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作者:Truong Huynh Mai Anh
作者(英文):Truong Huynh Mai Anh
論文名稱:The Role of Online Food Delivery In The Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Effect Of Consumer Styles
論文名稱(英文):The Role of Online Food Delivery In The Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Effect Of Consumer Styles
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):online food deliveryconvenienceriskvalueattitudeanxietypro-environmental action
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The growth of this service market leads to the development of online food delivery platforms, increasing both restaurant service options and consumer choice. From this current phenomenon, the current research examines how online food delivery service impacts consumer perceptions and behaviors in the restaurant industry across online food delivery types and how this relationship is affected by different consumer styles. Besides that, this current study attempts to find evidence about the interplay impact between hedonic/utilitarian, and the sense of obligation to take pro-environmental actions in online food delivery context and how the physical distance or social interaction influence on consumer received value. The research collected data from Vietnam market where online food delivery become popular recently and reached to rapid growth speed during the pandemic. The proposed model is tested using Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Hayes macro process. The finding reveals that although online food delivery service brings both convenience and risk to consumers, the perceived convenience value is higher when customers use online food delivery from third-party services. Based on the results of the study, the negative moderating effect of technology anxiety on the relationship between perceived risk and consumer perceived value is confirmed. Social interaction anxiety is also positive significantly on the relationship between perceived convenience and consumer perceived value. However, it fails to prove the significant interplay between hedonic/utilitarian, and the sense of obligation to take pro-environmental actions in the online food delivery context. The research advances theoretical understanding of the role of online food delivery in the restaurant industry and marketing. The findings highlight the importance of third-party services in increasing customer value and intention. It also guides restaurants to choose an effective method of providing their service via online food delivery service.
Abstract I
Table of Contents II
List of Tables V
List of Figures VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Gap 2
1.3 Research Purpose and Research Question 5
1.4 The Significance of The Study 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Restaurant Industry and Online Food Delivery Service 8
2.2 Consumer Attitudes and Consumer Intention 9
2.3 Consumer Perceived Value 10
2.4 Perceived Convenience 10
2.5 Perceived Risk 13
2.6 Technology Anxiety 16
2.7 Social Interaction Anxiety 16
2.8 Online Food Delivery Service Types 17
2.9 Consumption Style: Hedonic and Utilitarian 18
2.10 Sense of Obligation to Take Pro-environmental Actions 19
Chapter 3 Hypotheses Development and Research Framework 20
3.1 Research Framework 21
3.2 Hypotheses Development 22
3.2.1. The Relationship Between Perceived Convenience and Perceived Value 22
3.2.2 The Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value 22
3.2.3 The Relationship Between Perceived Value, Attitudes Towards Online Food Delivery and Consumer Intention Toward Online Food Delivery 22
3.2.4 Technology Anxiety as a Moderator 24
3.2.5 Social Interaction Anxiety as a Moderator 25
3.2.6 Online Food Delivery Service Types as a Moderator 26
3.2.7 Consumption Style: Hedonic vs Utilitarian as a Moderator 27
3.2.8 Sense of Obligation to Take Pro-environmental Actions as a Moderator 28
Chapter 4 Methodology and Data Analysis 31
4.1 Research Methodology 31
4.2 Data Collection 32
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Result 33
5.1 Accuracy Analysis 33
5.2 Hypotheses Analysis 37
5.2.1 Hypotheses Analysis: Direct Effect 37
5.2.2 Hypotheses Analysis: Moderating Effect 39
5.2.3 Multi Group Analysis 42
5.2.4 Structural Model 43
5.3 Hypotheses Test Result 45
Chapter 6 Discussion 46
6.1 General Discussion 46
6.2 Theoretical Implications 49
6.3 Managerial Implications 50
6.4 Limitation and Future Research 52

References 54
Appendix A Research Items of Scale 73
Appendix B Questionnaire in English Version 76
Appendix C Questionnaire in Vietnamese Version 86
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1. 師院生次級文化之調查研究
2. 比較種保持邊界特性的M平滑方法
3. 電視廣告對於文化價值觀念之內容分析:以蒙古電視廣告為例
4. Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Products: A Case from Indonesia
5. Standalone versus Mixed Product Display and its Effect on Green Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Green Product Efficacy
6. Linkage Hedonic and Utilitarian Value Toward Green Purchase Intention Moderated by Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance Message Framing
8. 消費者購買基因改造食物的意欲的決定因素:文化及對宗教的熱誠的中介作用
9. 對新冠肺炎的懼怕及恐慌性消費:跨文化調節效應的檢驗
10. Third-Party Product Review and Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Product Review Video on Video-Sharing Platform
11. The Drivers of Social Media Addiction and Its Effect on Conspicuous Consumption
12. Antecedents of Group Travel Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
13. The Impact of Ad-Evoked Personal Nostalgia on Mongolian Consumers' Emotional Brand Attachment, Product and Advertisement Attitude, and Purchase Intetion
14. The Role of Social Media Marketing in Shaping Attitude and Enrollment Intention in an Online University among Students and Working Professionals
15. The Impact of Sustainable Packaging on Consumer Satisfaction with Products, Package Quality, and Purchase Intention among Mongolian Consumers
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