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作者(英文):De-Yu Lin
論文名稱(英文):Lane-marking and Forward Vehicle Identify Algorithm Based on Consecutive Images Inertial Tracking
指導教授(英文):Tsung-Ying Sun
Hsin-Jang Shieh
口試委員(英文):Horng-Lin Shieh
Shiow-yang Wu
Tsung-Ying Sun
Hsin-Jang Shieh
關鍵詞(英文):Lane marking detection and recognitionForward driver detection and recognitionEdge sharpeningConsecutive image inertia tracking
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High-performance identification of lane markings and forward vehicles is a critical technology for advanced driver assistance systems. This research is based on exploiting the consecutive images' inertial tracking characteristics and utilizes image processing and analysis techniques to enhance the effectiveness of lane marking and forward vehicles identification. The objective is to improve system robustness and stability, achieving a reliable and precise algorithm for identifying lane markings and forward vehicles.
The algorithm presented in this paper consists of three main components: lane marking identification, forward driver identification, and consecutive frame inertia tracking. For lane marking identification, image processing and regression analysis techniques are employed to detect lane marking peaks and predict unknown lane marking coordinates. Additionally, lane marking differentiation is achieved based on color contrast with the road surface. For forward driver identification, feature enhancement techniques, feature continuity, and XY-axis size are utilized for effective segmentation and identification of front vehicles. In the consecutive frame inertia tracking phase, correlations within consecutive images are leveraged to extract lane marking and forward driver features from preceding frames, which are then applied to search for similar road lanes and front vehicles in subsequent frames.
Through road image testing in various environments, the algorithm demonstrates improved performance by using single-channel lane marking identification and narrowed forward driver recognition, reducing additional computational burden. By employing consecutive image inertia tracking, the recognition accuracy and robustness are further improved, while the execution time is reduced.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 動機與目的 5
1-4 研究方法 7
1-5 論文架構 9
第二章 道路線辨識 11
2-1 道路線偵測及預測 12
2-2 道路線顏色辨識 22
2-3 道路線預測座標修正及更新 26
2-3-1 道路線消逝點調整 29
第三章 前方車輛辨識 33
3-1 陰影檢測 34
3-1-1 左右車道陰影檢測 40
3-2 前車辨識 43
第四章 基於連續影像的道路線與前方車輛慣性追蹤 57
4-1 道路線慣性追蹤 57
4-2 前方車輛慣性追蹤 62
第五章 實驗及統計分析 67
5-1 模擬平台軟硬體規格及測試影片 67
5-1-1 測試平台軟硬體規格 67
5-1-2 演算法參數設定 68
5-1-3 行車測試影片 70
5-2 各種行車環境的測試 74
5-2-1 晴天 76
5-2-2 陰天 79
5-2-3 雨天 83
5-2-4 夜晚 87
5-3 實驗結果統計與分析 91
5-3-1 晴天 95
5-3-2 陰天 100
5-3-3 雨天 105
5-3-4 夜晚 109
5-4 實驗結果比較 115
5-4-1 道路線偵測實驗結果比較 115
5-4-2 前方車輛偵測實驗結果比較 117
第六章 結論與未來方向 119
6-1 結論 119
6-2 未來方向 120
參考文獻 121
作者簡歷 125
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