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作者:Saefuddin Robbani bin Dwi
作者(英文):Saefuddin Robbani bin Dwi
論文名稱:Third-Party Product Review and Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Product Review Video on Video-Sharing Platform
論文名稱(英文):Third-Party Product Review and Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Product Review Video on Video-Sharing Platform
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Shui-Lien Chen
Chin-Jung Luan
關鍵詞(英文):third-party product review videoimpulsive buying behaviorvideo sharing platformexpertiseproduct evaluation
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In the current year, third-party product review video in video sharing platform is growing rapidly. Refer to previous study, product review video influence consumers’ impulsive buying behavior. This study develops S-O-R to examine influence of third-party product review video on impulsive buying behavior. Indonesia is the place where this study was conducted because Indonesia has big market, many internet users, many video platform users, and big e-commerce market with good growth. The results show that expertise does not moderate third-party product review video on audiences’ perception significantly. Other results confirm product evaluation partially mediate audiences’ perception on impulsive buying behavior significantly and audiences’ perception positively affect each other significantly. This research provides a better theoretical understanding about expertise and product evaluation in context of third-party product review video and impulsive buying behavior.
Cover i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figure vi
Chapter One 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Gap 2
1.3 Significance of Study 3
Chapter Two 5
Literature Review 5
2.1 Video Sharing Platform 5
2.2 Information Quality 6
2.3 Product Rating 7
2.4 Visual Attractiveness 8
2.5 Expertise 8
2.6 Perceived Persuasiveness 9
2.7 Perceived Credibility 9
2.8 Perceived Usefulness 11
2.9 Perceived Enjoyment 12
2.10 Product Evaluation 12
2.11 Impulsive Buying Behavior 13
Chapter Three 15
Hypotheses Development 15
3.1 Reviewer factor as moderator variable 15
3.2 Relations among audiences’ perception 16
3.3 Audiences’ perception lead to product judgement 17
3.4 Audiences’ judgement lead to impulsive buying behavior 18
3.1 Research Framework 20
Chapter Four 21
Research Methodology 21
4.1 Research Methodology 21
4.2 Questionnaire Development 21
4.3 Data Collection 24
Chapter Five 26
Data Analysis and Results 26
5.1 Scale Accuracy Analysis 26
5.2 Hypotheses Analysis 30
5.2.1 Direct Effect 30
5.2.1 Mediating Effect 31
5.2.2 Moderating Effect 32
5.2.3 Segmentize Unsupported Hypothesis 32
5.2.4 Gender Segmentation 35
5.2.5 Age Segmentation 37
5.2.6 Income Segmentation 39
5.2.7 Education Segmentation 41
5.2.8 Structural Model 43
5.3 Hypothesis Testing Result 44
Chapter Six 45
Discussion 45
6.1 Results and Discussion 45
6.2 Theoretical Implications 50
6.3 Managerial Implications 50
6.4 Limitation and Future Research 51
References 53
Appendix 67
English Version 67
Bahasa Indonesia Version 70
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1. 電視廣告對於文化價值觀念之內容分析:以蒙古電視廣告為例
2. Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Products: A Case from Indonesia
3. Standalone versus Mixed Product Display and its Effect on Green Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Green Product Efficacy
4. Linkage Hedonic and Utilitarian Value Toward Green Purchase Intention Moderated by Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance Message Framing
6. 消費者購買基因改造食物的意欲的決定因素:文化及對宗教的熱誠的中介作用
7. 對新冠肺炎的懼怕及恐慌性消費:跨文化調節效應的檢驗
8. The Role of Online Food Delivery In The Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Effect Of Consumer Styles
9. The Drivers of Social Media Addiction and Its Effect on Conspicuous Consumption
10. Antecedents of Group Travel Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
11. The Impact of Ad-Evoked Personal Nostalgia on Mongolian Consumers' Emotional Brand Attachment, Product and Advertisement Attitude, and Purchase Intetion
12. The Role of Social Media Marketing in Shaping Attitude and Enrollment Intention in an Online University among Students and Working Professionals
13. The Impact of Sustainable Packaging on Consumer Satisfaction with Products, Package Quality, and Purchase Intention among Mongolian Consumers
14. The Influence of AI-Powered Labels on Consumer Decision-Making: A Study of Moderation and Mediation Models
15. The Behavioral Implications of the Representation of Women in Advertisements: The Moderating Role of Feminism
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