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作者(英文):Hung-Ming Pan
論文名稱(英文):A study on the survival strategies of organization in an extremely uncertain environment: The case of Hualien accommodation industry during COVID-19
指導教授(英文):Kuo-Pin Yang
口試委員(英文):Yu-Jen Chiu
Po-Yuan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):COVID-19organizational inertiapricing strategyonline reputationtravel subsidy
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COVID-19 began to spread globally in the end of 2019. Since then, most countries have activated strict border controls and restricted the movement of citizens, causing severe impacts on business activities and global economy. One of the industries that have been mostly affected by this pandemic is, obviously, the tourism and leisure industry. Facing such an extremely uncertain environment, firms in this industry struggle to survive from this crisis. With this background, this study aims to investigate how organizational rigidity and agility affect the chances of survival of homestays and hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the effective strategies that mitigate the influences of organizational rigidity. Accordingly, this study categorizes organizational rigidity into three patterns, namely the resource rigidity, normative rigidity, and historical rigidity, and examines their impacts on firms’ competitiveness in pursuing subsidies from the government. Furthermore, this study examines whether the pricing strategy, online reputation, and social network can mitigate the survival threats of organizational rigidity.

Using the sample of 1,702 homestays and hotels at Hualien county, a prominent area of tourism in Taiwan, this study collected data from the database that documents the records of application for subsidies in a national travel subsidy program “Safe Travel” in the summer of 2020. The empirical results show that all three patterns of organizational rigidity are negatively associated with the granted amounts of subsidies. In addition, a premium pricing strategy strengthens the negative relationship between resource rigidity and subsidies granted, whereas it weakens the negative relationship between normative rigidity and subsidies granted. Meanwhile, online reputation weakens both the negative relationships between normative rigidity and subsidies granted and between historical rigidity and subsidies granted. This study corroborates the adverse effects of organizational rigidity on organizational outcomes in competing for the survival resources during an extremely uncertain period. Moreover, it also explores the effective strategies for firms to manage the crisis with respect to organizational rigidity. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications of the study are discussed.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究架構與流程 8
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 極端環境不確定性 11
第二節 理論觀點 12
第三節 在極端環境不確定下之風險管理策略 22
第四節 臺灣旅宿業沿革與補貼政策 25
第五節 假說推論 30
第參章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究架構、樣本與資料來源 41
第二節 研究變數與衡量 44
第三節 因素分析結果 50
第肆章 實證結果 53
第一節 敘述統計 53
第二節 迴歸分析與假說檢定結果 57
第三節 統計分析結果討論 69
第伍章 研究結論與建議 73
第一節 研究結果 73
第二節 理論貢獻與管理意涵 75
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 77
參考文獻 79

圖 1-1 花蓮縣民宿歷年家數異動 2
圖 1-2 研究流程圖 9
圖 2-1 臺灣旅館發展歷程圖 27
圖 2-2 臺灣民宿發展歷程圖 28
圖 3-1研究架構圖 41
圖 4-1 最低定價對資源僵固不利生存性之調節作用 61
圖 4-2 最高定價對資源僵固不利生存性之調節作用 61
圖 4-3 最低定價對規範僵固不利生存性之調節作用 65
圖 4-4 最高定價對規範僵固不利生存性之調節作用 65
圖 4-5 Google網路評價對規範僵固不利生存性之調節作用 66
圖 4-6 Google網路評價對歷史僵固不利生存性之調節作用 69

表 2-1 COVID-19及文獻提出的恢復解決方案 23
表 3-1 旅遊補助一覽表 43
表 3-2 各變數衡量說明 49
表 3-3 因素分析結果表 50
表 3-4 因素變數表 50
表 4-1 花蓮縣旅宿產業分佈表 53
表 4-2 變數平均數、標準差及相關係數 56
表 4-3 迴歸分析結果:組織僵固效果 58
表 4-4 迴歸分析結果:資源僵固及其調節效果 60
表 4-5 迴歸分析結果:規範僵固及其調節效果 64
表 4-6 迴歸分析結果:歷史僵固及其調節效果 68
表 5-1 研究假說與實證結果彙整表 74

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