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作者:Teera Pongruen
作者(英文):Teera Pongruen
論文名稱:The Role of Social Media Communication on Healthcare Industry: The Moderating Effect of Global Social Media Type and Perceived Innovation Characteristics.
論文名稱(英文):The Role of Social Media Communication on Healthcare Industry: The Moderating Effect of Global Social Media Type and Perceived Innovation Characteristics.
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):social media usefulnessglobal social media typehealth information sharingprivacy riskinformation adoptionhealthcare industry
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The use of social media by consumers for health-related reasons is continuously growing. From this current phenomenon, this study aims to find out how social media communication impacts consumers’ perceptions and behaviors in the healthcare sector across global social media types, and understand the factors that influence the perceived usefulness of social media towards health information adoption. The research collected data from Thailand, which is considered as one of the most prominent healthcare systems globally with a big online market, fast-growing social media users, and high internet reachability rate. Based on the results of the study, it shows that social media plays a significant role in the healthcare industry, especially in the aspect of consumers’ health information sharing and adoption behaviors. The results confirm the direct effects of content quality and health information accuracy on consumers’ perception of social media usefulness. The moderating effect results of global social media type reveal the impacts of information privacy concern on consumers’ perceived privacy risk. The finding results confirm the moderating effects of perceived innovation characteristics between social media usefulness and health information adoption. The study will contribute to providing a better understanding of the factors that determine the success of social media communication and marketing. This research also provides the theoretical and practical implications to healthcare industry regarding to social media usefulness and potential risks associated with content sharing in the virtual communities in the context of health-related information adoption.
2.1.1 Social Media Platforms 18
2.1.2 Medical Specialties in Healthcare Sector 19
3.2.1 Consumer Ethical Perception and Content Quality 35
3.2.2 Content Quality and Perceived Usefulness of Social Media 36
3.2.3 Health Information Accuracy and Perceived Usefulness of Social Media 37
3.2.4 Health Belief and Perceived Usefulness of Social Media 38
3.2.5 Individual Health Literacy and Perceived Usefulness of Social Media. 39
3.2.6 Information Privacy Concern and Perceived Privacy Risk. 40
3.2.7 Information Sensitivity and Perceived Privacy Risk. 42
3.2.8 Perceived Usefulness of Social Media and Information Adoption. 43
3.2.9 Perceived Privacy Risk affects Perceived Usefulness of Social Media and Information Adoption. 44
3.2.10 Global Social Media Types as a Moderator 45
3.2.11 Perceived Characteristics of the Innovation as a Moderator 47
5.2.1 Hypothesis Direct Effect 63
5.2.2 Moderating Effect Hypotheses Testing Results 65
5.2.3 Multi Group Analysis 66
5.2.4 Segmentize Unsupported Hypothesis 67
5.2.5 Gender Segmentation 69
5.2.6 Age Segmentation 70
5.2.7 Structural Model 72
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