated in the PowerTech Science and Technology Hands-On Creation Contest for Youth to investigate the relevance of the students’ entity belief of intelligence to their STEM performance and hands-on making self-efficacy. The results of the study showed that in terms of sex, there were no significant differences in entity belief of intelligence, STEM abilities, and hands-on making self-efficacy, but STEM abilities of the junior high school students were significantly better than those of the elementary school students. In addition, for learners, there was a significant negative correlation between their entity belief of intelligence and their STEM abilities; their STEM abilities were significantly positive correlated with their hands-on making self-efficacy. And the learners’ entity belief of intelligence had an indirect negative correlation with their hands-on making self-efficacy.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第四節 研究範圍與步驟 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 STEM教育 9
第二節 智能信念 19
第三節 自我效能 22
第三章 研究設計與實施 29
第一節 研究架構 29
第二節 研究方法與對象 35
第三節 研究工具 37
第四節 資料處理方法 42
第四章 研究結果 51
第一節 樣本特徵分析 51
第二節 驗證性因素分析 53
第三節 結構方程模型分析 56
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 研究討論與結論 61
第二節 研究貢獻 66
第三節 研究限制 67
第四節 後續研究建議 68
參考文獻 71
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