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作者(英文):Ming-Yan Lai
論文名稱(英文):Incorating Service Gaps Aanalysis into the Regional Transit Corridor Improvement Strategy- A Case Study North of Hualien
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Ming-Ying Lu
Yi-Chun Chen
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花蓮縣客運路廊主要有 19 條公路客運、12 條市區客運、3 條臺灣好行路線
及,以花蓮火車站發車路線網狀至鄰近鄉鎮,然大眾公車使用率仍低。109 年 1
月 6 日蘇花改完成全線通車後,對於花蓮縣交通尤以北地區造成衝擊,且花蓮縣
花蓮縣北區主要以 5 個鄉、市(壽豐鄉、吉安鄉、花蓮市、新城鄉、秀林鄉)
生活圈為範圍,占花蓮縣人口 74.08%及戶數 92.50%,幾乎花蓮縣境內約 90%以
計算出各因素權重值,指標分數排序建構在 SAW 演算的架構上,以導向出明確且
The Hualien County Passenger Corridor mainly has 19 highway passenger
transportation, 12 urban passenger transportation, 3 Taiwan-friendly routes, and the Hualien Railway Station departure route is networked to neighboring towns. However, the utilization rate of public buses is still low. On January 6, 109, after the completion of the entire line of Suhuakai, the traffic in Hualien County was particularly impacted,
and the development of Hualien County was in the form of tourism activities, showing a higher distribution pattern in the northern district of Hualien than in the southern district.
The North District of Hualien County is mainly based on the living circles of 5 townships and cities (Shoufeng Township, Ji'an Township, Hualien City, Xincheng Township, Xiulin Township), accounting for 74.08% of the population and 92.50% of the number of households in Hualien County, almost within the territory of Hualien County. More than 90% of the trains start from Hualien Railway Station, which radiates from the road network to neighboring towns and towns. The service volume of shortdistance bus transportation can be relatively concentrated, and the service hours of the shifts are intensive. However, the route has high repeatability and low carrying performance, and still needs to rely on the surplus of loss subsidies to supplement operating costs. Most of the route reviews take the reduction of shifts, suspension, reduction or consolidation as the main countermeasures to reduce operating losses, but rarely There has been little in-depth research on the service performance of the route shuttle service hours.
Therefore, in order to effectively conform to the actual public transportation network, this study firstly analyzes and discusses the bus capacity and energy of each route in the North Hualien area at different time periods, and discusses the operation of the route through the analysis of the occupancy rate data of the electronic ticket of the public transportation route. The status of performance operation, the weight value of each factor is calculated by experts and related practitioners using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the ranking of index scores is constructed on the framework of SAW calculus to guide clear and feasible evaluation indicators to propose
route modification or optimization A reference for planning strategies for regional corridors.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究範圍 2
1.2.1 區域路廊服務範圍 3
1.2.2 區域路廊服務時間範圍 4
1.3研究目的 6
1.4研究構面與流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 客運營運現況 9
2.2 路網規劃回顧 12
2.3 路網規劃方法 14
2.4 文獻評析 17
第三章 研究問題與方法 19
3.1 問題描述 19
3.2 資料收集 20
3.3 研究方法 37
3.3.1分群評估指標 38
3.3.2多準則決策分析-以AHP為基礎之簡單加權法優先排序(SAW) 40
第四章 區域路廊改善策略 45
4.1 A路廊各路線現況與方案 45
4.2 B路廊各路線現況與方案 46
4.3 C路廊各路線現況與方案 48
4.4 D路廊各路線現況與方案 50
4.5 E路廊各路線現況與方案 51
4.6 F路廊各路線現況與方案 53
五章 結論與建議 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 建議 56
參考文獻 57

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