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作者(英文):Wei-Hsin Hsu
論文名稱(英文):Raising medical professional shield to combat stress caused by COVID-19 pandemic: Sensemaking perspective research
指導教授(英文):Chia-Wu Lin
口試委員(英文):Shu-Wei Hsu
Chien-Nan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)healthcaresensemakingstress process model
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) broke out in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has since spread rapidly to countries across the world, causing massive numbers of infections and even deaths. During the pandemic, in addition to infected people, healthcare professionals are the ones most directly affected. In the face of problems such as shortages of medical manpower and epidemic prevention materials resulting from large numbers of patients, and an absence of treatments for the new infectious disease, healthcare professionals have come under overwhelming pressure. Although previous studies have explored the impacts of epidemics on perceived stress in healthcare professionals, epidemics that cause as massive-scale spread as COVID-19 to kill tens of thousands of people worldwide are quite rarely seen. The purpose of this study is to investigate medical professionals’ perception and response to stress under the outbreak of COVID-19, a new, unknown, and severe epidemic, using the rich descriptive capacity of qualitative research and its ability to present dynamic processes. Further, the understanding and interpretation of the environment by healthcare professionals are discussed from the perspective of sensemaking.

In this study, eight clinical staff members who had cared for patients with confirmed COVID-19 were interviewed for about 90 minutes each. Subsequently, open, axial, sub-category, and main-category coding was conducted on eight verbatim transcripts using techniques from grounded theory, whereby the ‘process of stress perception in healthcare professionals’ was derived and the curve of perceived stress levels with the time axis was produced. This model shows that the process of stress perception and response in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 outbreak is divided into four stages: concern, anxiety, learning, and adaptation. Initially, the ‘unknowingness and uncertainty’ of the epidemic caused concern and led to negative perceptions of stress. Nevertheless, such ‘unknowingness and uncertainty’ also included a sense of challenges and expectations that further aroused positive perceptions. When healthcare professionals came into actual contact with confirmed patients, ‘reality shock’ emerged, leading perceived stress to reach its peak. At the same time, however, the effect of ‘multi-support’ also began to intervene. In the learning stage, healthcare professionals were observed to establish the ‘accumulation of knowledge and experience’ regarding COVID-19, and finally generate successful ‘behavioural adaptation’ to cope with stress in the adaptation phase. Next, the seven properties of the sensemaking process proposed by Weick were used to conduct an analysis, which established such ‘Redefining medical professional identity’, ‘The focus of retrospective experience is the moment of encounter’ , ‘The unknown and uncertainty are the biggest stressors’ , ‘Diversified support is a social factor in sensemaking’ , ‘Ongoing patterns of stress process model’ , ‘Subjectivity of adaptation’. Finally, seven new propositions, related theoretical contributions, and suggestions on management practice are proposed for the reference of healthcare professionals, medical institutions, and government units, and research limitations and directions for future research are summarized.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 COVID-19新型冠狀病毒的影響 5
第二節 壓力的感受及因應 6
第三節 醫療人員面對大流行病的壓力與因應 8
第四節 意義建構理論(sensemaking) 11
第五節 COVID-19與意義建構 13
第六節 COVID-19大流行的意義建構對於態度與行為之影響 14
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 質化研究-描述性研究的選擇 17
第二節 資料收集方法與研究設計 18
第三節 研究流程 20
第四節 研究對象 21
第四章 研究結果 25
第一節 未知與不確定的負向影響 26
第二節 正向的行為與心態 30
第三節 現實的衝擊 32
第四節 多元支持 39
第五節 知識與經驗的獲得 44
第六節 行為調適 48
第七節 焦慮 53
第八節 意義建構觀點的壓力知覺與因應 54
第九節 新命題的提出 61
第五章 結論與討論 65
第一節 研究主要貢獻 65
第二節 管理實務與意涵 68
第三節 研究限制與未來研究的建議 71
參考文獻 73
附錄 來源索引 78
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