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作者(英文):Yi-Ting Sung
論文名稱(英文):The Relationship Between Taiwanese People's Investment Participation,Investment Ratio And Personal Background
指導教授(英文):Jin-Ray Lu
口試委員(英文):Yi-Long Hsiao
Shih-Yu Shen
關鍵詞(英文):Investment IntentionFinancial PlanningDemographicsBinary Regression Method
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2019 年底新型冠肺炎(COVID-19)爆發,病毒散佈全球,新型冠狀病毒造成全球恐慌,也導致全球經濟情況下降,經濟引發的社會問題油然而生,再加上銀行定存率長期停留於低水位,造成客戶的實質利率下降,促使銀行的客戶紛紛將資金由定存移出至財富管理商品,進一步追求較高的報酬,理財的方式也更加多元化,這也體現出投資金融商品逐漸人重視。本研究主旨探討臺灣民眾的投資參與率和投資金融商品金額與月收入比率兩項應變數與自身不同背景之關聯性,以及影響投資比率的變數。

The outbreak of the coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) at the end of 2019, the virus spread around the world, and the coronavirus caused global panic, which also led to a decline in the global economic situation, and social problems caused by the economy. The water level has caused the real interest rate of customers to drop, prompting bank customers to move their funds from time deposits to wealth management products, further pursuing higher returns, and more diversified financial management methods, which also reflects that investment in financial products is gradually becoming popular. attach great importance to. The main purpose of this research is to explore the correlation between Taiwanese people's investment participation rate and the ratio of investment in financial products to monthly income and their different backgrounds, as well as the variables that affect the investment ratio.
This study uses employment, gender, marital type, age, education level, total annual household income, housing holdings, debt, and debt to monthly income ratio as independent variables to explore the relationship between investment participation rate and investment. The relationship between the amount of financial products and the ratio of monthly income, the research results show that when people's total income increases, their willingness to invest will increase, and they will spend more of their income on investment, whether there is debt at the same time and high income. It is most related to the investment participation rate of lowincome groups, both of which have a significant negative relationship,which means that the subjects of the two groups will have the greatest willingness to invest in financial products in the absence of debt.

一、 緒論 1
1-1 前言與研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究範圍 4
1-4 研究流程 5
二、 文獻探討 7
2-1 投資的重要性 7
2-2 理財素養 9
2-3 投資理財意願 13
2-4 投資理財規劃之研究 16
2-5 投資行為 17
2-6 本章研究小結 18
三、 研究方法 19
3-1 研究架構 20
3-2 研究假說 21
3-3 研究工具 22
四、 研究結果 31
4-1 人口統計變項之分析 31
4-2 敘述性統計分析 32
4-3 單變量分析 35
4-4 迴歸分析 36
五、 結論 61
5-1 結論 61
5-2 研究限制與未來研究 62
六、 參考文獻 64
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