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作者:Andre Freeman
作者(英文):Andre Freeman
論文名稱(英文):Big Data Analytics on navigational preference of users in different languages
指導教授(英文):Chung Yung
口試委員(英文):Tyng-Ruey Chuang
Min-Xiou Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Big data analyticsweb user behaviornavigational preferenceweblogsknowledge discovery
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用者以不同語言進行瀏覽的使用偏好。本論文研究所使用的數據包含來自國立東華大 學 (NDHU) 資訊工程學系 (CSIE) 網站在 2020 年所有網站日誌數據。數據量共有5,066,905 個瀏覽點擊條目,分別瀏覽 9,590 個不同的 URL。
在本論文中,網頁主題空間定義為網站首頁以下的子目錄所有 URL 的資源,共有:(1)future students, (2)research, (3)newlist , (4)aboutus, (5)course, (6)activity, (7)alumni 和(8)resource。為了發現使用者的瀏覽偏好,研究人員將使用者的活動分為四組:(1)全英文活動,(2)全中文活動,(3)中英文活動,(4)其他活動。本論文將知識發現技術應用於 Time Selection Process (TSP)、Session Aggregation and Transformation Process(SATP)、Analysis Application Process(AAP)和 Analysis Results Evaluation and Application(AREA)等四個階段,並藉由這些分析進而提出商業智能(BI) 戰略建議。
為了發現使用者的網站瀏覽偏好,本論文研究採用了多種分析演算法: 1)
KMeans 演算法和 Elbow 方法,用於確定 TSP 部分在切割 session 時的最佳時間長度。 2) Apriori 演算法,用於查找使用者瀏覽偏好的 session 叢集。 3) 可變長度馬爾可夫鏈 (VLMC) 演算法,應用在 AAP 部分中查找使用者瀏覽偏好的頻繁序列。以及4) 潛在狄利克雷分配(LDA)演算法,應用於主題空間分類來進行網站熱門程度排序。
些建議會對本研究產生正面影響,以幫助 NDHU CSIE 學系的業務環境決策。此外,本論文還添加了概述 2020 年前十大熱門網頁的附加信息,提供根據網站使用情況彙總 BI 應用程序。
The aim of this thesis is to apply data analytic techniques to the big data of weblog to discover the navigational preference for different languages’ for the department website. The data contains the entire collection for year 2020 from the National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) Computer Science and Engineering Department (CSIE) department website. There is total of 5,066,905 click entries that contain 9,590 unique URLs in the dataset.
In this thesis, a topic space is defined over the following subdirectories (1) future students, (2) research, (3) newlist, (4) aboutus, (5) course, (6) activity, (7) alumni and (8) resource for all URLs. To discover the user’s navigational preference the researcher utilizes users’ activity which we divide into three groups; (1) English only activity, (2) Chinese only activity and (3) all activity. The knowledge discovery process is applied to the four groups in various phases Timedelta Selection Process (TSP), Session Aggregation and Transformation Process (SATP), Analysis Application Process (AAP) and Analysis Results Evaluation and Application (AREA) to make various Business Intelligence (BI) strategic suggestions.
To discover navigational preferences of users various algorithms must be applied. 1) KMeans algorithm with Elbow method is utilized to determine best time for session in the TSP section. To discover navigational preferences, 2) Apriori is used for find frequent itemsets on users’ navigational preference along with 3) Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC) to find frequent sequence in users’ navigational preferences in the AAP section. 4) Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is applied to take advantage of the topic space to rank top Nth pages.
In the conclusion of this thesis, three strategic suggestions from a data science stand point was suggested for which the researcher strongly believe would have the greatest impact from this study. Also, hope that the BI strategic suggestion would aid in the NDHU CSIE department business context decision making. Additional information outlining the basic website summary information for 2020 is also added to round up the BI application from website usage.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract iii
Abstract (Chinese) v
Table of Content vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Goals 3
1.2 Organization of Thesis 3
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Big Data 5
2.2 Knowledge Discovery Process 7
2.2.1 Stages of Data Analytics 7
2.2.2 Data Mining Techniques 8
2.3 Data Mining with Weblogs 12
2.4 Other Website Analysis tools 13
2.4.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation LDA 13
3. Material and Overall Framework 15
3.1 Dataset 15
3.2 Overall Framework 16
3.3 Preservation of data, algorithms and results 17
4. Timedelta Selection Process (TSP) 18
4.1 Timedelta Generation 18
4.2 Timedelta Selection Analysis 19
5. Session Aggregation and Transformation Process (SATP) 22
5.1 Specialized data filtering, cleaning and segregation for weblog data 22
5.1.1 URL Based Filtering 22
5.1.2 URL based cleaning 23
5.1.3 URL based segregation 24
5.2 Session Aggregation 26
5.3 SATP Experimental Efforts 30
5.4 Discontinued efforts in SATP 31
5.4.1 Modes of the SATP 31
5.4.2 Multi-Client and Server Application of SATP 32
6. Analysis Application Process (AAP) 36
6.1 Apriori 36
6.2 VLMC 37
6.2 LDA application 39
6.3 Session First and Last page analysis via probability 40
7. Analysis Result Evaluation and Application 42
7.1 Lookup Transformation for Evaluation 42
7.2 Analysis Result Application 43
7.2.1 Strategic Suggestion N(1) 43
7.2.2 Strategic Suggestion N(2) 44
7.2.3 Strategic Suggestion N(3) 45
7.3 Analysis Result Evaluation 46
7.3.1 Strategic Suggestion 1 46
7.3.2 Strategic Suggestion 2 48
7.3.3 Strategic Suggestion 3 50
7.4 Other Results 50
Top 10 user preferred pages 51
8. Conclusion 54
Bibliography 55
Appendix 57
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