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作者(英文):Yi-Liang Chen
論文名稱(英文):Reinforcement Learning-based Mobile Edge Computing Task Offloading in Internet of Vehicles
指導教授(英文):Han-Chieh Chao
口試委員(英文):Hsin-Hung Cho
Fan-Hsun Tseng
Wei-Che Chien
Shih-Yun Huang
關鍵詞(英文):5GInternet of VehicleTask offloadingMECReinforcement learning 
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近年來,隨著通訊技術的發展,第五代行動通訊技術(5th Generation Wireless System, 5G)的技術逐漸發展成熟,可以透過更大的頻寬支援更快的傳輸速度,連結更多設備,應用在更為複雜的使用環境。我們可以利用5G技術中的高可靠低延遲通訊,為車聯網提供即時的傳輸,協助處理車載行駛中的各種狀況,甚至實現自動駕駛的技術。這些許多結合視訊多媒體與各種感測器的應用,產生大量計算密集且延遲敏感的數據,單憑車載本身的計算能力無法處理,因此,為了滿足應用的計算與延遲要求,使用移動邊緣計算(Mobile Edge Computing, MEC)是一個有效的解決方法。

In recent years, with the development of communication technology, It can support fast transmission speed through large bandwidth, connect more devices, and be applied in more environment. We can use the ultra-reliable and low latency communication in 5G technology, it provides instant transmission for the Internet of Vehicles and even realize self-driving technology. These applications generate large amount of computing-intensive and delay-sensitive data, which cannot be processed by vehicle itself. In order to meet the computing and delay requirements of the application, MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) seems to be an effective solution.
Due to the computing power of vehicle is limited, cloud computing is used to process the tasks. However, the transmission delay to cloud is too long to meet the delay constraints of tasks. MEC is deployed close to the vehicle, which provides computing power, low-latency transmission and storage ability for the vehicle. Using the MEC to process vehicle services can effectively reduce transmission delays and provide computing power for vehicle services. However, the computing power of MEC is still limited compared with cloud computing. If the service requests all processed by MEC, it will cause MEC overloading and reduce computing power, which violates the delay constraints of services requests. Therefore, it is necessary to make task offloading for MEC to prevent MEC from overloading. This paper proposes an offloading method combined with reinforcement learning, which can adaptively satisfy the service requests in various vehicle environment. MEC will periodically report the state of MEC to the cloud and the cloud will train and update the reinforcement learning model. First, the vehicle will transmit the task to the MEC. MEC can migrate the task through the reinforcement learning model. MEC can migrate the task to other MEC or migrate the task with large computing requirements and insensitive delay constraint task to the cloud, so as to satisfy the service requests and minimize the delay time and energy consumption.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 背景知識 6
第三章 問題定義 14
第四章 基於強化學習演算法之任務卸載策略 20
第五章 實驗模擬 25
第六章 結論 34
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