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作者(英文):Shih-Ting Hon
論文名稱(英文):A Study on Manipulative Intent and Purchase Intention in Comparative Advertising
指導教授(英文):Po-Yuan Chen
口試委員(英文):Wan-Chun Liao
Yi-Ting Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Comparative AdvertisingManipulative IntentPurchase IntentionTransaction Cost Theory
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  新創企業通常會因為新之不利(liability of newness)的特性,在創立初期容易發生資源不足、缺乏信任及對外部環境影響力較低的窘境。根據本研究在募資平台上的實務觀察,發現許多新創企業的產品都屬於以過去原有的產品基礎進行改進的改良式產品。相較於已具盛名的產品,新創團隊該如何從中在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出並成功吸引消費者的目光以獲得贊助呢?過去文獻指出比較式廣告的確可以藉由正面效果引起消費者注意,然而負面效果卻也可能隨之而來,最終比較式廣告是否能有效增加消費者的贊助意願呢?根據實務觀察亦可發現,不同廠商在製作比較式廣告時會利用不同方式展現其產品優勢,例如利用主觀或客觀方式呈現廣告內容,其中差距是否也會影響消費者對比較式廣告的感受不同呢?據此,本研究將提出三個研究問題(1)比較式廣告的負面操弄意圖感受是否較一般式廣告高?(2)比較式廣告的購買意願是否較一般式廣告高?(3)比較式廣告的呈現方式是否會影響消費者對負面操弄意圖及購買意願的感受呢?
New ventures often face the challenge of limited resources, a lack of trust, and limited influence in the external environment during their initial stages of establishment due to the characteristics associated with the liability of newness. Based on practical observations from this research on fundraising platforms, it has been observed that many start-ups offer improved products built upon existing ones. Given the competition with established products, how can start-up teams distinguish themselves and effectively capture consumers' attention to secure sponsorships? Previous literature has indicated that while comparative advertising can indeed capture consumers' attention through positive effects, it may also lead to negative consequences. Can comparative advertising effectively enhance consumers' willingness to sponsor? Furthermore, practical observations reveal that different manufacturers employ various methods to highlight the advantages of their products in comparative advertisements, ranging from subjective to objective approaches in presenting their content. Does the choice of these methods influence consumers' perceptions of comparative advertisements differently? Consequently, this study poses three research questions: (1) Is the perception of negative manipulation intentions higher in comparative advertising than in general advertising? (2) Is the purchase intention for comparative advertising higher than that for general advertising? (3) Does the presentation of comparative advertising affect consumers' perceptions of negative manipulation intentions and purchase intentions?
This study seeks to employ transaction cost theory to elucidate the impact of comparative advertising by start-ups on consumers' perceptions of negative manipulation intentions and purchase intentions. The research employs an experimental design methodology. The empirical analysis reveals that comparative advertising does not heighten consumers' perceptions of negative manipulation intentions and can effectively enhance consumers' willingness to purchase products refined by innovative teams. However, concerning the diverse content presentation methods in comparative advertisements, an objective presentation method can notably mitigate consumers' perceptions of manipulative intentions in comparative advertisements, although it does not affect purchase intentions. This study concludes with a discussion on practical contributions and offers recommendations for future research.
第一章、研究背景與動機 1
第二章、文獻探討 7
第一節、比較式廣告 7
第二節、交易成本理論 9
第三節、假說推導 11
第三章、研究方法 19
第一節、研究架構 19
第二節、研究方法 19
第三節、研究樣本 20
第四節、變數衡量 20
第五節、實驗前測 26
第四章、研究結果 31
第一節、實驗樣本 31
第二節、操弄性檢定 32
第三節、分析結果 34
第四節、實證結果 35
第五節、假說整理 36
第五章、討論與限制 39
第一節、結論 39
第二節、理論貢獻 40
第三節、實務貢獻 41
第四節、研究限制與未來發展 42
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