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作者:Catari Alam
作者(英文):Catari Alam
指導教授(英文):Khalil Mohammad Shadab
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):COVID-19panic buyingfearanxietystressinformation conformityspending self-controluncertainty avoidance
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OBJECTIVE - COVID-19 pandemic is a very dangerous virus and is happening all over the world. Like other viruses: H1N1, Ebola virus, and Spain flu, it causes many changes in society, social and economic life. One of the things that happened when facing a virus was Panic buying which was caused by fear of the spread of this virus. Therefore, this research will find out the factors that influence panic buying and will test whether information from the surrounding, spending self-control and uncertainty avoidance can reduce panic buying. This research will make a comparison between two countries, namely Taiwan and Indonesia to test consumer behavior when panic buying in the two countries.
METHODS – Conduct the survey in Indonesia and Taiwan and do the analysis using SmartPLS 3 software.
FINDING – The findings found that, there is the significance of Anxiety, Stress to Fear of COVID-19 and current research also shows that there is a significance relationship between Fear of COVID-19 to Panic buying. The result of moderation effect implied that strong Information Conformity can lead to increasing of Anxiety towards Fear, therefore positive information is very correlative with the inner emotional of human being.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE – cross-cultural study between Indonesia and Taiwan has been conducted in the context of Panic Buying and provide firms and scholar with the new insight to assess the consumer behaviour in crisis situation.
Abstract i
Table of Contents ii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Gap 2
1.3 Research Purpose and Research Question 3
1.4 Significance of the Research 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 COVID-19 5
2.2 Anxiety COVID-19 8
2.3 Stress COVID-19 9
2.4 Fear of COVID-19 10
2.5 Panic buying 11
2.6 Information conformity 13
2.7 Spending Self-Control 14
2.8 Uncertainty Avoidance 15
Chapter 3 Hypotheses Development and Research Framework 19
3.1 Research Framework 19
3.2 Hypothesis development 20
3.2.1 Direct effect of Anxiety (AN-19) on Fear of COVID-19 (FC-19) 20
3.2.2 Fear of COVID-19 (FC-19) and Panic Buying (PB) 22
3.2.3 Information Conformity (IC) as Moderator 23
3.2.4 Spending self-control (SSC) as moderator 24
3.1.5 Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) as moderator 25
Chapter 4 Methodology and Data Analysis 29
4.1 Research Methodology 29
4.2 Data collection 29
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Result 35
5.1 Accuracy Analysis 35
5.2 Hypotheses Analysis: Direct Effect 42
5.3 Hypotheses Analysis: Moderating Effects 43
5.4 Hypothesis Analysis (Multi Group Analysis) 45
Chapter 6 Discussion 47
6.1 General Discussion 47
6.2 Research Implication 51
6.3 Theoretical implications 51
6.4 Managerial Implication 53
6.5 Limitation and future research 54
Conclusion 55
Reference 57
Appendix 73
A. English Version 73
B. Chinese Version 78
C. Indonesian Version 82
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1. 電視廣告對於文化價值觀念之內容分析:以蒙古電視廣告為例
2. Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Products: A Case from Indonesia
3. Standalone versus Mixed Product Display and its Effect on Green Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Green Product Efficacy
4. Linkage Hedonic and Utilitarian Value Toward Green Purchase Intention Moderated by Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance Message Framing
6. 消費者購買基因改造食物的意欲的決定因素:文化及對宗教的熱誠的中介作用
7. Third-Party Product Review and Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Product Review Video on Video-Sharing Platform
8. The Role of Online Food Delivery In The Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Effect Of Consumer Styles
9. The Drivers of Social Media Addiction and Its Effect on Conspicuous Consumption
10. Antecedents of Group Travel Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
11. The Impact of Ad-Evoked Personal Nostalgia on Mongolian Consumers' Emotional Brand Attachment, Product and Advertisement Attitude, and Purchase Intetion
12. The Role of Social Media Marketing in Shaping Attitude and Enrollment Intention in an Online University among Students and Working Professionals
13. The Impact of Sustainable Packaging on Consumer Satisfaction with Products, Package Quality, and Purchase Intention among Mongolian Consumers
14. The Influence of AI-Powered Labels on Consumer Decision-Making: A Study of Moderation and Mediation Models
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