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作者(英文):Hong-Liang Zhang
論文名稱(英文):Deep Learning Based Vector Quantization For Image Compression
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ming Chen
口試委員(英文):Yao-Chung Chang
Wei-Che Chien
關鍵詞(英文):Image CompressionVector QuantizationCodebookDeep Learning
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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In this era of information explosion, countless pictures are being transmitted every second, and image compression plays an important role in the face of these pictures that require a lot of storage space and network transmission. Vector quantization is one of the methods of image compression with high compression ratio and distortion compression, and the codebook in its structure plays an important part in the quality of the restored images. Increasing the number of codebooks and coding vectors can effectively improve the quality of the restored images, but it also increases the space required for compression, resulting in a lower compression ratio. Most of the vector quantization literature is devoted to improving the training algorithm of codebooks or for data hiding.
In recent years, the rise of deep learning has expanded to a wide range of applications in various fields. However, there are many applications of combining deep learning with vector quantization, such as for generative models or neural network compression, and the experimental results in the literature have yielded good results.
Therefore, this study proposes a vector quantization framework combined with a deep learning classification model to create a large number of grouped codebooks through image classification to improve the quality of the compressed images. However, the grouped codebooks will increase the information passed to the decompression side, so this study further guesses the image classification with a deep learning model to achieve a better compression ratio by reducing the information passed to the decompression side.
第一章 緒論   1
1.1研究背景與動機   1
1.2研究目的   2
第二章 文獻探討   5
2.1 影像壓縮   5
2.1.1無失真壓縮(Lossless Compression)   5
2.1.2 失真壓縮(Lossy Compression)   6
2.2 向量量化(Vector Quantization, VQ)   6
2.2.1 編碼簿(Codebook)   9
2.2.2 LBG演算法(Linde-Buzo-Gray)   10
2.3 影像分析(Image Analysis)   11
2.3.1直方圖(Histogram)   11
2.3.2影像變異數   12
2.3.3 Canny邊緣偵測   13
2.4 深度學習(Deep Learning)   14
2.4.1卷積神經網路(CNN)   14
2.4.2 ResNet   15
2.5 向量量化結合深度學習   16
2.6 影像壓縮之評估   16
2.6.1 峰值訊噪比(Peak signal-to-noise ratio, PSNR)   17
2.6.2 結構相似性(Structural similarity, SSIM)   18
2.7 技術總結   19
第三章 研究方法   21
3.1 資料集   21
3.2 編碼簿設計   21
3.2.1 分群   23
3.2.2 分類   25
3.2.3 編碼簿設計總結   25
3.3 向量量化結合深度學習   26
3.3.1 壓縮   27
3.3.2 解壓縮   28
3.3.3 ResNet   30
3.4 向量量化結合深度學習架構流程圖   31
3.5 影像壓縮指標   33
第四章 實驗結果   35
4.1 實驗環境   35
4.1.1硬體環境   35
4.1.2軟體環境   35
4.2實驗結果   35
4.2.1灰階直方圖和變異數分群分類之結果   36
4.2.2灰階直方圖和Canny邊緣偵測分群分類之結果   38
4.2.3增加灰階直方圖和變異數分群分類之結果   40
4.3實驗結果討論   42
4.3.1變異數與Canny邊緣偵測方式結果之比較   42
4.3.2以直方圖和變異數方式分出16群和32群編碼簿結果之比較   43
4.3.3壓縮比(Compression ratio)   44
第五章 結論與未來展望   47
參考文獻   49
中文文獻   49
英文文獻   49

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