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作者(英文):Yu-Chun Lin
論文名稱(英文):Incorporating a Distribution Data Analysis into the Planned Liquefied Petroleum Gas Delivery: A Case Study in North Hualien
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Ming-Ying Lu
Kang-Ting Ma
關鍵詞(英文):planned distributionLPG distributionvendor managed inventoryinventory routetraveling salesman problem
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本文研究液化石油氣輸配送的計畫配送模式,是一種供應商庫存管理(Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)的案例,由供應商管理客戶的庫存補給,依據客戶需求與供應鏈政策做出相應補貨策略,藉此規劃具效益的配送模式,節省分銷成本。而存貨途程問題(Inventory Route Problem, IRP)是執行供應商庫存管理時的核心概念,可視為存貨管理與車輛途程問題的結合。其中,補貨時機、補充數量以及配送路徑三個重要決策相互影響,使問題考量面向較為複雜。
因此,本研究透過實證案例分析,提出啟發式方法能有效減少瓦斯輸配送次數。在小案例中減少配送次數達 13%,在大案例中減少配送次數達 17%。另一方面,本研究所提出的啟發式方法能有效減少瓦斯輸配送里程,在大案例中減少配送里程達 10%。顯示經由規則化建立之輸配送方法,將有助於改善傳統的輸配送效率,提供產業改變交易配送型態的參考。

Due to its vast area, sparse population, and frequent earthquakes, Hualien is not suitable for natural gas pipeline distribution. Currently, it heavily relies on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in steel cylinders as the primary source of heat. However, the narrow north-south geography and dispersed user locations pose challenges for LPG suppliers in improving distribution efficiency and reducing operational costs. These challenges are critical not only for ensuring stable gas supply to users but also for the survival of the industry.

Therefore, this study is based on data analysis provided by LPG suppliers involved in the planned distribution of the northern region of Hualien. It establishes a three-stage inventory routing model to optimize distribution, with a primary focus on meeting uninterrupted gas supply demands from customers while considering the dual evaluation criteria of optimizing supplier's distribution efficiency. The study aims to restructure the distribution model of planned distribution service providers, enhance supplier's distribution efficiency, and highlight the importance of the planned distribution model during the industry's transformation phase.

This study focuses on the planned distribution model for LPG transportation, a case of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). VMI allows suppliers to manage customer inventory replenishment based on demand and supply chain policies, enabling the development of efficient distribution models and cost savings. The Inventory Route Problem (IRP) combines inventory management and vehicle routing, posing challenges due to the interplay between replenishment timing, quantity, and delivery routes.

Through empirical analysis, this study proposes a heuristic approach that reduces gas transportation trips by 13% in small-scale cases and 17% in large-scale cases. Additionally, the approach achieves a 10% reduction in delivery mileage. These results highlight the potential of a rule-based transportation method to enhance traditional efficiency and guide industry transformation.

Keywords: planned distribution, LPG distribution, Vendor Managed Inventory, inventory route, traveling salesman problem
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 6
第三節 研究範圍 9
第四節 研究架構與流程 9
第二章 文獻回顧 13
第一節 國內外液化石油氣產業現況與配送模式概述 13
第二節 供應商庫存管理 20
第三節 存貨途程問題 22
第四節 旅行銷售員問題 25
第五節 小結 26
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 描述與定義研究問題 29
第二節 說明與分析研究資料 30
第三節 基本假設與限制 35
第四節 模型建立及求解過程 35
第四章 案例分析 41
第一節 計算原始配送值 41
第二節 小樣本案例測試 42
第三節 不同情境模型計算結果 48
第四節 比較差異 53
第五節 預測未來需求量 55
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 結論 61
第二節 管理意涵 62
第三節 後續研究 62

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