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作者:Pakorn Phalapong
作者(英文):Pakorn Phalapong
論文名稱(英文):Milk Tea Alliance: The construction of transnational identity through the consumption of milk tea in the Asian context
指導教授(英文):Jun-Hua Lin
口試委員(英文):Heng-Chang Chi
Yi-Fong Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Milk Tea Allianceconsumptionmaterial culturetransnational identity
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Regarding the looming democratization trend as well as the coercive influence of China toward several countries in Asia, ‘Milk Tea Alliance’ was initiated by the young generation in Thailand, then, was politically strengthened by other countries’ young generations in the region. Milk tea is generally just a beverage which mushroomed across the region and the globe lately. Nonetheless, after the movement emerged in 2020, milk tea was seen and rematerialized as a material culture to achieve political intent by Asian youths. Therefore, this research aims to scrutinize its newly cultural meaning through the consumption under the manifestation of Milk Tea Alliance, which constructs transnational identity toward young generations in the region. The research utilized a qualitative approach while applying in-depth interview as a fundamental approach to collect primary data. Interviews were conducted with Thai and Taiwanese youths of 18 persons in total. Furthermore, secondary data were collected through online media platforms via hashtags relating to the Milk Tea Alliance. The results elucidate that milk tea as a material culture can be rematerialized its cultural meaning through participants’ consuming praxis after the emergence of the Milk Tea Alliance which are: their social media practices when they consume milk tea in their daily life, their consumption of milk tea during the offline demonstrations, as well as their choices to decide consuming milk tea from a particular milk tea chain which advocates democracy and the movement. This changing cultural meaning fundamentally shapes transnational identity between transnational participants in myriad facets: democratization, regional solidarity, the new Asian democratic value, and the defiance of Chinese political interference. The transnational identity occurs since they are tenable to share these impetuses and the political ideology synchronically once they consume milk tea under this distinctive context.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Research 1
1.2 Purpose of the Research 7
Chapter 2 – The Historical Background of Milk Tea in the Asian Context 9
2.1 The Historical Background of Milk Tea in the Asian context 9
2.1.1 The Historical Background of Milk Tea in Thailand 9
2.1.2 The Historical Background of Milk Tea in Taiwan 11
2.1.3 The Historical Background of Milk Tea in other Countries 13
2.2 The Historical Affinity of Milk Tea toward the Milk Tea Alliance 17
Chapter 3 - Literature Review 21
3.1 Concept of Cultural Geography 22
3.1.1 The Approaches to Cultural Geography and New Cultural Geography 22
3.1.2 Consumption and Identity 25
3.2 Concept of Identity 30
3.2.1 The Definitions and Formation of Identity 30
3.2.2 The Approaches to Identity 32
3.2.3 Multiple Scales of Identity 32 National Identity 32 Transnational Identity 34
3.3 Concept of Transnationalism 37
3.3.1 The Definitions of Transnationalism 37
3.3.2 People’s Relationships across Borders 39
Chapter 4 - Methodology 43
4.1 Research Design 43
4.2 Research Setting 45
4.3 Data Collection and Analysis 46
4.3.1 Selecting Criteria 46
4.3.2 Analyzing Procedures 47
4.4 Trustworthiness Concerns 49
Chapter 5 - The Consumption of Milk Tea of Thai and Taiwanese Participants under the Milk Tea Alliance’s Manifestation 51
5.1 Constructing and Embedding the Cultural Meaning of Milk Tea 51
5.2 The Consumption of Milk Tea through Social Media Platforms from their Daily Consumption 60
5.3 The Consumption of Milk Tea under the Offline Movement 64
5.4 The Choices to Consume Milk Tea from a Distinctive Milk Tea Chain 69
Chapter 6 - Tied Transnational Identity of Milk Tea between Thailand and Taiwan 77
6.1 Illustrative Transnational Bond between Thailand and Taiwan under the Milk Tea Alliance’s Manifestation 77
6.2 Transnational Identities of the Milk Tea Alliance Community 83
6.2.1 Democratization 86
6.2.2 Constructing the New Asian Democratic Value 90
6.2.3 Regional Solidarity 95
6.2.4 The Defiance of Chinese Political Interference 99
Chapter 7 – Conclusion and Discussion 107
7.1 Summary of the Study 107
7.2 Future Thoughts 110
7.3 Limitations 111
7.4 Directions for Future Scholarly Studies 113
References 117
Appendix 129
Appendix 1 129
Appendix 2 131
Appendix 3 133

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