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作者(英文):Yu-Chin Hou
論文名稱(英文):Content and Consequences of Vanguard leadership: scale construction and antecedents exploring
指導教授(英文):Chia-wu Lin
口試委員(英文):Zhen-Ru Lin
Chih-Ying Wu
關鍵詞(英文):Vanguard leadershipSocial capitalAdventurous BehaviorInnovative behaviorWork performance
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本研究試著釐清先鋒領導概念及意涵,以發展適當的衡量工具,並進而探討其前因與後果變數;本研究包含兩個子研究,共探討了六個假設。研究一中,針對臺灣AI產業中31位員工與主管,透過前測先蒐集描述先鋒領導之重要關鍵事例,並以此為基礎編製先鋒領導量表題項。第二階段的樣本,則為臺灣AI產業中,310筆領導者與部屬互評的資料。經由探索性因素分析結果獲得,先鋒領導的四個因素:創新善用性、產業遠瞻性、跨界靈活性與獨斷嚴謹性。研究一中,還檢驗先鋒領導量表的信效度(包含,內部一致性、區別效度、效標關聯效度、遞增效度等)。由效標關聯效度的結果看出,先鋒領導與部屬的創新行為、工作績效之間,具有顯著的相關。研究二, 則探討先鋒領導行為可能的前因,社會資本及冒險行為。研究二結果發現,社會資本及冒險行為皆與先鋒領導之間,有顯著正相關。最後,也提供了理論與實務意涵、研究限制,及未來研究建議等討論。
Discussion on leadership behavior has been one of the important issues in organizational management. A few decades ago, western scholars suggested various leadership theories. With the change of time, new theories were further formulated to explain the phenomenon and issues on leadership that occurred in contemporary society. Vanguard leadership is one of the novel theories formed in 2020, which is still an abstract concept, and there is no convincing measurement for its validity and reliability. This study tried to define the concept and connotation of a vanguard leadership, and design a measurement tool to further probe into its causal factors. There were two main research questions and six hypotheses in this study.
The first research question focused on the 31 staff and managers in Taiwan’s AI industry. A set of measurement items was designed based on a pretest that collected responses for vital cases regarding vanguard leadership. The sample for the second phase was the evaluations among 310 leaders and subordinates in Taiwan’s AI industry. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the four factors of vanguard leadership are ‘innovation and practicality’, ‘industry foresight’, ‘cross-sectoral flexibility’, and ‘assertive rigorousness’. The internal validity, discriminant validity, criterion of validity, and incremental validity, etc. were also tested. The result of the criterion of validity suggested that the subordinate’s innovative behaviors and work performance are significantly correlated with vanguard leadership.
The second hypothesis probed into the potential reasons that vanguard leadership might function concerning social capital and adventurous behavior. The findings suggested that social capital and adventurous behavior are both positively correlated with vanguard leadership. Finally, this study also discussed theoretical and practical implications, research limitations, and recommendations for future research.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題與目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節、先鋒隊歷史背景 3
第二節、先鋒領導力–案例分析 4
第三節、先鋒隊定義 7
第四節、先鋒領導者之行為表現 7
第五節、影響先鋒領導力之前因 8
第六節、先鋒領導力影響之結果 13
第七節、與其他領導風格之比較 15
第八節、人工智慧在台灣現狀 19
第三章 研究一:先鋒領導量表建構與信效度分析 21
第一節、量表前測 21
第二節、正式量表施測與分析 32
第三節、研究一正式量表的樣本 36
第四節、研究一的結果 41
第五節、小結與討論 58
第四章 研究二:先鋒領導之前因分析 59
第一節、研究流程 59
第二節、資料分析方法 61
第三節、研究結果 61
第四節、小結與討埨 65
第五章結論與建議 65
第一節、結論彙整與討論 66
第二節、理論貢獻與實務意涵 68
第三節、研究限制與未來研究建議 73
參考文獻 77
附錄一: 先鋒領導行為與現象問卷 84
附錄二: 專家效度審查意見整理 87
附錄三: 主管問卷 92
附錄四: 部屬問卷 99
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