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作者(英文):Li-Chuan Weng
論文名稱(英文):Improved and quantitative schlieren system
指導教授(英文):Chin-Jung Chuang
口試委員(英文):Shih-Hsin Ma
Chih-Hung Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):schlierenimage analysissensitivityRGB color lightimproved system
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This study proposes a new quantitative method, which using computerized image analysis to quantify the sensitivity of the system; therefore, we no longer weigh the pros and cons of different systems by visual perception. Instead, using data to explain. Here, we use the gray level difference statistics and the gray-level co-occurrence matrix to analyze image contrast, with thermometer to get the sensitivity of the system, and finally the gray-level co-occurrence matrix is relatively accurate.
Experiment using the RGB color light to analysis, the green light has higher sensitivity than other color . The inference is mainly affected by the sensitivity of the camera, so if the sensitivity of the RGB color light can be analyzed, and the sensitivity of different lights can be obtained according to the color mixing ratio.
In order to improve the sensitivity of the system, we imitate the predecessors to improve the schlieren imaging system. Add a concave mirror to the system, and then the schlieren image is projected directly beside the observation object, although the results show that the sensitivity doesn’t improve, but it can measure the change from 20℃ to 40℃, which is suitable for experiments with little temperature change. It also has good results in the measurement of wind speed which the error is only 11%. Beside, the improved system reduce the damage by laser to the camera photosensitive elements, which is helpful to researchers who use lasers to observe schlieren image for a long time, and also makes it convenient for researchers to observe the experimental process.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第1章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第2章 文獻回顧與基本理論 3
2.1 紋影成像的原理 3
2.1.1 氣體密度 3
2.1.2 光的折射 4
2.1.3 遮光的影響 5
2.1.4 紋影成像幾何理論 6
2.1.5 靈敏度 8
2.1.6 凹面鏡的反射性質 9
2.2 紋影系統的演進 10
2.2.1 背景紋影系統 11
2.2.2 August Toepler紋影系統 12
2.2.3 雙凹面鏡紋影系統 13
2.2.4 單凹面鏡紋影系統 14
2.3 人眼與相機視覺 15
2.3.1 人眼視覺 15
2.3.2 相機視覺 16
2.4 影像特徵分析 17
2.4.1 灰階差分統計法 17
2.4.2 灰階共生矩陣 18
2.5 速度分析 20
2.5.1 PIVlab 20
2.5.2 Tracker 20
2.6 影像處理 21
2.6.1 對比度受限的直方圖均衡化(CLAHE) 21
2.6.2 二維自適應去噪濾波(Wiener2 Denoise) 22
2.6.3 強度上限(Intensity Capping) 24
第3章 實驗架構 25
3.1 光學系統 25
3.1.1 單凹面鏡紋影成像系統 25
3.1.2 改良後的紋影成像系統 25
3.2 實驗設備介紹 26
第4章 實驗測試與系統調整 29
4.1 定量靈敏度 29
4.2 相機參數設定 29
4.2.1 幀率 29
4.2.2 快門速度 29
4.2.3 感光度ISO 29
4.2.4 相機光圈 30
4.3 影像分析程式測試 31
4.3.1 灰階差分統計法與灰階共生矩陣程式測試 31
4.3.2 分析法選擇 32
4.4 PIVlab作業流程 34
4.4.1 分析前處理 34
4.4.2 分析 36
4.4.3 分析後處理 36
4.4.4 數據分析 37
4.5 PIVlab分析誤差與調整 38
4.5.1 PIVlab軟體誤差 38
4.5.2 設定偵詢區 40
4.5.3 實驗數據誤差 41
第5章 實驗結果與討論 43
5.1 三原色光的影響 43
5.2 不同架構的影響 48
5.3 風速分析 53
第6章 結論與未來方向 55
參考文獻 57
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