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作者(英文):Hsin-Yi Huang
論文名稱(英文):Composer-specific Music Generation and Verification
指導教授(英文):Jiann-Ming Wu
口試委員(英文):Chen-Hai Tsao
Dong-Hwa Lu
關鍵詞(英文):music generationcomposer classificationMarkov chainlong short-term memoryconvolutional neural networkMIDI
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This work explores composer-specific music classification and generation based on materials of classical piano MIDI files of several famous composers. One goal is to construct a classifier feasible for discriminate analysis of music of different composers by supervised learning of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and the other is to devise composer-specific music generative models and verify their effectiveness. In recent years, with advanced computer technology, research on applying mathematical models or deep learning to automatic music generation has gained popularity, and model-based music composition has also become an interesting topic in the field of artificial intelligence. In this paper, we propose a hybrid generative model of long short-term memory models (LSTMs) and first-order Markov chains for symbolic music generation, also employing a composer classification model derived by training deep CNNs for performance evaluation of verifying music generation. To generate music, we use classical piano MIDI files of an individual composer as training data, decomposing the extracted chord information into three parts for training predictive neural models, namely root-based classes, chords and durations. On the basis, we can generate music in a hierarchical manner — first predicting sequences of roots and durations using the separate LSTMs, and treating the generated root sequence as root progression in the music. The chord belonging to the next root-based class is then predicted with Markov transition probabilities of the current root and chord. For the generation of root sequence and duration sequence, the LSTMs were chosen instead of the first-order Markov models to capture the longer sequence structure. The results evaluated by the composer classification model confirm that the music generated by the hybrid generative model is more consistent with the compositional characteristics of the composer.
1. Introduction 1

2. Data Representation 7
2.1 Dataset Introduction 7
2.2 MIDI 8
2.3 Musical Terminology 10
2.4 Data Representation 12

3. CNN Composer Classification 17
3.1 Software Design 18
3.2 Experiments and Results 19

4. Music Generation with First-order Markov Chains 23
4.1 Root-based Classification of Chords 24
4.2 Briefly Introduction of Markov Chain 27
4.3 Markov Transition Matrices 28
4.4 Music Generation with First-order Markov Transition probabilities 30

5. Music Generation Using a Hybrid Generative Model of LSTMs and Markov Chains 35
5.1 Briefly Introduction of LSTM 36
5.2 Train with LSTM for only Root and Duration Generation 38
5.3 Generate with a Hybrid LSTM-Markov Model 42

6. Numerical Evaluation of Music Generation 47

7. Conclusions and Future Works 55

References 57
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