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作者(英文):Duy-Dat Nguyen
論文名稱(英文):An Authentication and Self-Recovery Method for Tampered Color Images
指導教授(英文):Shin-Feng Lin
口試委員(英文):Kuo-Cheng Liu
Mei-Juan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):WatermarkingTamper detectionTamper self-recoveryAuthentication
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我們的方法展示了出色的篡改檢測能力,能夠使用嵌入的浮水印準確地定位篡改區域。此外,它展示了在篡改率高達 90% 的情況下實現影像恢復的顯著潛力。浮水印中編碼的自我恢復資訊在恢復篡改區域方面發揮了至關重要的作用,增強了恢復影像的完整性和可靠性。與最先進方法的全面比較確認了我們方法在多個面向的優異性,包括感知性、篡改檢測和恢復等。
This thesis focuses on the challenge of safeguarding data integrity and security in the realm of digital images, considering the constant advancements in image processing techniques and internet technology. With the availability of commercial image processing tools that enable effortless manipulation and tampering of digital images, there is an urgent need for effective countermeasures to ensure their authenticity and reliability.

To tackle these challenges, we propose a comprehensive method that introduces a block encoding approach for detecting tampering and enabling image recovery. Our algorithm incorporates a watermark, integrating self-recovery information and authentication bits from groups of four non-overlapping blocks. By employing a lookup table, we effectively embed the watermark into the corresponding blocks independently.

To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conducted experiments using various images. The evaluation encompasses imperceptibility, tamper detection, and recovery. Our results strongly support the merits of our approach. The proposed method consistently produces watermarked images with high visual quality, preserving the overall aesthetics while ensuring imperceptibility—a crucial factor for practical applications.

Our method demonstrated excellent tamper detection capability, accurately localizing tampered regions using the embedded watermark. Furthermore, it exhibited significant potential for image recovery, even with tampering rates as high as 90%. The self-recovery information encoded in the watermark played an essential role in restoring tampered regions, enhancing the integrity and reliability of the recovered image. A comprehensive comparison with state-of-the-art approaches confirms the superior performance of our method across multiple dimensions, including imperceptibility, tamper detection, and recovery.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Backgrounds 5
2.1 Arnold’s Cat Map 5
2.2 Quality Measurements 6
Chapter 3 Related Work 11
3.1 A Hierarchical Digital Watermarking Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery 11
3.2 Dual Watermark for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery 13
3.3 An Effective Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Color Image Tampering Detection and Self-Recovery 18
3.4 Authentication and Self-Recovery Using a New Image Inpainting Technique with LSB Shifting in Fragile Image Watermarking 21
Chapter 4 The Proposed Method 25
4.1 Watermark Embedding 26
4.1.1 Watermark Generation 27
4.1.2 Watermark Modification 30
4.1.3 Block Map Generation 31
4.1.4 Block Watermark Embedding 32
4.2 Tamper Detection 34
4.3 Tamper Recovery 35
Chapter 5 Experimental Results and Discussion 37
5.1 Data Set 37
5.2 Performance of the Proposed Method 38
Chapter 6 Conclusions 51
References 52
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