In this poetry collection, the author engages with a range of themes including contemporary gender issues, the symbiotic relationship between politics and media discourse, various societal concerns, as well as personal explorations of the self in relation to the body and family dynamics. Moreover, employing the expressive categorization of literary forms, the collection is divided into seven sections:
"共居" employs a more antiquated lexicon and maintains a balanced structure. "我是一把槍被放在桌上" primarily utilizes third-person narration, adopting a theatrical narrative approach with shades of surrealism. "胃是他們的狗" predominantly employs first-person narration, as the author endeavors to create using more enigmatic imageries. "留下來吧" features precise and condensed imagery, wherein metaphors are distinctly directed at concrete existent entities. "野狗野台" employs high-density and mutative imagery. "久違" extends imagery to encompass atmosphere and emotional states, enhancing its musicality and evoking a particular ambiance. "壁虎阿迪,你靜靜的在那裡" represents an experimental piece within the collection. The distinctive features of this poetry collection can be summarized as follows: firstly, a commitment to addressing the latest "contemporary gender issues" emerging from current events. Secondly, an infrequent approach to "political, media, and public opinion" discourse, derived from the author's amalgamation of professional media experience, illustrating the manipulation of political narratives and public sentiments. Thirdly, a portrayal of social issues through the lens of "theatrical narrative" employing multiple character perspectives, a third-person narrative style, and the application of surreal techniques. This approach allows for a certain detachment from real-world concerns, preventing excessive indulgence, while also generating an aesthetic of unfamiliarity. |