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作者(英文):Chen-Ling Li
論文名稱(英文):Training Object Recognition model for Tongue Manifestation and The Effect of Image Size on Model Discriminatory Ability
指導教授(英文):Shi-Jim Yen
口試委員(英文):Hsin-Hung Chou
Wen-Cheng Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)Deep LearningTongue DiagnosisFissured TongueCrenated Tongue
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針對舌診數位影像的辨識,本研究經過比較多種深度學習的演算法,最終採用YOLO v4神經網路訓練模型,建立一套可快速進行物件判別的舌診圖像辨識系統。經過實驗結果,我們確定不同解析度的舌部影像會對模型的判斷產生非常大幅的影響;當舌部影像的解析度小於128x96,模型判別的表現將開始下滑,隨著解析度的下降模型的判別能力也隨之降低,最後模型將喪失任何的判斷能力。因此須確保所有來源之舌部影像的解析度大小,方可正確地辨識舌象圖形,提供中醫師更詳盡的病情訊息,由模型自動判斷舌部的症狀來減少人力的消耗,進而輔助中醫師做出更精準的病症診斷。
Chinese medicine is often based on the four diagnoses of looking, smelling, asking and cutting, and tongue diagnosis is the main component of looking. The physical condition of the patient and the possible cause of the disease can be identified by careful observation of the appearance of the tongue. This study uses artificial intelligence to process image recognition, and establishes an automatic and efficient real-time tongue diagnosis image recognition system. After training hundreds of diagnostic data and asking professional doctors to confirm, the system can achieve an average accuracy rate of more than 90% for some tongue symptoms. If the analysis results of other TCM diagnostic systems can be included in future studies, it will provide TCM practitioners with more detailed information about their conditions, which will in turn assist them in making more accurate diagnoses.
After comparing various deep learning algorithms for tongue diagnosis, this study uses the YOLO v4 neural network training model to build a tongue recognition system for rapid object discrimination. As a result of our experiments, we determined that different resolutions of tongue images can have a very significant effect on the judgment of the model; When the resolution of the tongue image is less than 128x96, the model's discrimination performance will start to decline, and as the resolution decreases, the model's discrimination ability will also decrease, and eventually the model will lose any judgment ability. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the resolution of tongue images from all sources in order to correctly identify tongue images and provide TCM practitioners with more detailed information about their conditions.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 相關研究與文獻探討 4
2.1 相關研究介紹 4
2.1.1 舌部影像與物件偵測 4
2.1.2 自動化舌診系統 4
2.2 常見中醫舌象理論介紹 5
2.3 卷積神經網路 6
2.4 物件偵測深度學習框架YOLOv4 10
2.4.1 YOLOv4簡介 10
2.4.2 YOLOv4基本架構 12
2.5 評估方式 14
2.5.1 IoU (Intersection over Union) 14
2.5.2 混淆矩陣(Confusion Matrix) 16
2.5.3 mAP(mean Average Precision) 19
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 研究設備與環境 20
3.2 資料集 21
3.2.1 普通舌的資料集 22
3.2.2 齒痕舌的資料集 23
3.2.3 裂痕舌的資料集 24
3.3 舌象辨識-普通舌,裂痕舌,齒痕舌 25
3.3.1 訓練資料預處理 27
3.3.2 模型訓練 28
第四章 實驗設計與結果觀察 30
4.1 普通舌、齒痕舌、裂痕舌之模型訓練過程與辨識結果 30
4.1.1 使用yolov4權重的模型訓練過程 31
4.1.2 yolov4模型辨識結果觀察 33
4.1.3 使用yolov4-tiny權重的模型訓練和辨識結果 41
4.2 不同尺寸之圖像對於模型辨識之影響 67
4.2.1 資料預處理 69
4.2.2 各個像素尺寸級距的ROC Curve圖表 71
4.2.3 全像素級距的Average AUC的觀察比較 77
第五章 結論與未來展望 78
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