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作者(英文):Kuan-Wei Chen
論文名稱:以雙BERT分解式雙線性網路預測論壇文章熱門度 — 以「批踢踢」BBS為例
論文名稱(英文):Popularity Prediction for Forum Posts using Double BERT Decomposed Bilinear Network – a Case Study with the PTT BBS
口試委員(英文):Wen-Chieh Fang
Der-Lor Way
關鍵詞(英文):Natural language processingtext classificationweb crawlerspopularity prediction
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首先,我們對來自 PTT 不同看板的大量文章進行數據收集與清洗,提取文章的標題、內容、回覆留言數、推噓數得重要特徵。接著,利用自然語言處理技術對文章標題進行分詞與向量化,以便在神經網路中進行分析。經過數據前處理後,利用本研究自行研發的「雙BERT分解雙線性層神經網路」 (Double BERT Decomposed Bilinear Net,DB2 Net)對文章的文本資料進行建模與分析,並通過交叉驗證和測試集來評估與探討模型的預測能力。
實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的 DB2 Net 在預測 PTT 文章熱門討論度方面具有頗高的準確性和可靠性,證明了DB2 Net的有效性。此外,我們還發現文章標題中的關鍵字詞、熱門詞彙、發布時間等對於預測文章熱門討論度具有顯著影響。基於這些發現,本研究為網絡論壇文章熱門討論度的預測提供了一個有效的方法,並對未來在其他網絡平台的相關研究具有一定的參考價值。
With the development of the internet and technology, online forums have become increasingly popular and influential in the era of everyone having a device. Predicting which discussion topics on online forums will attract a lot of attention is important for business, political, and social research. This study will use deep learning technology to develop a neural network model to predict the popularity of articles based on their titles and content in Taiwan's well-known Bulletin Board System- "PTT".
First, we collected and cleaned a large amount of data from different boards on PTT, extracting important features of article titles, content, reply comments, and likes/dislikes. Then, we used natural language processing techniques to segment and vectorize the article titles for analysis in the neural network. After data preprocessing, we used our self-developed "Double BERT Decomposed Bilinear Net" (DB2 Net) to model and analyze the text data of the articles, and evaluated and explored the predictive ability of the model through cross-validation and testing sets.
The experimental results show that the DB2 Net proposed in this study has high accuracy and reliability in predicting the popularity of PTT articles, demonstrating the effectiveness of DB2 Net. In addition, we found that keywords in article titles, the strength of the emotional tone, popular vocabulary, and publication time have a significant impact on predicting the popularity of articles. Based on these findings, this study provides an effective method for predicting the popularity of online forum articles and has some reference value for future related research on other online platforms.
第一章 緒論   1
第一節 研究背景   1
第二節 研究動機與目的   3
第二章 相關研究   6
第一節 文本特徵提取   6
第二節 熱門度預測分析與建模   8
第三章 研究方法   10
第一節 分解式線性層   10
第二節 論壇貼文熱門度模型架構設計   14
第四章 實驗結果與討論   18
第一節 實驗環境與資料處理   18
第二節 DB2 Net 與其他模型比較   23
第五章 結果與未來展望   35
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