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作者(英文):Yi-Sheng Ciou
論文名稱:基於影像邊緣特徵之H.266/VVC 畫面間快速編碼演算法
論文名稱(英文):Fast Coding Algorithm Based on Image Edge Feature for Inter Coding of H.266/VVC
指導教授(英文):Mei-Juan Chen
口試委員(英文):Pao-Chi Chang
Lih-Jen Kau
關鍵詞(英文):H.266/VVCVersatile Video CodingImage Edge FeatureFast Coding AlgorithmInter Coding ToolQT-MTT
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Versatile video coding (H.266/VVC) is the newest international video coding standard to effectively encode the ultra-high-definition video. Compared to the quadtree (QT) split of high efficiency video coding (HEVC/H.265), the quadtree with nested multi-type tree (QT-MTT) using binary tree (BT) and ternary tree (TT) splits coding block structure in H.266/VVC provides various sizes of coding unit (CU) partitioning. Furthermore, advanced coding tools are numerously equipped in the H.266/VVC encoder. The functionalities enhance the compression performance for a variety of video content but also greatly increase encoding complexity. Therefore, the acceleration of encoding is a very important issue. This thesis proposes a fast algorithm based on image edge feature for H.266/VVC inter coding. The image feature extracted by edge detection is utilized to decide the usage of the coding tools in the coding tree unit (CTU). The image feature is also applied for the fast decision of TT split and direction in the MTT structure of CU. Moreover, the maximum split depth of the CTU is predicted according to the reference frames for the early termination of encoding process. The experimental results show that the coding time is reduced by 33.88% while the Bjøntegaard delta bitrate (BDBR) is only increased by 0.26% on average under random-access configuration. The performance of proposed algorithm outperforms the previous work.
第一章 緒論 13
第二章 H.266/VVC快速演算法文獻回顧 43
第三章 所提出的畫面間編碼快速演算法 53
第四章 實驗結果 95
第五章 結論與未來展望 117
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