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作者(英文):Yi-Hsin Lu
論文名稱(英文):Visualization for Jazz Musicians
指導教授(英文):Chen-Hai Tsao
口試委員(英文):Ming-Chieh Shih
Chu-Lan Kao
關鍵詞(英文):jazz musician mapsvisualizationmulti-value variables
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我們使用爵士音樂家的資料建立一些視覺化圖形,這些圖能顯示音樂家在樂器、曲風和活躍年代上的相似程度。針對爵士音樂家的資料視覺化,選擇以Wynton Marsalis 和Roy Hargrove 為首的229 位音樂家,並以他們的樂器、曲風和活躍年代做為資料矩陣的變數。我們將這些變數分別處理、運算得出各自的相似度矩陣,再將這些矩陣合併,用PCA 和t-SNE降至二維。把二維的資料點繪製在平面上得到目標圖形,這些圖形比現有的Linked Jazz 能顯示出更多的資訊。當我們用變數上色時,發現大部分的音樂家都不只演奏單一樂器或曲風。針對樂器和曲風這類多值變數(multi-value variable),我們提出以三原色分別代表三種類型、接著依照比例進行調色,以此作為上色標準。
We created jazz musician maps that displayed the similarities between musicians in terms of instruments, genres, and active years. For jazz musician data visualization, we selected 229 musicians associated with Wynton Marsalis and Roy Hargrove and used their instruments, genres, and active years as variables. We separated the data matrix by variable and turned each into an affinity matrix, and then we combined all of the affinity matrices and utilized PCA and t-SNE to reduce the matrix to two dimensions, resulting in jazz musician maps that were more informative than Linked Jazz. When we colored by variables, the instruments and genres were multi-value variables, meaning the musicians played more than one instrument or genre. Therefore, we presented that utilized the three primary colors of the CMYK color system to represent three groups and then tuned the color based on the number of each group to be the progressing method of coloring.
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Data Visualization 3
1.2 Jazz Musicians 4
1.3 Chapter Overview 6
2 Data 9
2.1 Original Data Table 9
2.2 Collection 9
3 Methods 13
3.1 Working Data Matrices 13
3.1.1 Instruments and Genres 13
3.1.2 Active Years 14
3.2 Affinity Matrices 14
3.2.1 Jaccard 14
3.2.2 Jaccard.c 15
3.3 Combinations 15
3.4 Dimension Reduction 16
3.4.1 PCA 16
3.4.2 t-SNE 16
3.5 Coloring 17
3.5.1 Grouping 18
3.5.2 Tuning 19
4 Results and Discussion 25
4.1 Coloring by Instruments 25
4.1.1 Marsalis Family 25
4.1.2 Roy Hargrove Fellows Players 26
4.2 Coloring by Genres 26
4.2.1 Bebop and Hard Bop 26
4.2.2 Miles Davis 26
4.3 Active years 26
5 Conclusions 41
References 43
A Jaccard with a constant 45
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