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作者:Dong Hai Ly
作者(英文):Dong Hai Ly
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh (Frank) Chen
口試委員(英文):Juhwen Hwang
Feng-Ming Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):logistics service providers (LSPs)decision-makingFuzzy AHP
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It is critical for decision makers in today's competitive corporate environment to have access to decision support tools in order to make rapid, correct, and accurate judgments. The selection of logistics service providers is one of these decisionmaking areas. The selection of a logistics service provider is a multi-criteria decision-making process that involves balancing competing objectives such as quality, cost, and delivery time. This would be a complicated and time-consuming operation if it is not supported by a system.
Despite the fact that the term "logistics service provider selection" is frequently used in the literature, and various approaches and models have been developed to assist decision makers, little attempts have been made to construct a system based on any of these methods.
In this thesis, a decision support system for logistics service provider selection is developed, which is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique, which is often used for multi-criteria decision-making issues. Because fuzzy concepts and the use of empirical data are thought to increase the capabilities of any modeling technique, including them into a model will result in a more powerful system. A case study at an example firm was done to validate the choice of the Fuzzy AHP model as well as the conceptual design of the logistics service provider selection decision support system.
As a result, this study uses a FAHP approach to identify the factors that have an impact on the capacity of Vietnam's logistics firms while also examining the results in relation to those aspects. By doing this, domestic businesses may operate more effectively while also being more competitive.
ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS ........................................................ II
FIGURES CATALOGUE...........................................................V
TABLES CATALOGUE........................................................... VI
I. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................1
1.1 Background.............................................................1
1.2 Research Objective.....................................................2
1.3 Research framework.....................................................3
1.4 Research Scope.........................................................4
1.5 Organization .........................................................5
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................7
2.1 Relevant Logistics theories ...........................................7
2.1.1 Logistics definitions.................................................7
2.1.2 Main type of Logistics services ......................................9
2.1.3 Logistics classifications ...........................................10
2.2 Overview of Vietnam’s logistics industry...............................12
2.2.1 Transportation .......................................................12
2.2.2 Forwarding ...........................................................12
2.2.3 Warehousing ..........................................................13
2.3 Impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on Vietnam’s logistics industry............14
2.3.1 Impact on import and export..........................................14
2.3.2 Impact on transport activities.......................................15
2.3.3 The impact on labor and employment-cuts..............................15
2.4 Evaluation system of the logistics supplier selection..................17
2.4.1 Tangibility and Technology...........................................17
2.4.2 Capabilities.........................................................19
2.4.3 Price................................................................21
2.4.4 Brand image ........................................................22
2.4.5 Development potential ...............................................22
III. METHODLOGY ...........................................................25
3.1 Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (AHP)..............................25
3.2 Fuzzy number ...........................................................28
3.3 Triangle fuzzy number (TFN) ...........................................28
3.4 Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (FAHP).......................30
3.5 Structuring Selection Model............................................33
3.6 Data collection and Questionnaire design...............................34
3.7 Integration of decision-makers' responds and data input.............35
3.7.1 The fuzzy evaluation matrix with second level-indicator..............35
3.7.2 Evaluation of second-level indicators regard to “Tangibility Technology” (C1) ...40
3.7.3 Evaluation of second-level indicators regard to “Capabilities” (C2) ...41
3.7.4 Evaluation of second-level indicators regard to “Price” (C3) ..............43
3.7.5 Evaluation of second-level indicators regard to “Brand image” (C4)..44
3.7.6 Evaluation of second-level indicators regard to “Development potential
(B2B)” (C5) ..............................................................45
IV. RESULTS ...............................................................47
V. CONCLUSION .............................................................51
5.1 Discussion.............................................................51
5.2 Recommendation and Future work.........................................52
5.3 Suggest Strategies in Future ........................................53
REFRENCES .................................................................55
APPENDIX .................................................................58
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