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作者(英文):Wei-Bin Hsu
論文名稱(英文):A sequential skeleton pose prediction method based on ST-GCN
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ming Chen
口試委員(英文):Yao-Chung Chang
Wei-Che Chien
關鍵詞(英文):Graph Neural NetworkGraph Convolutional Neural NetworkHuman posture prediction
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隨著人口結構與經濟型態的變化,獨居人士比例將逐漸提高,根據政府統計,跌倒致死佔意外事故傷害死亡有很高的比例,發生跌倒等意外時如何在第一時間即時通報協助救護人員能夠更及時的抵達是非常至關重要的。而除了預測跌倒意外, 也可應用於各項情境,如在工地操作機具出現不當操作致使可能的意外即將發生時,即能立即警示人們可能會有危險必須立即停止該危險動作,抑或是嬰兒睡覺時經常會無意識翻身,萬一父母沒注意到可能就會因為掩蓋住口鼻無法呼吸導致意外的發生。
Recently, due to the dramatic increase in computing power, there has been a large number of novel deep learning algorithms, which are often applied in areas such as image recognition and natural language processing. Among them, human posture recognition is also an important research, both domestic and foreign. One of the reasons is that CNNs are often used in the field of image recognition to obtain image features. However, it is more useful to use GNNs for human postures. In this article, we use STGCN to obtain historical information about people to predict future postures through GRU.
With the change of demographic structure and economic patterns, more and more people are living alone. According to government statistics, falls are the main cause of accidental deaths. Therefore, it is important to notify the ambulance crew in the first instance when an accident such as a fall occurs, so that they can arrive in a more timely manner.
In addition to predicting falls, future posture prediction can also be used in various situations, such as when a construction site machine is not operating properly, which can immediately warn people of a possible accident; or when a baby is sleeping and often turns over unconsciously, if the parents do not notice, the accident may occur because the mouth and nose are covered and cannot breathe.
Thanks to technological advances, people are able to use new technologies to help humans deal with unsolvable problems. The above situations could be prevented if they were handled or warned in a more timely manner.
中文摘要   i
Abstract   ii
目錄   iii
圖目錄   v
表目錄   vii
第1章. 緒論   1
1.1. 研究背景   1
1.2. 研究動機   1
1.3. 研究目的   3
第2章. 文獻探討   4
2.1. NN(Neural Network)   4
2.2. CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)   5
2.2.1. Convolution Layer   5
2.2.2. Pooling Layer   6
2.3. VGG Net   7
2.4. RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)   8
2.5. LSTM (Long Short-term Memory)   8
2.6. ConvLSTM (Convolutional LSTM)   10
2.7. GCN (Graph Convolutional Network)   10
2.8. 2D人體姿勢轉換成3D人體姿勢   11
2.9. Seq2Seq   13
2.10. Residual supervised   13
第3章. 研究方法   15
3.1. 問題定義   15
3.2. 系統架構   15
3.3. ST-GCN   16
3.4. Decoder   19
第4章. 實驗設計與結果   21
4.1. 資料集   21
4.2. 評估指標   23
4.3. 實驗環境及設置   23
4.4. 實驗結果   24
4.4.1. 預測未來姿勢   24
4.4.2. 分類   31
第5章. 結論與未來展望   39
參考文獻   40
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