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論文名稱(英文):The interactions of cations and anions between polytetrafluoroethylene, polymethyl methacrylate, and fluorinated ionic liquids
指導教授(英文):Hai-Chou Chang
口試委員(英文):Chien-Chih Lai
Anren Hu
關鍵詞(英文):polytetrafluoroethyleneinfrared spectroscopyhigh perssureionic liquidspolymethyl methacrylate
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Polymer polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE for short, has high chemical resistance and low friction coefficient compared to other polymers. PTFE is the ranks first in production among fluoropolymers and has lots of properties, PTFE become widely useful materials in polymer applications in the last few decades. Ionic liquids (ILs) have low vapor pressure, high ionic conductivity, and good solubility for polymer. It is interesting to study the IL and PTFE mixture interactions, for PTFE hardly be dissolved by organic solvent but fluorine ionic liquids (FILs).
In this study, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(pentafluoroethylsulfonyl)imide ([C2mim][Pf2N]) was used as FILs to associate with PTFE, and its mixtures were studied by FTIR at high pressure. IR spectra of anion region for [C2mim][Pf2N] were found more different figure structures than cation one as the PTFE was added to it forming [C2mim][Pf2N]-PTFE mixtures. Through specific weight ratio of [C2mim][Pf2N] for [C2mim][Pf2N]-PTFE mixtures (11wt%), it can be concluded that fluorine anion ([Pf2N]-) has more potentially interaction with fluoropolymers (PTFE) at high pressures.
論文大綱 i
1.序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2離子液體(Ionic Liquids) 2
1.3聚四氟乙烯 3
1.4傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜 4
2.實驗 5
2.1實驗藥品 5
2.1.2 離子液體 5
2.1.3 高分子聚合物 5
2.1.4其他溶劑 6
2.2實驗儀器 7
2.2.1 FTIR(Fourie Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) 7
2.2.2鹽片 8
2.2.3 DAC 8
2.2.4 Inconel墊片 9
2.2.5 CaF2 9
2.2.6精密萬能鑽孔機 10
2.2.7實體顯微鏡 10
2.2.8超音振盪機 11
2.2.9打片機/KBr die/瑪瑙研缽及杵/KBr 11
2.2.10水分分析儀 13
2.2.11分析天秤 13
2.3實驗步驟 14
2.3.1樣品配置 14
2.3.2常壓實驗 15
2.3.3高壓實驗 17
2.3.4壓力校正 21
2.3.5數據分析 23
3.結果與討論 25
3.1離子液體[C2mim][PF2N]與高分子[PTFE] 25
3.1.1常壓實驗 25
3.1.2高壓實驗 29
3.1.3高壓趨勢圖 37
3.2離子液體[C2mim][PF2N]與高分子[PMMA] 43
3.2.1常壓實驗 43
3.2.2高壓實驗 47
3.2.3高壓趨勢圖 53
4.結論 59
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