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作者(英文):Bing-Zhen Xie
論文名稱(英文):Private electric vehicle assisted UAV automatic charging planning integration mechanism
指導教授(英文):Chenn-Jung Huang
口試委員(英文):Liang-Chun Chen
Heng-Ming Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Path and charging planningwireless chargingunmanned aerial vehicleelectric vehicles
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近年來眾多研究同時強調無人機(unmanned aerial vehicle ,UAV)將會是未來貨物運送的主流運輸工具,業界也都對無人機配送貨品產生相當大的興趣。為實現此無人機應用之目標,許多規模較大的物流公司與無人機公司和零售業結合的計畫也致力於無人機運貨的研究與測試。然而需要長時間在空中運作的無人機,電池的續航力成為了首要的隱憂。在觀察當前用於無人機充電服務的技術應後,嘗試將其技術與未來世界地面主流的交通工具電動車(electric vehicle, EV)結合形成穩固且即時的電網,更能符合無人機運貨的理想。在本文中,對需要配送具有時效性緊急貨物且有充電需求的無人機,提出了能利用行徑在陸地上的電動車進行充電的機制。以此為解決無人機配送緊急貨物時面臨充電資源面臨滿載的窘境。
本文藉由撰寫模擬來驗證以目前助於無人機運送貨物的充電方式,做為運送環境中固定的充電資源,並提出結合電動車對無人機充電方法。組成整體機制主要的模組包含: 預估路徑及電力判斷模組、任務路經規劃及執行模組、車對無人機充電配對及充電點選擇模組。實驗結果證明,本文提出的自動充電合併機制,滿足無人機緊急貨物的配送並在有限的充電資源內降低花費在排隊充電的充電成本以及在有限的時間內將貨物送達。
In recent years, many studies have revealed that Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) will be the mainstream transportation tool for future delivery service, and the experts who have been work in transportation and delivery industry have also focused on the development in UAV related technologies. In order to achieve more useful UAV applications, many larger scale companies in transportation industry and retail industry have co-worked with the company who dedicated in UAV projects for researching and testing in UAVs. However, for, battery life has become the primary concern of UAV applications because UAVs need to operate in the sky for a long time. After observing the technical applications of the current UAV charging service in the literature, we attempt to adopt the emerging charging technologies developed for electric vehicles (EVs), which are expected to the mainstream vehicles on the ground in the future, to create a stable and instant recharging facility to assist in smooth operations of urgent UAV delivery missions.
Accordingly, this thesis proposes a real-time EV-assisting on-road charging mechanism for UAVs carrying out urgent goods delivery services. A series of simulation were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the charging algorithms. The simulation results revealed that the proposed algorithms are feasible because they can significantly reduce the charging cost, save charging time, and complete the delivery missions within a limited time.
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法與論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 無人機發展與挑戰 5
第三節 無線充電與電池交換 6
第三章 無人機充電與路徑規劃及執行架構 9
第一節 系統環境和架構 9
第二節 車對無人機充電配對及充電點選擇模組 11
第三節 預估路徑及電力判斷模組 14
第四節 任務路經規劃及執行模組 15
第四章 實驗結果與分析 21
第一節 模擬環境設定 21
第二節 實驗結果與分析 24
第五章 結論與未來工作 31
參考文獻 32
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